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1 year ago

Hello friends how are you doing? I had an interesting morning yesterday I got up at like 2 a.m. but I went to bed early the night before around 8:30 pm. I did end up going back to sleep for additional two hours around 7:30 a m.

Once I got ready I was out the door shortly after 10:00 to head to the flower shop. I went there to pick up boutonniere and a corsage. Well that brings me to my topic today.

I'm going to tell you what a high school home coming is all about. I did a quick shout out on Noise and really nobody has heard of it so I'm going to tell you. A few weeks ago I went clothes shopping with son to get him stuff for the dance portion of it. He has a date and you will see some pictures of him further down.

What is a home coming?

Home coming includes the first dance of the year for high school students in the United States. The dance is held on Saturday but the home coming parade, and the football game 🏈 are on Friday. There is also a ceremony which is usually earlier in the week and includes the naming of a home coming King and Queen.


The timing of the ceremony can vary according to school,usually it occurs earlier in the week. The royalty is voted on by the high school student body. These selectees can only be seniors. Typically a few are nominated for the positions based on votes. The ceremony includes last year's King and Queen turning over there crowns. After announced the new King and Queen give speeches. Most of the time it's encouragement and motivation to win the football game on Friday.

Last year's King and Queen at my son's school


The parade is a fun event but isn't practiced at all schools. I'd say small towns usually practice this fun event. Often there is a float competition between grades where a trailer is decorated. There is a motorcade of vehicles that drive by the main street of the town. The streets are lined up by elementary, middle school, and high school students. Also the town people are invited as well. The motorcade includes: local business vehicles, fire trucks, police cars, farming equipment, float demonstrations, home coming King & Queen car and seperate escort cars(top voters who didn't win). Each vehicle is equiped with plenty of candy 🍬 to throw to the kids.

My high school many years later. Photo obtained: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.keloland.com/news/local-news/harrisburg-celebrates-homecoming-with-parade/amp/

Football Game

Prior to the game the home coming royalty is announced. The King, Queen, and royal escorts are all dressed very well unless of course the royalty are football players or cheerleaders participating in the game. Often attendence is the largest this night. This is the one game you don't want to lose because of it's significance.


A lot happens on dance day. One of the activities is hanging out with the party of people you will be with. My son was in a group of about a dozen people. He is a junior but a lot of his classmates are not participating so he ended up with a group of under classman. The first event after hanging out with the boys is pictures. The theme for the boys is to wear retro shoes or what he refers to as "drip" lol. Afterwards the parents depart :( and they go about there ways.

Son's group

Him and Date

After pictures they all go as a group to eat dinner. They chose a extravagant sushi restaurant. I wonder why because my son said really no one had any. They all pretty much ate traditional Chinese food off the menu.

After dinner they proceeded to the high school for the dance. The dance is held in the main gym. It's typical for the gym to be well decorated to a certain theme. Music is provided by a hired DJ. There is also a drink table which includes many beverages but the main focus on the table is the punch. The drinks are served by chaperones. Chaperones are teachers and parents. I wish I could have been one but those spots were already filled when I acquired about them. According to my son they all left around 9:30. He said he danced with his date several times.

After the dance he spent time at the host parents house. They spent time watching a movie and playing games. The girls had to leave by midnight. I will be picking him up in a few hours before noon. I may update this article with some more content and pictures based on his accord.

Final Thoughts

Homecoming is a fun event for kids of all ages. It really brings the student body together. This was my son's first dance he attended so I'm anxious to talk to him and hear his full experience. He is the best basketball player on his team and the school's athletics program is primary focused to this sport. Homecoming king for him next year? I think he has a very good chance, the kid just keeps busting new doors down all the time.

Thanks for stopping by I hope I gave you a good idea about the homecoming festivities in America. Take care and enjoy the rest of your days.

Lead imagine obtained here.

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1 year ago


I only see this in movies :D Everyone looks well dressed. Too bad about the sushi place. I wonder who suggested that? Maybe it was a good idea at first only to find it not a great idea after all to go for sushi :D

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It's a popular place to go for dinner for occasions like this. If I had went I would have had sushi for sure. It's the best sushi in town!!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Good phase of life. I had a good set of memories during this phase of life. It's one of those days when there is less pressure in our life :)

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes I did too. Still fresh in my mind and enhanced a bit seeing and hearing my son experiences.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sounds great and I can literally imagine how fun this homecoming will be like. I enjoy reading as I learned something new. Anyway your son is so tall and his height makes his date looks so small even it's already wearing high heels.😅

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Ya he would make me look short even if I was wearing heels 🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Your son looks great! I enjoyed the read and the photographs. How did you manage to find your old school photo?

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you. It's a recent photo of my school parade many years after I graduated, haha. It's good to see the traditions are the same there though :)

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Traditions carry forward with the good intention of most humans.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am sure your son had must enjoyed this dance party at the school. Thank you for sharing about the homecoming.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

No problem. After finding out nobody knew what I was talking about I figured I would share :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's really interesting event and I can say that, for high school kids. I wish there had been homecoming in my high school too I would have enjoyed it, well I think all these interesting things and events are made only for USA hahaha😂

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Ya it's a good time and he enjoyed. From what I know only in USA and Canada.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Poor us 😞😂

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow! That homecoming sounds interesting and fun and I enjoyed how you describe each event.

Your son and his date looks perfect and cute 😎😎 I wish the event to be a success.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you Princess. He had a blast. Thought I would update this article with some of his pictures but he only took a whooping 1 photo. The one photo? Almost pitch black photo in the gym.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Reading your article makes me feel more interested in this kind of event. It has a lot of fun and enjoyable activities. A perfect event for everyone. By the way, your son looks so good. :)

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you Lynlyn.

You have the power as an educator to make a difference. It would be difficult to pull off a homecoming there but parts of it could be introduced. Just get the feeling your thinking about it. Haha maybe I'm wrong. Take care friend :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oh what a nice event!!! Here we don't have that, the first day is quite normal... but the last days sometimes there is also a party, food and dance, etc... specially for those about to become graduated, but I think there where you are there is also a special celebration for graduating students. Nothing like your homecoming for sure. Hope your son has enjoyed a lot and the rest of kids!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Ya it's unique time during homecoming week. Yes we have graduation parties and the school has a cermony but there is no dance for graduation. The Prom is the last dance of the year here.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Good, you have two different events at the beginning and in the end.... better!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

And some in-between lol

$ 0.00
1 year ago

He is cute and handsome guy, tall and adorable. I hope he would have a great dance. You are so supportive, I am really happy he has such a great and nice father.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you so much for the nice words ll

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I guess, your very supportive father as your the one who also bought flowers for his date and he has your full support in his chosen sport.😊 But, one thing I am curious about, did you became a homecoming king too?🤔

$ 0.01
1 year ago

No I did not but he has good chances. I transferred to my high school my senior year from 2 years at a Catholic school. I was though a 10 year graduate at the school I transferred to. I got some votes but a lot want to vote for 12 year senior. It was a small town school my senior class consisted of 50 people. My son's class is over 400 he goes to school in a decent size city.

$ 0.00
1 year ago