Life Goals

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Personal, Life, Goals

The weekend has gone by fast, and as we start a new week, I hope it is a progressive one for us. I can say it was a productive weekend for me, as I started reading a book I have wanted to read for a while now. As the apartment was less crowded and I also had a good rest from the work I had done during the week, and in preparation for the new week.

One of my life goals is travelling the world and seeing most of it ,other cultures and people. I do know travelling the world would be expensive as it involves a lot of tickets and hotels, so today I'll be writing about some of the places I'll like to visit or things I'll like to see before I die. In no particular order:


One of the seven wonders of the world, it is actually the only one still standing. Located in northern Africa, Egypt to be specific. I have always marveled at the sight of it on the internet and in movies too. The manpower needed to erect such structures and in a desert too. Would really want to see it in person some day. And walk in to see the Pharaohs rumoured to be buried as mummies inside.


Would like to stand on the wall with a smile on my face shouting "Yes, I am here finally". Though I read most of the wall is in ruins, I'd still like to see this historic heritage site. Perhaps when I visit China.

(Image source)


A beauty I must say. First time I read about it, I was wowed and to think it’s practically a natural phenomenon that is responsible for it and there are also southern lights too. A visit to the North of Norway close to the north pole and I'll catch a sight of one of the most beautiful views on earth (for me) on their darkest days.

(Image source)


Located in Arizona, USA. This is a natural geographic wonder of rocks. Estimated to be millions of years old, an episode from Avatar the last airbender had cemented my desire to visit this tourist attraction.

(Image source)


Architecture at its best. A masterpiece of you ask me, and to think it was built in the 17th century makes it even more outstanding. Perhaps when I visit India, I could drop by to have a look and relish in the beauty of it.


Located in England. For stones to stand and arrange such that they form a pattern. There is more to this heritage site than meets the eye. Would really like to see for myself, and maybe try and push the standing rocks and see if they fall. Hehehe. Just kidding, like I have to power to push tons of weight.


Located in New York, USA. I remember watching a video by Michael Jackson where he was high up on the statue dancing and singing. I’d like to climb high too and get a view of New York City.

(Image source)


A citadel located in Peru. Although a lot of it is in ruins, I’d still want to visit the elevated site someday and marvel at the ruins of perfection.


The symbol of Paris – the city of love – where it is located in France. Despite being a popular monument and one of the most visited, it still hasn’t diminished my desire to see it for myself.

That’s all for this article, perhaps I’ll make another list as continuation, since I have not been able to exhaust the list. If like me you want to visit any of the aforementioned places, do make a comment to signify which and why.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Personal, Life, Goals


Never heard of those lights before and I think I would love to check them out also. It's quite fascinating that they are as a result of nature and not man-made

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I know right, they are quite beautiful too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One place I'd like to visit is the statue of liberty.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Nice, we share that in common

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope you get to visit those places one day, Aimure :) I have only been able to see their replicas in a theme park :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you farm girl. I am sure seeing those were exciting too, even though it was only a replica

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its definitely the Eiffel tower for me, I've been dreaming of Paris since I could dream..I will be there soon!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Haha. That's nice. One day, you will live the dream

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Grand Canyon is prettier in real life!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I would expect so. Does that mean you've been there?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember that yesterday someone sent me a picture all the souveneirs of egypt and that include pyramid, mummy and everything . Ohhh egypt is amazing though.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I know right? I want to have first hand experience of those

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Already seen Taj Mahal. Now eyeing on others.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Must have been amazing to see. I want to see for myself 😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago