Writing a great and quality articles is no longer a choice but a must at read.cash, since it is made known that read.cash needs quality articles and not quantity. This means that the numbers of published articles on read.cash will reduced drastically. And moreso, the communities moderators has been charged to be thorough in their moderation job. This leaves the average writers on this platform dumbfounded, however we all need to rise up to the challenge.
In response to the above scenerio i published an article on WHY WE NEED TO PRODUCE QUALITY ARTICLES ON READ.CASH as in the link here https://read.cash/@Fexodine1/why-you-need-to-produce-quality-articles-on-readcash-abb29f85 which sparkles a lot of reactions and useful comments from readers. Most who commented said they were going to produce quality article henceforth. But what really makes a quality articles? What are the necessary guidelines to producing a great article? These questions are what this article tends to provide answers.
Make original content
The content of your article must be original, this means it must be your own thoughts and reasoning. An explanation of the subject based on your understanding and view about the subject of your article. The topic may be similar or available somewhere but your content must not be. You can do a research to source for information on your topic, that's doesn't go against the rules. But you must not plagiarize. Original content helps read.cash gets more exposure on Google search engine, and of course the writer. If you don't have anything to say don't write.
Mind your topic
Create strong headlines for your topics. A good headlines sparks interest and invite readers. What you must know is that 80% of people read your headlines (topics), only 20% will read the rest of the content. This is why your topics must be carefully selected or created to attract readers attention.
Make your articles autionable
By being untionable it means sellable. Let your articles be something that your audience are willing to pay for. After all that what the business is all about (content marketing), you are offering something useful to your audience which must be valuable to them. Therefore include in your articles tips or how to apply what you are offering.
Your articles should be able to provide answers or solutions to problems
Articles are not just to tell a story, but to provide useful information and guidance to the readers. Ask yourself why do people use search engine? You probably knows the answer already. Therefore make your articles smart and pointedly so people can quickly pick up the juicy and important points.
Be accurate as much as you can
Build trust with readers by providing accurate information. Your source of information and links provided to support your article must be accurate and up to date. You need to provide valid and adequate link to support your information. This helps to earn more trust from your readers.
Use images and illustrations
Images on an article helps create more understanding of what you are sharing. Graphical illustrations add dept to your articles by showing to your readers what will happen by the action you are proposing on your article. Images gives readers visual break.
Let your articles be engaging
Create engaging thought provoking content that will make your readers get back to you. Engagement is needful for any quality article. If your article sparkles flurry of comments read.cash will notice that your article is important and being updated regularly through the comments and feedback. And you know what that means to you as the author. To create engaging content use these tips.. * leave readers with questions, * make your introduction great,* add story to illustrate your points where necessary.
Finally before you submit your article make sure you read it all over again to remove errors and fluff. Good luck.
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