Movie Questions

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Avatar for Coolmidwestguy
1 year ago

For today's article I give you some questions I will answer about movies. Same thing with all prompts if you want to use them mention me and link my article with yours. I think this is the first time I have done back to back prompt articles. Why? I just want to make it easier for those who may be drawing blanks for what to write about next :)

What is your favorite type of movie?

I have two types I like. I like comedies and action movies. A movie with both is icing on the cake for me.

What is your least favorite type of movie?

I have to go with horror movies. A lot of the time they just don't seem realistic to me. I can do without all the blood and guts.

Would you rather watch a movie in the theater or at home?

I have to go with watch in theater. The experience is just better in my opinion. The screen is bigger and the sound is louder. The sound comes from all around in the form of surround sound. Also it seems popcorn is always better at the theater.

Not that watching a movie at home doesn't have it's advantages it does. The obvious reason is it's a lot cheeper. I like how you can basically watch it in any body position. You can't lay down on your side or in your bed at theater. Also you can't pause the movie if you need to get away from the screen for a moment. Even with these advantages I still like the experience at the movie theater better. Now a fact here I haven't been to a movie theater in like 5 years.

If you go to the movie theater where do you prefer to sit if given the choice?

For me it's all all about sitting way at the top as far back as possible. I also like to be at the end of the aisle so I don't have someone next to me on both sides.

Who is your favorite actor/actress?

I really don't have a favorite one. There are several I like and try to watch. Some I enjoy watching include: Tom Hanks, Adam Sandler, George Clooney, Will Smith, Matthew McConaughey, Nicolas Cage, Ben Stiller, Jim Carrey, Russell Crowe, Jennifer Aniston, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, Lucy Liu, Melissa McCarthy, Demi Moore, Megan Fox and several others. I watch several types of movies and that's probably why I have a long list of actors and actresses I enjoy watching.

What is your favorite movie?

It just seems like my favorite movie continuously changes all the time. Right now I can't list just one movie as my favorite. Some comedies I like include: Yes Man, Coming to America, American Pie, Superbad, Waterboy, and several others. Some action films include: Independence Day, The Fugitive, Braveheart, Transformers, The Patriot, Gladiator, Kingsman, John Wick, Saving Private Ryan, and many others. Just writing out the movie titles above many others have poppef in my head, hehe. I like older movies as well because some kind of bring back memories. Ask me 5 years from now what my favorite movies are and the list above will be much different.

Are there any movie experiences you miss?

Yes, there are a couple. One is going to the movies with a group of friends. Let's face it we get older and our lives change. Also I think if a bunch of middle aged people went together to the movies that would appear a little strange. I miss the times when a group of 10 or more of us went to the movies together.

Another experience I miss is going to a drive-in movie. For those who don't know what I'm talking about I'll explain. A drive in movie is basically an outdoor movie where you watch the movie from your vehicle. You park in a spot and place a speaker that's usually hung on a pole into your vehicle. They use to be pretty popular, now they are a thing of the past. Let me tell you a little bit about the experience.

They would open just after the sun set. Usually you got to watch two or three movies with one purchase. I loved how you could bring your own food and drinks. There was no sitting next to strangers and you didn't have to worry about keeping quiet whispering to someone who was with you. Also the screens at those drive-in theaters were much bigger than a typical movie theater. Sometimes the windows fogged up in your vehicle, maybe from breathing to hard from the excitement of the movie or some other activity 🤫 😂

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Final thoughts

I hope you liked this prompt. I figured I would try to help some of the community again with something to write about. Please share some of your thoughts about your movie experiences below in the comments if you don't decide to use the prompt for an article.

Take care and be safe. Love you all ❤️

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1 year ago


Hmm it's been a long time since I watch movies at the theater but not like in the city huh. Remember I'm at the province lol. Then Nicolas Cage is one of my fave actor and Megan Fox is really hot/good actress too.I loved horror movies and some actions.

Didn't experience the drive-in movie Bob lol.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Both those movie stars are awesome. There still might be a drive in theater somewhere south of me. Probably a good drive away from me though. They were a big thing here in the 50's and 60's

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Our fave movies do change continuously, I'm not into a realistic type of movie I'm more of an anime person but I do love the genre of adventures and thrillers.

$ 0.04
1 year ago

Nothing wrong with liking anime. adventures and thrillers are a good genre. Thank you for stopping by :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I came to you out of curiosity, I loved the test and want to do it.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Thanks for stopping by and feel free to write this prompt.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

In case of movie, it depends. When I'm alone i go for comedie or any sort of movie which is on trend. Few days ago I watched a series Wednesday Although I thought it would be horror but it was just all suspense. To be honest, i never watched horror movies when I'm alone. With friends and cousin i mainly go for comedie but i feel OK with both horror, comedie as well as actions.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

It's been a minute since I have watched movies with others. Often it's by myself. I have only watched horror movies with others and it wasn't my choice, lol.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Science fiction, for sure, and fantasy probably. The rose water things, I have trouble.. Romantic. At home! Far behind, sitting, otherwise. No particular actresses or actors. Or maybe there are. "Contact".


$ 0.02
1 year ago

Ya I like some science fiction too. :)

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks sir for this. I tried to used this prompt for me to start writing again in here. Even Rusty was left. I want to find a things thats would make my mind busy for me to forget or to lessen my sorrow I felt.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Give it a try I'd like to read your answers. Yes Rusty is gone it's up to us to make this platform survive now.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Knowing rusty left us makes me sad, but I know there is a lot of content creator and generous people in this platform. If I had a earnings also i never hesitate to share it to other too.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Strong set of actors sir! Mr. Tom Hanks always stars in good movies. I love the Yes Man too it is a very funny movie.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Hehe I smile thinking about Yes Man. Jim Carrey can be funny, sometimes he's a little overboard.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yeah I think that's his charm and his disadvantage. Being overboard 😝

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Oh i love to answer those questions since I worked in a cinema before. I will definitely answer tru an article when I have my free time 😊

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Look forward to reading :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am one of those strange cats who rarely watches a movie, and in fact, don't watch much TV either. lol

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I get it we can't all have time to do certain things. It may sound strange but I'm sure you have your reasons. I'll tell you if you go to the theaters it's not cheap. I have much lessoned my screen time myself but not by choice.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Definitely not cheap. I think the last time even just my wife and I went to the movies, which was over a decade ago, I think we spent around $30 all in. Can't imagine what it would cost now.

For me I just don't find much of what's out now, both on TV and the big screen, all that original or entertaining. It is either that or I am just getting old and becoming that guy who wants everyone to stay off my lawn, who is also critical of everything. lol

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Haha, get off lawn. I haven't got to the point yet. Now do you fetch your newspaper daily from the driveway and read it from front to back while watching lawn traffic? If so there's no turning back, lol

$ 0.03
1 year ago

My favorite movie is movie of the dwane johnson which is recent movie the title the black adam, maybe because it was full of action. I also like the series of fast and furious of vin diesel same it goes i lke more on action and the film.was so much great and really enjoy ao much. I watch those movie in cinema having companion of my family and eating chesse popcorn and drinks aa well

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Yes the Rock has some good action/comedy movies. I haven't seen Black Adam yet.

Yes all those Fast & Furious movies were entertaining. RIP Paul Walker.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Fun and humor are my favorite movie genre, and Chaplin is the movie creator I like very much.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Comedy films bring great joy!! The dated ones were very consistent with humourous acts. Now days comedies only consist of moments of comic relief. Do you agree?

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I lost interest in recent days movies because of weak scripts and overdoing technicalities. They probably want to attract people with gadgets and hype. Now, movies seem to come with everything punched in one, i.e., some horror, some romantic, a little bit of eroticism, a couple of comic roles, heavy digital graphical touchings, computerized music, etc.

$ 0.05
1 year ago

computerized music

What do you mean by "computerized music"? :0)

$ 0.01
1 year ago

By "computerized music," I refer to synthesizers mimicking the sound of a real musical instrument.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yep, it's a fact, even well know composers use sounds libraries. Not always. But it's sometime hard to ear the difference.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It is true the quality of synthesizers has improved a lot.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

In this case, it's not the sound of the synth himself, but sounds banks of real recorded instruments loaded to play with. :0) So it's stunning. As they are real samples of the instruments.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That is remarkable!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I agree with that assessment. Today a trailer could be as little as 2 minutes long and contain all the funny scenes.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

As for me, I like horror and action movies. I suddenly remember John wick because it is one of my favorite action movie too.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Reeves is an awesome actor he is just the ultimate action actor.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Another set of questions that I need to answer. I have to bookmark this for now. I have to find some time to write my answers.

As for your selection of movies though, I believe we grew up in the same era. :D

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Could have grown up in same era. I stretch to late 70s to some recent movies. I'd say the movies in the 80's and 90's are my favorite times. Well those were the days I watched the most :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ohooo, another prompt. Now I have two prompt to answer haha.

