Modernization and Politics

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Written by
2 years ago

Maybe many of us are silent and suddenly laugh, both in our hearts and in real terms, as in grumbling in a coffee shop, in ordinary conversations with friends, what's wrong with our modernization today?

Image by Hands off my tags! Michael Gaida from Pixabay 

The pattern of our modern life seems to be disturbed by a ghost, which is none other than ourselves. The ghost disturbs us more through social media, games, or video services, which we often hear through chattering patterns that tickle in the middle of noisy coffee shop conditions.

Indeed, it is rather difficult to separate the lust for worldly life, especially the lust for power and the command formation in the form of modernization, which is identical with the release of lust.

We hold back tears, carry out a unique personality, even some who are religiously obedient continue to carry out all worship. But, on the other hand, we seem to be increasingly fierce in speech, increasingly indifferent between whether what we say is wrong, in fact, modernization does not bring us closer to fellow human beings.

Modernization philosophically means our liberation from dependence on things that are primitive or left behind. It makes us free from customs, free from the philosophical desires of the previous people. Modernization means as an exercise in accepting the progress of the times, which has a long-term goal so that we can work well while facing the future life. It's as if it doesn't beat before the desire for power. Power also trumps modernization. Modernization may also be politicized as a momentum to move, against the imagination of arbitrariness, or fraud. Humans are also trapped in the shadow of political modernization, that humans must be sovereign, hold the reins of power, even though, and form coalitions with groups that tend to be fascist. The shadows were raised and re-narrated by the levels of officials with a fierce tone, an emotional tone, as if the human condition was in a critical condition, and must be revived immediately. They also provoke the public with questions; why is it still so dominant in the old order, but so politically weak.

Another inducement is through narratives that raise people's fear of threats, such as being left behind, against the uneducated, and not accepting the progress of the times. Even though in the end, all the information that seemed to corner the public was swallowed up, the even distribution of modernization was not inversely proportional to its implementation and readiness, in fact, they spread the information without suspicion.

People were deceived, and suddenly joined the flow of political migration, raised symbols that were fighting for, while slandering everything that did not smell of modernization, and even took action to bring down the leaders who led them. Modernization and Politics are also slowly creating separation in our daily lives, namely us and them. We are invited to or who accept modernization, and those who are anti-modernization and who do not accept modernization. Modernization and Politics have also succeeded in becoming a ghost of a new style for the rulers. And it still has the potential to undermine the legitimacy of politically legitimate rulers for democratic issues.

Modernization, as mandatory progress for humans, should be a space and time for reflection, to revisit the essence of modern society today. What should the community be like in their attitude, in associating as citizens in their territory?

Hope, the practice of holding back this unpreparedness, raises the connotation of the word, which helps to clarify the perspective. So, we can rework the modernized character that is actually carried out. That modernization is the opening path, modernization is change, to be able to run according to the times in the context of goodness and convenience.


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Written by
2 years ago


Nasty politics are ruining everything.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Modernization is a mandatory process for human being? Uhh somewhat disagree. I do believe peoples are need modernization but without hampering the natures

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very true. In modernization people say one thing but do another. No respect to their own words dear friend.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

In some ways I am against of it. But I also want ppl should think above and do progress. But we all are fastly moving to modern world. So I am scared to get lost in it and forget about ancestors.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

As a result of modernization, our civilization is improving, But sadly, our mentality is not improving, As a result, politics is getting into the hands of crime day by day, So I don't like politics very much.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

At present politics has the lowest place. So modernization is creating obstacles.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very well said.

$ 0.02
2 years ago