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Depression is the thing we all suffer from, in a certain point of our life. Hard times come in our life, and surround us horribly. We desperately want to find a way to get out of those situations. But when we don't find any, we become hopeless and mentally break down.. but, since life continues, and truly speaking nobody cares, we have to fight with it ourselves.. Here are some important tips that might help you in this journey called 'journey of life'..
1. It's fine that life sucks sometimes..
It’s important to understand that things will not always go the way you planned, events will go wrong, people will act against your expectations, bad things will happen, you’ll be unfairly beaten down too many times. But that’s normal !! ...
2. Shit happens and suffering is inevitable.
Now there’s another problem besides trying to avoid suffering from unexpected situations, and that is when you try too hard to live a fairy tale life.
Accepting that there is no way to avoid suffering, you can’t possibly believe in the existence of a fairy tale life waiting for you..
3. Stop trying too hard for positive things to happen.
If you live in this illusion, first you’ll always be trying to deny the existence of suffering, and second, you will create more suffering when your positive expectations fail.
Just like everyone, you’re constantly hearing bullshit about how a good life should be — positive — they tell. Like if positivity is the key to greatness. But it isn’t.
4. Be grateful for what u have..
So, you have to accept what you have and be grateful for that. Accept reality as it is and stop wanting more. When you desire things you don’t have and eventually can get them, you’ll start to want other things. It’s a never-ending dissatisfaction.Eventually, living in denial will lead to something that is called “the feedback loop from hell”.
5.Embrace failure and deception!
That’s when you have a problem and your problem gets worse for thinking about the problem itself, and this bigger problem makes you feel even worse, and feeling worse will make you feel worse than what you were already feeling. And this cycle keeps going downhill like a “feedback loop from hell”.Thus stop trying for things to go as you desired.....
(to be continued..)
# Part 2 of this article is coming shortly..
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Depression is mostly self created.