Anyways we like the same genre when it comes to movies or anything and not just a movies. I want to feel the excitement whenever there is some action and some laugh with a little comedy in it. I mean, we watch to be entertained so having that two genre is the best for me.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

For sure those two genre capture me the most. Just talking to a few and reading other articles my list of movies has already changed, lol. There's just so many movies out there that we have seen and forgotten about until we hear the title again, haha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'll go with Korean Dramas too sir Bob. But there were times that I also watch Hollywood movies too.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

There's so much out there to watch now. The online scene is huge with a lot of good flicks :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Will make my own of this article. I can see how you like RomCom movies too. Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston speaks so much of it. Haha

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Yes so many from them two have led to many laughs..I look forward to your article, thank you :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I really love watching movies in theater too. It's one of my stress relievers, I usually go there for Marvel Movies. 🤗♥️ But if it's not all about Marvels, I usually watch Korean Drama Series. ♥️🤗

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I love movies too just haven't got much time to watch some in quite some time. I like the Marvel Movies. Captain America, Thor, X-Men, Spiderman and Iron man are a few I've seen many times. Do you have a favorite Marvel Character?

So many Filipinas love those Korean Drama series. I have never had the chance to check them out. Maybe someday 🤗 ❤️. As always thanks for stopping by. Take care always 💜 ❤️

$ 0.06
1 year ago

I used to buy Marvel comics at the end of the seventies.. This did not let go of me anymore. :0)

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I wish I would have collected some comics. I collected baseball and football card. I sold a lot of them after graduation. The baseball ones I made out on because the value of them dropped because of the juice era

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Kind of "NFTs" at this time.. haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes I have, and the best Marvel character for me is Thor. 🥰 I hope you can also watch some series of korean dramas 🤗 Tell me if you want to watch some, so I can recommend you one of the best korean drams I've watched. 🤗 Take care always my friend. 🥰 Be safe always! 🤗

$ 0.02
1 year ago

We the same, I like Thor the best too. Now for DC, Wonder Women is my favorite. Now I think of it she reminds me of you for so many reasons 🥰

I'll take your recommendation on Korean Dramas. Hope to find some time to watch though. Hear from you soon friend. Take care as well :)

$ 0.05
1 year ago

Awww, I also admire Wonder Woman. I also find her awesome,so there are also movies of her that I watched. Thank you so much for that, such a great compliment ❤️🥰

I hope you'll find some time too. Take care always friend! 🤗God bless you.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

When you get a chance give me a title of one of those dramas :) God bless you more 🙏

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I will always recommend first the Crash Landing On You. I watched this series for about 10 times already, but the feeling is always the same. 🥰

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I am not a fan of horror movies too! It just stuck in my head for days HAHA! 🤣 I prefer sci-fi or those of like Lord of the Rings and GOT. :D

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I haven't got to see Lord of the Rings. Someday I'll watch though. So many talk highly about it. I like Sci-Fi movies too such as Star Wars :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

My brain is spinning and I know this is part of the CR readcash, at the weekend, shot. ha ha.. I hope Tom Hanks is a great actor and can you add Rambo 1,2,3..oh that's very interesting friends.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Yes Rambo and also Rocky :) There is so many movies, haha.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I like action movies especially Chinese movies. I never get bored watching them. I dont like love stories it turns me out into a sleepy mood hahaha. When it talks about horror movies, walking dead is the best since before until now.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I should retract a little bit about horror movies. I was really talking about the really bad blood bath ones that don't have a plot. I liked the True Blood series I never got into The Walking Dead I just found the slow moving zombies kind of boring, haha. Especially after watching I am Legend staring Will Smith.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What is your favorite type of movie?

Without a doubt the movies and comedy series, AND ESPECIALLY LIKE THIS IN CAPITAL LETTERS: THE GENRE OF SCIENCE FICTION!, last night I finished watching god's favorite idiot and I can't tell you the amount of laughter and good times that this brings to my life, especially in these periods of so much confinement and economic depression with the covid.

What is your least favorite type of movie?

I hate movies that have a bad script, that have very boring dialogues and that are excessively long. The only exception for me is the Lord of the Rings trilogy, because I can't stand the other movies that are very long, it's hard for me to enjoy or watch them.

Would you rather watch a movie in the theater or at home?

