Working Online - Risks & Nuisances

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Digital media and crypto gives a new dimensions to the skilled people where they have Endless opportunities of earnings. The traditional working routine is going to reshape soon as well where new inventions of technology involved. Work from home concept gets more wings in Covid19 pandemic when we restricted & forced to stay at home by health authorities.

No one can deny about the benifits of the latest social media, marketing, communications and Crypto verse. Because it becomes a source of earnings, fame and visibility for millions. People gets opportunity to show up their talent , potential and artistic values. The passive income idea gets stronger roots with Crypto rewards like BCH for blogging and micro blogging on &

But with all the benifits we have lot of hidden and unhidden risks, dangers, nuisances and contingency. Some appears soon but mostly comes Infront with time in long term. What dangers can seen in rosy picture are ,

Uneasiness by continuity.

Social media or work from home has timeless hours to stay at. So we can't define the regular session for our engagement but it sticks with us badly. Sitting Infront of screen not gives us realisation of time passing. For example if you writing a blog , it may took hours to sit and write.

The continued Online work gives uneasiness in our life where we always think about it. "Doing more" is trap behind its charm which captures us to logged in most of time. Then "more engagement, more earning " rule also puts greediness in users and we cut-off from our lot of other priorities.

In that results some times we falls in stress , anxiety disorders and headache due to abnormal sleep, irregular food intake, less Physical work and screen light plays mega role in our mental and emotional illness.

Armour Contingency.

Online workers or remote work places are heaven for hackers. Cyber security risk is highest threat to online workers. They can identify the online remote worker easily and target him through their network. They can reach to our wallet by hacking and can took our assets which we collect by months hard work.

One of our good senior user lost his 3.235 BCH by hacking just couple of days ago and he wrote all the details in his post here. So online work is always under threat from cyberspace attackers which took online workers as goldmine.

Real-life interaction.

Online workers loose the grip over their real life interactions. Thier families , relatives,friends and close circle neighborhood got disturbance. Online workers loves calmness with noiseless atmosphere but real life living is different then it. But I real life jobs we met lot of clients, people, friends, colleagues daily and our social life remains active.

Online worker Slowly starts avoiding their friends and other people. Even latest technology enables to talk - in - video through zoom , Skype and other media channels but can't get the taste of real physical interaction.

Consent from workplace.

Online workers feels difficult to turn off the device , unplug the switch for other works. They used to with the grace and feels better when sitting with device. This habit build loniness in them which ends up in dangerous situation.

Leaving the workplace is easy in regular jobs where 9-5 working hours ends and they left the workplace easily and had enough time to spend with family. But online workers especially freelancers got addiction to do little more for extra cents and they missed lot of other good stuff in their life.


Loyalty is built-in characteristic of our soul which we show in different manners. A real physical institution where we work and get salary of it generates loyalty concept in us. We remain loyal to our boss , owner and institution itself. But unfortunately loyalty factor in online workers is extinct.

Online workers are loyal to their earnings only. They are not loyal to owner , website/ application, colleagues or social media friends. Just as example, if and stopped tipping to users against their blogs by any reason. How many will keep writing/ posting here? May be non or Maximum 1% only will stay here and others will flew away in no time.

This factor in online workers slowly deepened the roots and in Thier physical life , they become sample of lackness in loyalty. They look with similar eye in relatives and even own family.

It is my pleasure that you read my article about online work - dangers,Risks & nuisances. Like , upvote and leave comment for feedback.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Online working and staying in front of computer has a side effect, diabetes, weight gain and depression are few of them. Since pandemic we have seen how that can be bad.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

When you work online, you have advantages and disadvantages. As you said, if someone has a 9 to 5 job, after office hours, he usually spends time with his family. But if you work online, you feel like spending more time on the screen in order to earn more.

I think you can set your time frame. You can decide when to work and when to quit. It gets easier to do everything if you follow a routine. Thank you for sharing this! Have a great day!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Passive income from online jobs has really become a blessing for peoples who really work hard, apart from their busy schedule.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Self discipline, self control is a must. We should set our own time to hustle and take advantage of it rather than the other way around. It is really tempting to do and earn more, to try new stuff but it is up to us to impose limitations.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Everything has benefits as well as risk. We should do what we can do with easiness. Yeah online work is cut off physical work with friends. But I am in favor of online work because it needed less efforts.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Remote working allows me 3 h more to spend with my family (time usually dedicated to go to office and back to home). And I’ve alarms to accomplish my work hours not more. But I know this requires some kind of discipline as is easy to work for more hours than in office.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Also, sitting down for long in a place could have some health effects

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Online working is a big field for cyber attackers truly. Really feels bad to have such a bad experience of loosing such amount of BCH. People really need to be more careful on the sites thy visit

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Every online worker must keep some free time to interact with their family and outside world, this slowly makes people selfish. I have become like that a bit as I am mostly involved in online hustle.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

remote job has alot of benefits but has impact as well, as your vision probably be end in 50s

$ 0.00
1 year ago

My eye is now aching most of the time because the Ray of the light from the screen, is affecting my sight

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is possible that online work can bring many benefits, if it is a stable job, but through platforms where you make $5-6 a day, I don't think it is an option to survive. Cryptocurrency can be successful, those who know how to work in this field can make a pretty good income!

$ 0.00
1 year ago