We Rise By Lifting Others

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Written by
2 years ago

It is already past 8pm when I started writing this article, so I'll say a good evening to you beautiful people. I had made a short post Two days ago saying I'll be away from read until further notice. As fate would have it, I am back here in less that two days. Two reasons have led to me making the short post on Saturday, both of which seemed to have been resolved yesterday. Special thanks to @Ellawrites for her words of encouragement as I explained the situation to her on Sunday morning.

It had started raining when I was having the conversation with her on WhatsApp and the weather remained cool afterwards. I like cool weather like the one we had yesterday. I had spent most of the day sleeping and catching up with a series I have been postponing for almost 3 months now. Then I remembered a conversation that had happened weeks ago and what I had wanted to write about it.

The Igbos are one of the major ethnic groups in my country Nigeria. Known for their love for money and keen sense for business, they have been described by a man as 'Progress spreaders'. He had said this simply because of the way they conduct themselves in business. Typically, an Igbo business man will take a young boy or teenager from his hometown and groom him over a period of time (usually years) so he learns the art of the trade he's into. After he's learnt the trade, the businessman settles his apprentice for all his years of service by setting up a business of his own for him.

Until the man said it, I never knew the man was responsible for setting up his apprentice. Although, I have always seen that the apprentice usually start up an exact trade too. My thought was that, perhaps, family members of the apprentice had come together to raise money for him to start up his own business. That has led me to always see this setup as flawed.

Somewhat like the child had been taken away from his family and all he has known since he was old enough to know anything without having a say in the matter. Surely this decisions I strongly believe are not his; at least not entirely. But one can see the whole point. What if he wanted to go to school and become a medical doctor, an engineer or something he felt was his passion? Anything but that trade he has been forced into.

Surely there is some positive to this arrangement long as every agreement and promise is fulfilled. It would also be unreasonable of me to not admit that there are those who want said arrangement for themselves maybe because they want to be a successful businessman too or just want to do something meaningful with their time.

There is a popular saying that 'WE RISE BY LIFTING OTHERS'. Whether these so called businessmen take someone under their tutelage so they can be more successful or so they can brag about those they've changed their lives is not what I am interested in. Truth is they have done what they have done and all things being equal, we can say that they have changed someone's life for better. Not just that someone, but many others too that will benefit from the act. Because the cycle of apprenticeship continues.

I have said in my article Making an Impact that I feel wealth should be used to impact lives, but as I said, I cannot tell a man how to spend money he has earned. I believe important questions are: what difference you made? What is your legacy? What will you be remembered for? I have said that should I become a wealthy man, I will try as much as I can to make a difference and change people's life. The government of a country is primarily supposed to do this for people in the country. Unfortunately, I have lost all hope in the government of my country.

I want to thank those who showed concern on my last post about me going MIA. I am happy to say that I am here now, hopefully, to stay.

Special thanks to @Mictorrani for the sponsorship renewal, I really appreciate your unending support and would like to apologise it is coming late.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago


My dad was a product of this apprentice system and he also took up some young boys and trained them in the business he is into after which he settled them. It's a very good way of spreading wealth and it's appropriate for certain type of people

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Interesting. I wouldn't have thought. That is good to know.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Love that line so much, we rise by lifting others. If only each one of us take wholeheartedly. But it's just sad to note that some people are pulling us down insted of helping us

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I very much agree. There are those...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am an Igbo person and learning a trade is usually not forced. It is the person who requests by talking to their family about their interests who then talks to someone in the line of trade the person is interested in and asks them to take the person. Other times, a successful business man may say he needs people to train and people show interest, they can also leave if they lose interest. At the end, the apprentices are set up well enough to stand on their own and raise a family

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Aye, that's good to know. I will remember that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Glad you are back o. Read.cash would not be very interesting without a philomath.... Igni people are "developers" . They can be found anywhere around the world developing China, USA, Malaysia, UK.... 😁

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's quite true. Happy to be back Bil

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some people lift others to rise for greedy reasons.. While some lend a hand to others willingly and genuinely

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is true. But I think helping others for your own benefit negates the benefits

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is an initiative that deserves a lot of appreciation for someone who has the opportunity to use these opportunities for the other person.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly. Showing others how to fish should be appreciated

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is also elevation in the world by stepping on others. Your tradition is beautiful. Also, wealth is appreciated when it can make a positive contribution to the lives of others. You're right about that, my friend.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I am glad to hear you agree with me on that. Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are Igbo people in our state here too. They are industrious. . And honestly, the way they all stay together and sell the same thing without fighting one another is a good example to emulate.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That is another thing too. They can stay together and having a healthy market competition.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yippie!, Welcome back on board Aimure. (Smiley face), what you said about the igbos is completely and totally true... I love their zeal towards hardwork, their commitment to it no matter the number of years and also their keen interest to benefit others.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Haha. Thank you. You even seem more excited than me. Good to be back 😌😌

$ 0.00
2 years ago