I really prefer to see it at home, although I know that the experience of watching it in a movie theater is much more satisfying, but I don't change that for the safety and comfort of being at home without having to ask some idiots to lower their voices, or endure the crying of children/noises of people/etc that can interrupt important moments of the movie.

If you go to the movie theater where do you prefer to sit if given the choice?

From experience, and from having the privilege of being close friends with a famous film director, I know that the best place is in the middle of the room, for various reasons (including safety aspects during natural disasters such as earthquakes, etc), such as sound quality, blind spot perception of the film, sound reception and eye-brain spatial coordination, is the best place. There are also other aspects that I have talked about with my friend the film director, but I reserve them to myself because they are personal conversations.

As I know you are curious, the film director friend is Alejandro Hidalgo, director of the house of the end of time (1st Venezuelan horror film) and the exorcism of god, both international box office successes. And as additional information, I was the one who induced him to make movies, thanks to my advice he is the famous movie director that he is currently XD (yes, I'm proud of that).

Who is your favorite actor/actress?

This is a tough decision, because there are so many, but I have a couple of favorites.

Keanu Reeves : For his amazing performances in The Matrix more than anything, and for being an exceptional human being in everyday life. He is a fabulous person, a human being who is capable of getting out of his vehicle in the middle of Hollywood to help change the tire of an old lady's car, just out of pure empathy and solidarity, my friend does that in an exceptional human being. , beyond all the fame and money he has.

Angelina Jolie: it is simply a delight to enjoy each of her roles in Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Tomb Raider, Innocence, Interrupted, Hells Kitchen, Heart Games, Hackers, The Different Kung Fu Pandas, Maleficent. In addition to her beauty, there is a lot of controversy in her life and she donates a lot of money to charitable causes.

There are other actors and actresses that I like, but if I have to choose, I'll take the named ones.

What is your favorite movie?

Well here it is difficult, but I think I prefer Twins by Swzanegger and Dany de Vito, because there is nothing more fucking funny than enjoying swazeneger pregnant! XD. Just hilarious and fun.

Special mention to the movie: Life is beautiful, it is a beauty of a movie that changes the way you look at life.

And a super unique and extraordinary mention to Avatar, that is a fucking phenomena of scify movies!

Are there any movie experiences you miss?

Yes, unfortunately in Venezuela there is no IMAX, and it is something that I want to live in my own flesh, enjoy the experience of watching Starwars, Jumanji or Avatar in IMAX, I am sure that it is an incomparable experience. So that's the only thing I've been missing.

I've only seen one IMAX in my life, and it's one of those 15-minute tests, in an amusement park pretending you're going on a roller coaster. Nothing to do with living an experience of a full movie, which will obviously be much more immersive and complete.

Man, answering you is practically making a separate publication hahahaha.

$ 0.21
1 year ago

Science Fiction, too! :0)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

They are genius, there are so many and so good that it is difficult to choose.

To name a few, I'll say: man in black (they're all fabulous and an amazing fuckmind), Back to the Future, Avengers and of course all the spider-man ones. And I'm falling short because there are many more that I like haha ​​=)

It's good to find sci fy fans around here!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I compose a lot of Scifi music. Feel free to visit my profile.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

WOW thats great, bet it i will do it for sure!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Haha ya you could have done an article.

At home can be relaxing and your right there are times when the theater can be annoying.

I enjoyed the movies you mentioned. Arnold has been in a few movies that were hilarious. Reeves has been in some good action movies asides from Matrix. Jolie is great actress and I have enjoyed a few of the movies she's been in. She is generous and she has even traveled to get her hands dirty to help a cause.

Might be surprising but I've never experienced an IMAX movie yet either. I haven't been to many theaters for quite some time. Twenty plus years ago I went all the time.

Thanks for the comment now I have more movie titles in my head, lol

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I watch movies at home. I like movies which are based on true stories and action stories, stories of survival. I like to watch movies like Die Hard, The Lone Survivor. When I was young, I remembered that my parents brought me to a movie theater but I ruined everything because I keep on crying because of fear of big screen and did not enjoy the movie at all.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I like the die hard series. I'm a huge history lover and I enjoy watching movies based off real accounts.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I also like comedy movies but my most favorite is suspense thriller movies. I like when cops investigate and find accused whom we didn’t imagine. I appreciate your choice, boys mostly like action movies. I like drama too.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Suspense movies are good as well. I'll watch about anything really, I'm just not a fan of horror movies.

$ 0.01
1 year ago