We went to the beach!

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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago
Date: January 24, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

What's up dear readers of read.cash!

Your resident Alpha is back again with another content!

Before diving into the main subject of this blog for today, let me first say, How are you all? How's your health by the way? Well, if you are having a fever right now, may you get well soon. If not, then stay healthy by drinking lots of water in order for you to stay hydrated. Thus, when going to places with lots of people, always be mindful of the health and safety protocols imposed in your place. Obviously, this is to protect yourself from the virus. Additionally, by exercising social distancing, you will get mitigate the spread of COVID-19 virus. As much as possible, please do stay at home. Make use of your time together with your family. COVID-19 is undeniably legit so never underestimate it. If you are one of those people who actually don't believe about this COVID thingy, well, be careful and don't be too complacent because you will never know what's going to happen.

On the contrary, I decided to write this blog entry at around 5 pm for the reason that I took a nap at 1 pm and woke up at exactly 2:10. After that, I intended to watch Single's Inferno on Netflix. So, just a quick info about it, it is a dating show. I started watching this show yesterday together with my siblings, but since my youngest sister has a class today and my brother was returned home to another city, I have no choice but to watch it alone. Lol. If you asked, I find this show interesting and exciting. And so, if you want to know more about this show, then you can access it through the Netflix account. I guess you can likewise watch it to some third-party websites of your choice. Hahaha.

Hey dear! Haven't read my previous blog? Then you can easily access it through this link.

Blog Title: I'm Healed

Link: https://read.cash/@AlphaCron/im-healed-0c3f7a6d

As promised, the content of my blog for today has something to do with what I stated in the closing thoughts of my previous blog. And so, let's get started!

When we were kids before, every time our fever is about to end its visitation period, my parents would really make us go to the beach and just to go for a swim so that we can recover fully from being sick. And actually, it always works. Since we are meters apart from the beach, we can just go there, and it's either to us if we walk or ride a transportation vehicle. The decision is up to us tho. Lol.

Anyways, here's the thing. Yesterday, my Father, my youngest sister, and I went to the beach at around 6 in the morning for a swim. Even though 6 am is somehow early, nevertheless, I already saw a lot of people running on the shore, playing the sand, and swimming to their heart's content.

Despite the number of people in the beach, we still see to it that we follow the health and safety protocol. There's no denying that it's been for ages since the last time I swim in our local beach. Although the seawater is not as blue as the sky, nevertheless, I like the view of the mountains and the mesmerizing sunrise. Without a doubt, I just admire the calmness of the sea at that time.

Unfortunately, we just swam for like 20 minutes. Although we didn't stay for too long, be that as it may, it's okay provided that I'm not used to swim for too long unlike when I was a kid. Lol.

And that ends my blog for today! Thank you guys for dropping by! Hope you had an amazing day!

Lots of love from your resident Alpha

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2 years ago


That's great that you already went to a beach. Because we my family it'd already been a while that we haven't visit a beach because on of the reason is that all beaches in our province were all wrecked by Odette so no beach to visit here. 😔

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ay maka sad. Sige lang maam oys puhon.x nalang ug ma okay na ang sitwasyon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mao lage puhon in God's will.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Why walayyy na picture me want to see the beach 🥺. Pero sana lahat nakapunta na nga sa dagat samin kalapot ng dagat pero di maka punta haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ieedit ko yung blog ko na to ilalagay ko yung pic. hahaha. Tinamad kasi ako maglagay ng pic Ate Ruffs eh hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohooo, gogogo bataaa pwd naman gawa ka bago add another kwento hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha nilagay ko na Ate Ruffs. :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dires amua perminti dagat ang makita hhehe, pero relaxing pud biya mo tan-aw with matching coffee.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ahhh ang kape sa jud. Gimingaw nako magkape. Huhuhh

$ 0.00
2 years ago