Mothers vs Moms - A interesting survey

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2 years ago


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Mother is most precious relationship for any creature. It is source of our existence on earth. No one can deny from her importance. Especially sacrifices & pain which she bear on birth and alimonies.

We were invited in a wedding ceremony last night where some mother's and Moms were present there. I got a chance to communicate and conversation with them . I put one question Infront of them that

Who is better mother in terms of alimonies for kids ?

Keep in mind that We have two kinds of mothers now in our houses with different approach towards kids. I call them Mother ( who have children above 20 years of age ) and moms ( who have 8 years or less age kids) .

This survey starts with mothers and they put a huge arguments in their favour and blames today's Mom in various ways . The Moms too spark and blast towards them and give very good argument in their favour.

Both complain each other and I concluded that conversation in some points as below.

Mother's Opinion.

Photo from unsplash
  • The relationships between mother & child going weaker which was very strong in our times.

  • Respect factor melting slowly which was our first lesson to kids

  • Mom's not caring their kids in good way as we did.

  • Mom's not giving enough time to kids and throwing then in lap of TV & internet.

  • Mom's fulfill almost every wish if children which never a good things.

  • Check and balance going weaker but we did in master way.

  • Monitoring not effective as we did.

  • Lacking in Manners & attitudes.

  • Kids not healthy due to fast food which recommend by mom's.

  • Kids falling in misbehaving & rude attitudes.

  • Our cultural values demolished.

  • Kids forgetting religious beliefs and practices.

Mom's opinion.

Image source: pixabay

  • We can't keep our kids far from newest technology.

  • Our kids are more Sharp then previous generation.

  • We are spending more constructive time with kids.

  • We are more helpful.

  • We give them confidence on their choices.

  • We generate inspiration in them.

  • Our kids are more responsible.

  • We develop more positive mindset.

  • We develop egalitarian gender idealogy in our kids.

  • We train them to get financial stability from very bigning.

  • We teach them better adoption skill.

My Opinion.

I think both are right . Both has justification against the arguments because this is called " generation Gap". The mother's did Thier duty honestly and effectively to build a strong nation and Mom's continuing that journey with modern civilization and technologies. The difference is age , accessibility , facilities , modern education, inventions and techniques. But love is common which never be changed.


Thank you so much for your time. I always appreciate the comments to get feedback. Like , upvote if you like the article.

Are you @Lhes @Itsfarah @Usmanshoaib @Belozoriana @Shohana @Sajibb @Okeh @Niazi420 @imanagrcltrst have any opinion on this topic.

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Lead image : Edited on free photo editor app.


$ 6.81
$ 6.49 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Shohana
$ 0.05 from @Roojoroojay
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


I can imagine how the atmosphere would have been while they argued. I agree with your final opinion. Things are not the way they use to, we now live in a mordenized world. Thank you for this article, you made me realize that I am just a mom hehe

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yeah you are right, its the generation gap. The traditional way of raising kids before is not that applicable nowadays. The current generation have different attitude

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Traditional ways getting inspired by modernism and technologies.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Both the opinions are good to their knowledge. In mom s time there were more unity in family which is missing now.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It is a valid point that we are missing joint family system and its attachments now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes both are right and I think a mom or mother will be always in this same role they are playing at their place.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Mother in every shape is prestigious. Every time she stayed a symbol of love and care.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Agree with you brother... Now a days mothers want a mate to take care kf their children,, they will pay the... In this way children don't grow well, they sometimes feel ignored. Which isn't a good thing

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It is one of the disadvantage of technology and devices. Our moms are busy tomuch in such things and ignore the kids.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But I think my family is still living in past, because I didn't found any difference of care of my Mom and Mother 😻 or maybe in villages the old traditions are still alive.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Agreed because villages are still far from internet , social media , dish and cable which is one of the reasons that motherhood there not changed much.

$ 0.00
2 years ago