Spending good life in province

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Hello people out there. As of today, the weather seems to be a in a good condition. I like it. As usual, my daily routine was to take a coffee outside of the house. Listening to the sound of nature like singning birds and wind that hits the stem of the trees. By the way we are living in a countryside. Expected, we can experience the beauty of nature including the natural resources.

Source : Unsplash.com

I just went to our little garden and take a harvest of some vegetables since its already good. I bought ingredients for it. We cook it from different menu. Adobo and ginataang gulay. This what I missed living in a countryside you can taste fresh organic food. Near in our abode, there was an area were fruits are abundant. Those fruits are mangoes and guavas.

We went there and take some fruits and we brought it to our house. After that, my mother decided to have lamaw, I don't know if that how exactly says but it is our term here, we want some dessert. I told my cousin to climb coconut trees. I bought evaporated condense, white sugar, biscuits, and milk. We mixed all of that, I also mixed a mashed ice. We eat around 2:40 pm. It's so delicious.

After that we take a nap since we are very full. I went to market cause I want to buy my favorite snacks. I'm mean street food. I really like street foods, especially isaw, kwek2 and squid balls. This may feel the excitement since it's been a long time that I didn't taste of street food. This is lovely experience. If you're wondering why did I tell it's been long time to taste street foods, it's because I've this past few months in the city. So, I don't have any vacant time for a leisure time.

After that, I went to department store cause I really need a new shoes. I need it for my errands. I was shocked about the prices cause it almost hit 1000 pesos but the quality of the materials used wasn't convincing. I think it can immediately ruined just a little bit of used. I decided to went to other department store, but I found the same quality and quantity, maybe they have the same source of it. My cousin called me and I asked him is there any available stocks of shoes here? He said yes, at the back of the gym.

You can seen large of displayed various kind of shoes. So, I went immediately and it made me astonished cause some of the shoes were came from other countries. Infact the materials used was so good. And it has a lower price. Typically some of the displayed shoes are 500 pesos on price but when you seen those item you can feel that youre contented with it.

I went to wet market cause I want to buy for our viands this evening. It made me again shocked. I take a glance to the prices of fishes but it really hurt my pocket huhu, why prices are higher? More or less the smallest price was 350 pesos. I can't do with this but to bought for one kilo. I always bought cabbage, and other ingredients. Another money to spend, good thing that some of the vegetables and other stuff for cooking wasn't high in price, they still remain on their constant prices.


We have different life experience. Other people are indulging the life of being in single and being taken. It's me who experience both of it hehe. People who are living in a urban place has experienced the life of being instant. I mean they used products that are contaminated with chemicals. There are also living in rural area but remains to used organic materials. They have still get fresh food through their farm in the nearest province. We can't deny the fact that living in the city makes our life more convenient.

Infact I really like living in uban places cause life there is easy especially when you have job. There are so many opportunities there, all you have to do is to strive for you to gain money.

$ 1.98
$ 1.91 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Syra
$ 0.02 from @HermaniGinger
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Food in the province is fresh and is more delicious but yeah sometimes you will be shocked by some of its prices. I do miss the province from time to time especially when I am too stressed out. I just wanna go home and relax for a week or two.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed, it's good to live in province but the only bothers me is that it lacks or behind of opportunities compare to cities.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True, if only there are a lot of opportunities in the province, we will live a perfect life :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup right. Living in the city gives many opportunities. And the fresh air and fresh food make a great combination there. And when we feel about nature it makes everything get off the mind. And we feel relaxed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes, nature can heal a mind that is too much exhausted. People want deliberate remedies and one that is typical is that nature brings of of what they need.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's absolutely true friend residing in a province is a great idea. It has alot of advantages especially when it talks about fresh food. The air we breathe their and the water we drink, some of it are distilled.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When it comes to living on comfortable life, it seems countryside is the most convenient. You can have alot of spacesd of what you want to do. Fresh food like fruits, and plants or vegetables can be take what ever you want.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It has alot of things to do in rural area. That's great to live in a place we're all of the needs is available

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bet ko talaga sa province lahat presko di tulad sa cities.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right, when it talks about province we can guarantee of fresh viands and fruits.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Honestly living in the city makes life easier,you get access to whatever you want,get to meet prominent personalities even though they are disadvantages attached to it but I think the advantage is more. I remember losing alot of modelling offers because of where I reside.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely true, living in an urban place creates more convenient. Everything is instant. Life there are more likely saturated with some of the products of science and that's how it made of being more convenient than living in countryside. Thanks for dropping dear 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The freshness of everything is what you can get as well as peace of mind by connecting to nature mostly in the countryside. Living in the city have benefits also so it's actually boils down to where do you prefer. In my opinion, I'd go for the countryside but then again there are disadvantages to consider. Anywhere, it's up to us to make it a worthwhile stay.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True! Peaceful life is good. And that's how countryside offer to us. You can hear so many distractions and disturbances. Living in rural place is great cause you have a peace of mind.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is an advantage living in both. But for me who is living in the city for more than 2 decades would want to live in the country once I get older. I was raised and born in the province and I find peace in the province than in the city:)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, it depends how donwencope things in a certain places. There's advantages and disadvantages of it. But when it talks about convenience in about life for sure we can experience that in urban place.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Living in the countryside and city have a different advantages and disadvantages. I love city where everything is almost convenient but I love to go back to countryside often to relax, unwind and eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me too, I really love living in both city and countryside since it made out life more ease. But when I made leverage which one should I choose closely. I choose in rural area.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love it more ro spend in province. Tho our garden of veggies don't exist anymore, I still find it comforting than getting stress of traveling because of busy streets

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's true, there's a comfort zone in countryside. And that's the only thing that I really want. It gives you peace life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang sarap ng mga gulay sa province, sa city kasi ang mahal tapos minsan pa eh luma na ang mga nabibili ganon kaya di na masarap kapag niluto. Masarap mabuhay sa province ganon din sa city, depende lang talaga sa kung anong situation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Totoo Yun fresh pa Ang gulay Kasi alam natin na tayo MISMO Ang nagtanim or else we grab it in a wild places. I really appreciate the benefits of living in rural area.

$ 0.00
2 years ago