Pickup line still working?
How should I say this, either way, I am going to say it, happy Monday guys, haha, I hope your Monday won't be stressful like other Mondays, it's almost the end of the month and we thank God for keeping us safe since the beginning of the year, and I know he will keep us throughout the year cause he's not a wicked God, and next year, he shall renew his subscription in protecting us again.
Today I will be talking about, pickup lines, we all know what a pickup line is right, I better give a brief explanation, Pick up lines are a few words you can use to get a girl or guy's attention, but we will be talking about girls here, hehe, it's not gossip, okay, but maybe a little bit of gossip and I hope the ladies won't drag me for this, haha, apologies in advance, let’s dive right in.
Yesterday being Sunday, we were just chatting in a WhatsApp group, that’s when one of the members dropped a pickup line for a female in the group, to get her attention that he likes her, unfortunately, the pickup line is old school and one of the guys tackle him and said that these lines has expired it, the lady also said that someone has already used it for back her then when she was in primary school, we all burst into laughter, the guy told me to drop mine but I refuse.
Cause there was a time I use to drop pickup and one of my guy back then used it on a lady, which I tried to use it on the same lady and she said she has heard it before, like I compose it but someone else has used it before me, haha, it’s like buying it a car and another person gets to ride it around the place even before you ride it, they might think it belongs to the person that ride it first.
The lady in the group now wrote that pickup lines are outdated and the only small boys that still use them, it was kind of funny and also not funny, cause I know that even right from In the beginning, when God created Adam and Eve, Adam didn't just walk to Eve and tell her that she was destined to be his wife, he instead used pickup lines.
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Genesis 2:23
This is the first pickup line in the history of pickup lines, so there is no way pickup lines can't be outdated, it's still working very fine but in a few places or perhaps people.
I replied the lady that pickup lines are for ladies and some girls just want money as their pickup lines because they are driven by hunger, as the saying goes, a hungry lady is an angry lady, (sorry I had to use lady instead of man, and I don't mean real hunger, I meant when a lady I always in need of money from a guy) you can't tell someone hungry about what will benefit her in the future because the person will rather have it for the moment than for the future.
Hardly you see girls that still listen to pick up lines in Nigeria, except for the financial stable ladies that have a lot of money to take care of themselves, when you use pick lines on them, they will blush and want to hear what you want to say, the conversation might lead to them giving you their number and be friends with them, which friendship can lead to a relationship and so on, life is not supposed to be stressful as we see it these days.
Meet a lady in the street and ask her what she likes, and her first reply will be money, I know that everyone needs money but she doesn't need to make it obvious like she's the only one that has a responsibility to care, some of them don't even have responsibility self, they just want to use the money to shop new clothes, shoes, bags, hairs and so on, no business plan, then later you will see them singing “Carry me dey go my husband house” when they began to grow old without a spouse.
Everything shouldn't have to be about money, if she likes money that much, she should go into a business that can be taking care of her needs and wants, at least we have rich women in the society today and those women don't have two heads or four brains, a guy just want to use his pickup lines as a continuation of what the first man did it, thank God money wasn't available then, maybe Eve might have asked Adam what can he offered, haha, just joking.
We wonder why guys go into fraud and rituals, we forget the real reason behind it, because sometimes no matter how hard a guy tries to get a girl's attention with pick up lines or a long note of him expressing his feelings to her, the girls usually choose the guys that send them money, even when they know he just wants s3x in return and that is it, not that we too don't want it but we won't have it and run away, that's how the relationship is supposed to be, not every time money money money, even before a guy say hello, she has asked if he has money.
This doesn't just happen in Nigeria though, its also happening in different countries, I have seen some American guys asking a lady out in a video and she will turn the guy down, then the guy will walk to his car and she will want to come back and say hello to him that she thought he was broke.
Some girls do listen to pickup lines but they are rare, they have enough money to care for their needs and you have to try your best to get them, at least you will know that you like it when she blushes and listens to you.
My conclusion is that, Pick up lines are still very much working but depending on the person you use it on, I hope we don't come across the ones that are driven by hunger, rather we will meet the right ones that want to listen and engage in a sweet conversation to us that will grow into something beautiful, a strong relationship that can lead to marriage and support from each other.
I love pick up lines specially if it annoys the listener. jk