Upon all your struggles, difficulties, hardship, promise and fail, hardwork for nothing, loss and well inability to pay loans , there will be A Brighter Day
Hello Everyone, it's Dangerous_Fly, I present to you a wack yet needful article . So please stay tuned .
In preparation for this article, I brought a first article captioned , "Patience" .If you haven't read it , you can read it here.
Let's dive in.
A brighter day we are talking about is not a day that the sun will shine or scorch too much or something but it is a day all hopes have being met, a day all dreams have come into reality, all needs are provided as well as all efforts productive .
Where is the topic from??
I got the inspiration from my favorite rapper, Sarkodie's song titled "Hope"
So what is this day that all hopes are met and how does it happen??
As already said this day is when all problems are solved, situations changed for it's good as well as ideas established.. Some major question that we will have to ask then are, Is This Day Automatic?? Is It Automatic To Happen In Everyone's life?? How Will It Happen If It Is Not Automatic??
The answers to the first and second questions is no. It is never automatic for this to happen and it requires various practices and qualities to be able to get or reach this day.. Let's look at these then
Goals must be set: For that day to come into reality, the first must be what you wish should come into reality. You have to get what you wish should come into reality first before it can be accomplished..
Start working towards it : After you have completed putting your aims together , start to work on it. Remember , nothing moves without starting it. It continue to be at rest unless an external force acts on it. This force is what should be the starting ability/force ..
Hardwork and determination : Now comes the time for hardwork , work harder , be determined to get what you want and take each step as one to success. Do not back off and procastinate always because by so doing your wishes can never be met.
Push harder: What if upon all the hardwork still things are not working out?? You have tried various means but still to no avail. You might say I have tried my best but still to no avail. What if your best is not enough?? What if it can't just be enough to get you what you want? Then you have to push harder, go to various places to learn more about what you want to do, ask a lot of people about it and seek for more information from experts as well as advice and support, read more books about it and as well browse the web.
Reach out for opportunities : Here you take all advantages and opportunities without worrying much about scam. Some might require investment while others won't but I advice you stand up and go in for all even though it might cost. Such opportunities might lead you to your destination..
Patience: After taking such risks, it might turn out to become a good or bad decision, the training or purpose won't be effective or something might happen that is not in accordance with what you want to do , so therefore what you will have to do is keep calm and continue doing the above activities. Keep.up the pace and relax, don't talk about it a scam or something until it proves to be and also if it proves to be one, stay calm and continue but that doesn't mean you should no go in for more opportunities..
Don't quit : The automatic qualification to failure is quitting. Your wishes with never be fulfilled when you quit. All hopes will be lost and shatter immediately you quit from the plan . I love these saying that ,"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling , but in rising up everytime you fall", also in "The greatest thing you will have to recognize is that, if you fail , start over and with this you don't start as a dump but with experience".
The above are my compilation of how the brighter day will be possible.
Meet me at the comment section with your ideas and first 4 people to mention me in their comments get $0.01 each. Thank you.
The Brighter Day is what we all are waiting for,it is a day of joy and happiness . And on this day all struggles and hardship will come to a complete end when we still continue with our hardwork and dedication.
Thank you again . It's Dangerous_Fly once again, Bring It On!!!
Wow just amazing writing skill.. To bring the Brighter day we have to set up some plan and work hard to fulfil our goal.thank you for your useful article. Always i like your article because all your article are so informative. Keep it up.