Up for some randoms

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2 years ago
Date: January 29, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

Sawadee Krap phenomenal writers/readers of Read.Cash!

Your resident AlphaCron is back again with another blog entry!

Today is Saturday and thank goodness because I'm liking the cozy vibe this day brings. My mood is in good state because the weather is fine. By the way folks, is life treating you all well? If you asked me, I feel relieved because he (life) is not harsh to me. I do hope that life treats you kind. I know we have our individual battles to fight, but I'm confident that you will win the fight. In case no one told you today, know that you are a person who is firm and tenacious.

I can't deny, I've been absent again here for days. To tell you honestly, I got lazy these days. I don't feel like writing, so I just intended not to write. Besides, my mind is kind of like empty because I can't think of any topics to write about. Be that as it may, I really decided that today, I should update myself.

As I was scrolling on Facebook, I came across with a shared post of my Senior high school classmate. It's a random 65 questions. Since I don't have good topics in mind, I'll be answering questions that I personally picked from the post. Anyways, I will only answer 5 questions for this blog entry of mine.

Hey folks? Might consider reading my previous blog? Well, here's the link.

Blog Title: We went to the beach!

Blog link:


And so, without further delay, let's get started!

1. Did you think of committing suicide?

This question is way too harsh, but I'm going to answer it by saying...

At this point of my life, I never thought of committing this sinful act. Thankfully, my mental health is stable. Notwithstanding, I feel sorry for those people who are mentally unstable because for sure, this question always come across in their minds. Life is indeed so brutal and so if you have a weak heart and a weak faith to the Supreme Being, you will be tempted to do things that will put an end to your sufferings.

2. What is your relationship status?

I'm Single and not prepared to let someone enter my life. Being in a relationship has never been my priority and I love being single because I'm free from overthinking and conflicts. I believe there's a right time for me to indulge in this kind of endeavor. For now, I want to improve myself as an individual. I want to be at my best version, and for that to happen, I need to have a full time with myself.

3. What is the best gift you receive?

If it's something that is tangible, then I would have to say that the best gift that I receive is a laptop. As you may recall my previous blog, my Aunt gave me a laptop. There's no doubt that having this particular stuff is necessary especially for us students in today's generation. We have a lot of researches to do. Thus, the current educational system today is via online, so having a laptop is indeed useful. On the contrary, the best gift that I receive if it is intangible is of course the gift of life. Sometimes, we tend to forget that our life is likewise a gift from God. Having a life is a great blessing a person could ever have.

4. What is your addiction?

I'm addicted to coffee. Periodt. Coffee lovers can only relate. Hahaha

5. What makes you scared?

I'm scared of geckos and snakes. Whenever I see videos or pictures of these animals. I can't help but get goosebumps. I just can't stand the sight of these creatures.

And that concludes my blog for today. My sincere thanks for reading this blog. Your effort means a lot to me. I hope you enjoy your Saturday.

Lots of love from your resident AlphaCron!<3

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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


High School days nong sa tinfin ko ee sobrang unfair ng Mommy so sakin. Naisip ko mag suicide pero never kong ginawa. Hanggang sa isip lang sya. Doko kayang eend ang life ko with that reason. Masayang mabuhay kahit minsan nakakabagot. So we should always be positive in life and don't evsr think about suicide.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Life is a blessing kaya e treasure natin ito kasi very blessed tayo to have this gift. We should not be drowned by our emotions talaga. Pray lang always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yey to coffee! I hope soon you get to meet someone you can share it with.

Good for you that you have a strong resolve to not ever think of suicide. Mental health is important such that we have to check on our friends and loved ones once in a while and see how they are.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hey! Thanks for noticing my existence on this platform! I appreciate you commenting my blog. I hope we're mentally healthy always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm a coffee lover also, hinay hinay lang tayo sa kape hehehe.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Kaayo Mjay. Pero maka addict jud siya jud hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago