Law and Order

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Written by
2 years ago

This would be the second time I am writing this article because I had lost the file containing the incomplete draft I had earlier. Well, I have the will, so I won’t be deterred as I had already made up my mind to post an article today.

I was reading an article by Foryoubtc09 Freedom to Commit Crime and the post made me think about earth without all the rules of law in it.

To start with, what are Laws?

According to Oxford English dictionary, one of the definitions says that Law is the whole system of rules that everyone in a country or society must obey. In essence, laws are made to be obeyed.

Laws are one of the things that separates humans from animals. Now, imagine world without all the laws, what kind of world do you see?

Using animals still, cannibalistic species can kill one of their own and it would seem normal, no one would ask questions or flinch. I was watching a documentary on TV sometime ago about lions and learnt that if an adult male without a pride should challenge and defeat another adult male in a pride and wins, it kills all the cubs of make that was defeated.

Referencing that to humans, even though we do not categorically duel one another for family, there has been situations where a woman divorces her husband and marry another man. But, the man doesn’t go about killing her child(ren) because there are rules and laws that set a path we live by, and this is one of the things that distinctly separates us from animals.

Now, imagine a world without these laws setting a path for us to lead our lives, what kind of world do you see? Assuming there are no rules or laws we live by, and everyone lives how they see fit, take what they want when they want, long as they can overpower or outsmart whomever it was that owns what catches their fancy. After all, it is said that an immutable law of nature is that the strong always takes from the weak.

There is a chance that the world would be peaceful in this scenario, and there would only be chaos when there is need for it. Like for instance, one might be compelled to use force to defend themselves when another person is trying to take what is theirs from them.

On another hand, a lawless world might descend into a world that is strictly the survival of the strongest. As seen prominently in the animal kingdom, there are predators and there are preys, and most preys live their days avoiding predators because they are stronger or have the means to overpower them for nutrition. In human, this would be extra, as we have the tendency to take things to the extreme.

Even with all the law and order governing the current life we live, we still break them and will continue to do so as it is our nature and basic instinct. So, that is why the law itself seeks justice when broken. In the article above, Foryoubtc09 argued that there would be less crime rate if humans are allowed the freedom to commit crime. Perhaps, there is some truth in that unless for psychopaths who find gratification in doing harm to others. I had also asked: if there was no punishment for crimes, would there be less crime or more?

Perhaps lawlessness works in Charles Darwin’s favour and humans would have evolved into a more superior species as only the strongest and smartest will survive because of natural selection. And they will pass these traits to their offspring and on and on.


I am merely thinking out loud, and merely depicting a figment of my imagination in words. I would very much appreciate your comment and contribution to this, and perhaps there could be a counter-argument to it. However, do not misinterpret any of what I had written to be manifestations of primal instincts or brute nature.

Thank You For Reading 🖤🖤

Special appreciation to my subscribers, sponsors, readers and upvoters. This blogging journey would not have been a smooth sail without you all and I very much appreciate all you’ve done so far. Thank you so much.

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Written by
2 years ago


What's more scary is the fact there ain't no regards to law anymore especially in our country. Some people are above the law, some are at the same level with the law while others are below the law.... The article is true. Reminds me of George Orwell: "All animals are equal, but some are more equal then others"

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very true. People in the country feel they are above the law and can do whatever and get away with it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If the world has no laws, I can imagine a two possible outcome for it. One is the world would be crime free and crime less. I can say crime free because there's a possibility that people will abuse their power and freedom to do whatever they wanted to do and get whatever they wanted to get even if they are already harming each other. While the opposite side might be a crime less as there's might also a possibility that people will live contented with what they have as they can do and they can have whatever they want and they needs as there's no laws to be Obeyed. The world might be equal as there's no powerful people and there's no weak.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Beautiful. This is a perspective that is very much appreciated. And yes, these are possibilities in the absence of of laws.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Laws are very important and when they are broken then penalties must be applied. In the presence of laws and we see large amounts of crimes and attacks..Imagine the situation without laws? It's disastrous! Of course, crimes will increase without laws

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Well, that is really one of the possible outcomes and we may never really know what would be hehe. Thank you for your contribution

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry about losing your draft, that must suck. I can't imagine a world without laws, everything would be a disaster

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Perhaps disaster won't be an abnormality thus, we'd be used to it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think there will be more crime if laws doesn't exist. What usually stop some persons from carrying out a crime is the risk of getting caught and punished, now imagine if such impediment isn't there, it will be chaos

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Well, that is a possibility. But perhaps chaos in itself would be a norm we have gotten used to

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The proper implement of law & order could change the world. But is this really happening? I don’t think so. Waiting for that day.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hehe. I agree with you that proper implementation would make things better if only it was happening

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your voice is very important to the community! never stop raising it. delighted to have read you

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you Mafer, appreciate your kind words

$ 0.00
2 years ago