Ways To Keep Your Bitcoincash Transaction Anonymous

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2 years ago
  • What's up wonderful people, how are you all enjoying your day??? Today I have brought to you another Bitcoincash article...

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Ways To Keep Your Bitcoincash Transaction Anonymous

  • I Know The First Thing That Comes To Your Mind Is Why Make Your Transaction Anonymous??? Well I'd Love To Break It Down For You Guys...

Most times staying Anonymous is actually the best decision to make, you know why???

It makes you feel secure and you won't be bothered about any harmful act, stay anonymous whenever your making a huge transaction coz you might be traced and be a target of hackers.....


Well for that of BITCOIN Yes you can be traced and your identity can be revealed, wanna know how??

As we all know all BITCOIN transaction are being recorded on the block chain and its been open and can be Viewed by anyone and most times some exchanges do ask you to identify yourself by finger print and most times it links your identity to the transaction.....

Yes I know the BITCOIN wallet address alone don't consist of any detail, but imagine sharing your Gmail to a public source....

Now let's use this Gmail as an example "Williamz@gmail.com", the owner of the gmail might have used this same user name else where and hackers might start to dig in by searching on social media to see if they can get a match...

With all their research being done your located can be revealed and they'd definitely get more information about you... More the more details they get it gives them more chance to hack and steal your money....

  • NOTE: This Doesn't Mean You Should Be Scared Of Making Transactions With BITCOIN, It Takes A Guru Who Is Good At Hacking To Do So...


  • #1: Making Use Of A P2P Platform

Try making use of a peer -peer platform such as Local.Bitcoin.com, it doesn't require any KYC verification and it seems completely secure and untraceable...

You'd get to meet other users who wants to sell or buy, and before you buy or sell to someone always make sure you check the review of the seller or buyer so you'd be rest assured that they can't run away with your money...

If you still intend on staying anonymous it is advice able for you to accept other payment method that are completely untraceable such as " Gift Card "...

  • #2: Using New Address For All Transaction

All Bitcoincash wallet has the ability to create multiple address and with this you can stay hidden and untraceable....

Its more important to do so when moving large funds, its useful coz if a user has maybe just one of your address they can only see the Bitcoincash that has been sent to that wallet....

With this you can confuse those who are keeping watch of your transactions, and always make sure you use a secure browser such as " Brave Browser" And " Tor Browser"...

Though you don't stay completely anonymous on the Tor Browser coz you'd need KYC verification to get in...

Why Make Your Bitcoincash Transaction Anonymous??

For me I do believe that there are lots and lots of reason to stay anonymous, and one of the major reason is for you not to be a target of hackers....

You might also intend on doing a private charity donation and you don't want your identity to be disclosed....

Hmm kinda reminds me of the part where @Read.Cash said they want to remain anonymous, I know am not the only one who have saw that article...

Yea I did find the article and I made a screenshot of it, for those that want to see it for themselves Kindly Click Here..

For me I think that they intentionally decided to stay anonymous for their own safety or maybe it might not be the reason, but am glad for their donation and support...

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2 years ago


Nice information shared ....

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the insight man.

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2 years ago