Let me celebrate.

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Avatar for Ellawrites
2 years ago

This month hasn't really been a great one for me, infact depression has feasted alot on my skin, and ate to its fill this month.

Sometimes I'll just feel so sad and bad.

Whenever I remember some things, I'll suddenly become too sad, tired and stressed to engage on this platform. Most times I'm hardly ever inspired to write; especially in times when I remember my troubles.

My engagements here on this platform has been so poor and totally poor in this month.

At times, I might actually be inspired to draft an article, but because I haven't tipped and engaged on other people's articles, it becomes hard to actually hit the publish button, and also, if I don't have enough in my wallet, it becomes hard to engage on other people's articles, because apart from the fact that I'll read and comment, I'll also love to tip all the articles I engage in.

For me though, this month has been a little bit sour and sweet.

Well, enough of my gloomy rants, let's talk about the bloomy part.

As my Pastor would say;

June for Joy;

Joy for June.

Apart from the my sad episodes, I still have few things to be grateful for.

First of:

I'm grateful for the gift of life.

When there's life, there's hope. So I can't be more appreciative enough.

Thank God for the gift of life and fresh air.

I titled this article as: "let me celebrate," because I feel the need to celebrate my little wins.

Though I lost quite a number of sponsors this month, and I haven't been able to renew my sponsorship to some awesome users. I'm still very much grateful to these beautiful faces displaying on my sponsor's block.

And to those awesome users; which I haven't renewed my sponsorship to, I'm deeply sorry, I promise to renew most of it before this week runs out.

Sponsors of Ellawrites

I love and appreciate you all; dearest sponsors. Thanks for your constant and loving show of support.

I also want to use this medium to appreciate @Talecharm for her awesome renewal of sponsorship. Thanks alot Charm, I truly appreciate this.

While typing this, I got a notification that @VinceCharlie had also renewed his sponsorship, thanks alot dear, I truly appreciate this.

And lastly:

This month makes it my fourth month of being on this platform, though it'll be five months soon.

But either ways, I'm earnestly grateful to all my sponsors, subscribers, likers, tippers and commentators. Thanks alot, and I truly appreciate your support.

To the main reason as to why I'm actually celebrating. I'm glad and so glad to see that I've actually reached up to 200subscribers on this great platform.

Seeing this in the morning; filled my heart with so much joy. A good news to finally cheer me on and it's all thanks to you all, I'm deeply and immensely grateful for this. Despite my lack of consistency in this month. This actually brought smiles to my face, atleast one good thing has happened to me in this month.

To Everyone:

Thanks alot, I deeply and truly appreciate this.

Please I'll surely attend to the awesome comments on my previous article; which was posted three days ago.

But for the fact that I haven't posted since three days now, I would have slated this article for tomorrow. I'm presently feeling really sleepy.

I'll surely engage in as many articles as I can; tomorrow. Do indulge me this once.

Till we meet again in my next article and in yours.

Thanks for reading.

$ 0.34
$ 0.05 from @tired_momma
$ 0.05 from @Olasquare
$ 0.04 from @Bilqees
+ 8
Sponsors of Ellawrites
Avatar for Ellawrites
2 years ago


Little wins are also a step or stage to our main victory, so we need to always feel the need to celebrate our self. I can relate to ur article a little bit because this a month a bit sour and sweet for me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Celebrating the things that make us happy is the most important thing in our lives, but a lot of people forget about it. Ha ha ha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lets just enjoy sis,I know sometimes we feel terrible but life must go on and continue being grateful and smile

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations Ella and if this is any consolation you arenโ€™t the only one that this month have given a fair share of bitter taste.. we are actually many ๐Ÿ˜‚ but the good thing is there is life and so there is hope

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations for 200 followes dear. don't be sad everything will be fine

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Celebrate little wins is something good because little wins could be good wins

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dear Ella, just cheer up from everything that saddens and cause you depression, you will surely be fine at the end and congratulations to you on your readcash achievements

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations dear... There's no doubt you would go far here. Everyone loves you ๐Ÿ˜

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear Ella, I am sorry to see your sadness and depression my dear. By celebrating our little wins and the blessing of our life we can appreciate our life more. Keep it up your good work dear, we are always here by your side...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Small wins is already a success.๐Ÿฅณ

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww, my dear Ella , don't feel down, be strong, anytime you need an encouraging word, I'm a DM away, also I can see you're catching up to meet me. Opor fun warisi

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congrats, dear Elle. It's my fourth Month here too. However, my recent activity has been on the low, but Improvement is sure to come soonest. Happy Month-versary to us both once again. :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

unpleasant things will always provide lessons and upbringing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Please, get well soon. Don't stress yourself too much we need you here

$ 0.00
2 years ago