My Memes (part-2).

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Memes are special to say about any morale of the story, script about any book , incident at home , workplace, experience in field, attraction with any project. Just two to three lines tells the whole theme with some crunchy characters & sketches and graphics.

In my previous blog I write about Cryptoverse related memes as " My Memes ( part-1) yesterday. But today I selected another three Memes for ordinary home related subjects & fun.

1. Just two minutes.

My younger daughter ( age 9) is little bit lazy ( actually she is more beloved and sweetheart to everyone, so she got benifit of this love). Whenever Mom called her for anything she simply replied " Mom just two minutes" and those two minutes may go longer to hour.

Yesterday morning Mom call her early morning to wake up and offer prayer and went to kitchen for breakfast preparation. She replied usually " Mom two minutes". But after 20 minutes she came back and found her sleeping yet. She called again to wake up and at third time Mom gone mad and open the door with anger but unfortunately same time daughter was near to door. The door slaps her head and she fell down. Luckily no any injury or hurt occurred and both starts laughing. Daughter said " Mom I was coming".

Such incidents may happen in other homes too but I enjoyed it and create this Meme to represent the incident.

2. Why dog is more happier.

Thinking for future and plan accordingly is natural phenomena of human. We , especially young generation, always has in mind that we should go for luxurious lifestyle as our role models have. Our 75% thinking capabilities used in thinking for future , marriage, vehicle, home etc.

Why dog is more happier because animals never thinks for future. What they have now , they feels. Happiness, sadness or joy on current moments only. Dogs also feels , thinks and react but only with current scenario. They have no any idea about tomorrow , marriage or homes.

Our thinking and overthinking brings stress and anxiety when it not matched in reality but dogs have no problems. This Meme has two lessons. One is, live in present and stay happy with current blessings. It never means that give up and not to struggle for better tomorrow. It means keep moving with joys of the day. Second is , always keep faith that your owner ( Almighty God) is kind to you. This faith will provide you extra strength to bear the hardships. And sure Almighty God is most kind and merciful.

3. Wastage of time.

It is tragic part of our young fellows that they took social media as a job ( earning money to stay alive) or a source of income. Unfortunately it is not as we getting. Social media is all about interaction , marketing and advertising. A tool to utilize for advertising of our skills, business and experience.

We are wasting our lot of time on social media in hunting something free like Crypto airdrops but never ready to start a small business which could be a empire of tomorrow.

This Meme representing our mindset that we are ready to travel 21 kilometres for a airdrop but not for a business which is a quarter mile away only.

That's all for today. It was last part of my Meme creativity and themes behind it.

I want to say thanks to you for reading & viewing my artwork. Like , upvote and release a comment for feedback.

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Note: All Memes created & edited on free meme generator app.


$ 1.88
$ 1.58 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Shohana
$ 0.05 from @TheGuy
+ 8
Sponsors of Amjad_Ali_Waince
Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Ah, these memes are awesome. I also do the same as your daughter did today🀭. I am only one in my family who is still a child πŸ˜‚. 2nd meme is also moral taking for us, it's common these days that the young generation wants to live luxurious life with cars and iPhone but they are not happy with that they have. Cryptoverse is totally different and sometimes i thought it's beyond my thinking and always goes against my expectations. 😐

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I like the "two minutes "meme , lol! We have a version of those line that says " wait lang" i hate hearing it specially when we are about to eat our meals . So when my daughter says " wait lang momi" i'll start counting and she would hurriedly come to me with a big smile and hug so i won't get mad. hahaha!

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Dog and mankind comparison is very interesting my friend. Man is always in search of more and more, to achieve in near future.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hahaha! Bro it happens in most of the families. My mother has the same complain from me that I saw one minute 🀣 Thank God she doesn't get any injury.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

This is wowing! Brieyand accurate. The crypto part sent a strong message. Thanks for this piece Sir

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Your meme about crypto is awesome πŸ˜‚. I love the concept of airdrop and wait. I am learning how to make memes because they are top trend now a days..

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Download meme generator app from play store. It is most easy and user friendly app.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've long ago given up on airdrops, since I notice it doesn't pull through or their value becomes worthless overtime. Simply put there's no free money anywhere, get working.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Dogs become more happier when they found themselves in new environment

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hahahahah the 1st and last one is relatable lol I am also very lazy my 2 minutes means 2 hours or maybe 2 days depending on work :D And the last one is also for me because I am always active on the platform to avail the opportunity of airdrops

$ 0.03
2 years ago

The crypto airdrop is about Me some months ago before joining I had joined over 20 groups on both telegram and WhatsApp... Waiting for free airdrops, most times I never get them and even if I do, they Are not worth a cent. So frustrating

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I also see in my house that when my mother calls my niece to come here, the answer is that I came in just two minutes. An hour passes instead of two minutes, but she keeps playing with her toys.

$ 0.03
2 years ago