A Journey Of Thousand Miles Begins With A very First Step...

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We were so keen at travelling from our place to the ceremony where there was total enjoyment. We prepared for a very long time with each one appearing in his or her best dress since we were all trying to impress one another. But unfortunately , when we reached where the ceremony was supposed to take place,we had a notice that the ceremony has been postponed causing a sense of frustration as we travelled back home.

That was just by the way.

Hello everyone, It's Dangerous_Fly once again. Please subscribe if you haven't and leave a like or comment if you want to.

A journey of thousand miles begins with a very first step is a representation of the start of everything. It simply suggest that in life, nothing is bound to happen if it is not initiated or started.

To always make a wish come through the wish must be initiated. To win a race you must first of all be present and ready to set off.

All aims, hopes, goals, wishes , aspirations or whatever one may call it, can never be fulfilled when it is not initiated . The kickoff is what causes everything to begin if we don't get ready to initiate the course of the aim , never will It be accomplished.

One will say I want to buy a car but that doesn't happen . Can you just be there for the car to come from where ever it is to where you are? No , it can't, perhaps a series of activities must take place before the car can end up at where you are of which with all these series of activities , there is the starting point or the start.

There can't be an accomplishment of one's wish If he or she doesn't start to make it come true.

  • There is no way one can harvest a crop on his / her farmland if he or she doesn't cultivate.

  • You can't also be able to catch fishes from the sea if you stay at home.

  • Neither can you get money from a store that hasn't been launched or opened

These are all illustrations to show or disprove the fact of people who always result to saying their wishes will come true and have hopes that they will make it but do not make any options to start.

I have seen a whole lot of people who have made it an anthem saying , "for me I will make it in life no matter the cost" but they never wake up from their slumber to go out and look for a job, take part in any work or what not but they are always seen smoking weed , drinking and doing all other things that are not of help to them but they still continue singing the same anthem when I keep asking them .

In all things we wish to accomplish, we should always make the beginning, start making efforts towards it and it shouldn't just end there it should be pushed . But the most important thing is it's initiation..

A Journey Of 1000 Miles begins with a very first simply suggests why the need to make yourself ready to take or walk through difficulties to make your aims come true and it represents that very first thing you do.

  • To become a doctor in the future , it represents you getting into school.

  • To become a businessman , it represents the set of business you start up

And none of our wishes can come through without it's initiation. I decide to also add this, how the first step is taken also guarantees success.

A group of people all seeking for the best , the trophy he who doesn't work hard will not be recognized..Only few of them are recognized fter the race and these are those who put in more efforts

Remember wishes are not only for a person but for all and anyone who works hard for it no matter the cost seems to be always the one who makes it happen leaving those l who doesn't work hard for it only to waste their time as they might be recognized.

Imagine immediately after setting up a store , you don't go to open it in the morning, you only open it for a few hours and close or you open it only at night while it is supposed to be opened for a longer period. Such an attitude is always not a good one and can make the journey unsuccessful. .These attitudes leads us to a fall out in the race and that can't make you the winner while others open their store from morning till evening and sell almost the same thing as yours.

Right after the whistle was blown for you to start the race , you feel down . Such an occurrence can always be really bad and you might not be able to complete the race successfully so is this .

If you decide to cut of your work from how it was planned due to some influences or our personal reasons it is more likely to fail hence the need to do continue from there .

You really want to cultivate a crop

  • You work to secure the farmland.

  • You cleaf the land if it is weedy .

  • Wait for it rain or whatever , then you sow your seed .

  • Practice various farm practices until it becomes fully grown


It is so simple , one step leads to the next and the other leads to the other but to me the most important is the first step and also it is tyeist difficult for me because that is the period you weigh all the pros and cons of you want to achieve and put it into and mostly the most rare occurrence in all steps.

And then the finishing point. This is where you harvest the fruit of your labour if you worked harder or suffer loss.

Without much ado, I say in all aims we want to accomplish, we have to always prepare ourselves, take the first step (initiate the process) and continue through series of activities to make it a success.

Thank you all for stopping by. It's Dangerous_Fly once again,Bring It On!!!

$ 6.73
$ 6.45 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.27 from @Telesfor
$ 0.01 from @dhona019


Good one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yup if you want to achieved or want to have your dreams, its really a long way to be fully successful and you need to give your dedication and time for this to come true,,You will go through many hardships, problems and failures before you can overcome and achieve your dreams

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Success is not an easy task it requires alot of sacrifices for you to be successful. Nice article thanks for sharing with us

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Work hard then you succeeded

$ 0.00
3 years ago

struggle needed to hard work achieve goal. u carry on brother, and please support & care me!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Our life is full of struggles but we need to keep going to achieve our goal. a proverb says "The work is in man , mercy is in god" So God is always with us no matter what decision we take ..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Life is all about a race,we have to run on our lanes and at our own speed trying to run beyond our maximum speed can make us fall and topple over. We need to apply just enough speed to reach the finish line,no matter which position we take let us be grateful because it could have been worse.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

plzz beck like

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Every step that a journey begins in your life

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I thought of something to say but as I go through till the end there's nothing left to say as you mentioned everything there is..and this is whAt stressed me the most because plans were only plans,I feel disappointed at the end becAuse it was never put to action house renovation for example.. Its the same way with dreams remain as it is until you get up of your bed and act on it

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Whatever it is that we want to achieve in life, whatever goals we want to accomplish not only for ourselves for the benefit of our family and community it has to begin somewhere. For a lot of people the first step is always the most difficult. Its that first big step into the unknown. Whatever it is you are aiming for its always unknown territory. Lots of mental blocks make it difficult to take that first step. Achieving your goals should be challenging and at times it can seem overwhelming. But if you take it a step at a time it does not feel so daunting. Success was not achieved in one giant step but in lots of tiny steps in the right direction. In my experience doing something everyday towards your goals is the key.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well done dear, this really reminded me of a winners quote that says . You must listen before you can hear, hear before you can learn, learn before you can practice, practice before you can serve and you must serve before you can lead,, so in every thing in life we must begin from the starting point thank you so much

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice writing. Everyone subscribe me please.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are right...we will get what we do ..so we have to keep in mind that what we should do and what not.your every articles are awasome with inner meaningful words and also motivational and reality based.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

well said,taking first step in life is always diffficult,but to get soemthing in life one have to take bold step,its not easy job to fulfill dreams without working hard,

$ 0.00
4 years ago

First step is very important to look up to. Never make a mistake in first step if not so one we run down.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

We can achieve our goals if we begin with what we aspire to have ..just start and trust the process then we can achieve our goals

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The most difficult thing is to get started When you start doing a little towards your task actually you are going near to your target

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well, you all stated it completely. Big things come from a small beginning as they say. You don't eat if you don't feed yourself and you can't feed yourself if you don't exert an effort to find food and work for your living.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

beautiful writing

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Carefully maintain your self

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ground up Charlie. I really liked your article bro. Keep it up bro

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah well said In life if you don't take that first step, youre bound to remain at the same spot for along while We all know that change is constant and if someone refuses to move with change, the person is bound to suffer.

No one archives His or her dream by just sitting around and doing nothing, It's okay to dream, it's okay to make plans , it's okay to have Wonderful imaginations

But if you don't take a step towards achieving them, then everything you imagined would just be a waste

So I'll join words with you to say, we must endeavour to take that first step towards achieving our goals in life

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I agree 👍. We need to prepare ourselves and take a first step we also need to think which one is the best decision we made before we continuing the next series of our activities or journey.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Just like the anime I've watched said, "if you won't take the first step, then no paths will open for you."

$ 0.00
4 years ago