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2 years ago

April 14, 2022 14:25

Maundy Thursday readticizen! Today we catholic observe the feast of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples to show the humility and respect with His disciples. We can reflect on this by being sorry for our sins towards others, even we knew that we are not wrong.

Today I feel so lazy that even taking my shower is not yet done, but since Adrielle is having her power nap and I need to be beside her or else she will cry I start writing article but laziness is over power that even my mind is not capable of cooperating. To avoid wasting my time na nakatunganga lang, I look for some screenshot prompts and question and answer.

Here I am answering this journalling prompts by Usagi, I know many users already published thier work, but of course ndi ako papahuli dyan. So here is my version of the prompts, thanks for reading!

What kind of day did you have?

I have a good day today, even I woke up so early but I get up so late because me and Adrielle spend alot of time cuddling, playing and gigling before we get up, and spending time with your baby is the best feeling ever.

If you could change one thing about your behavior today what would it be?

Being a hot tempered, this is my my behaviour that I wanted to change, even though sometimes I can controlled it but often times I can't, especially when my partner got home drunk, I know its his nature to get drunk and I am not used to it, I still get mad and can't controlled it, and the worst is, sometimes Adrielle suffers my being hot tempered, especially when she is so naughty.

But after I do ask an apology for her and talk to her in a nice way and kissed her and let her feel that I loved her very much.

Did you accomplished what you wanted to do today?

Not yet, as I feel lazy packing our things for our vacation, coz I am thinking that they will be arriving here later at night so I still have time to fixed our things, I hope I won't forget the primary things that we need.

My laziness is killing me today as I am not yet taking my bath either, I dont know why ny laziness attack me today, but this afternoon I need to pack our things and prepare so we they arrive we will just ride in and go.

But with regards with my chores of course I finished it, I dont want to end the day without doing my chores even laziness is striking me so badly as I have my baby who plays around the house so its a must to do it everyday.

What made you smile today and why?

What made me smile is thinking that tomorrow I am finally home, why? Because its been 4years that we haven't been to our house in Bicol and we alot of occasions passed by that we never visited our fathers grave, so finally tomorrow is the day that we can finally say that we are home!

What are the five things you are grateful for?

First and foremost that I am grateful for is waking up beautiful(charrss)and healthy together with my loved ones and my families, second is despite the crisis and my partners kind of work we can still eat 3x a day sometimes with snacks and other extra food we can still buy Adrielles primary need like her vitamin and milk, third is my families love and support for each of us, tho we often times have a misunderstanding still we always see to it that we have each others back for love and support, the fourth one is having good relationship with my partners clan, even I seldom join them with thier activities still they treat me good, yes they fighy also but being innocent with thier arguments can lead me to good relationship with them and lastly is being part of noisecash and readcash community/platform as this platforms helps me with my financial struggles, I found alot of new friends, I am not bored anymore even I am a plain housewife and I can start saving for Adrielles future.

To all my sponsors(New and Old) thank you so much for your continous support

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$ 1.09 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @George_Dee
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
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Avatar for Adrielle1214
2 years ago


Gosh we are the same madam being a hot tempered one is one of my worst behavior haha I'm more like that specially when di nasuaunod yung dapat na gusto ko and it's a red flag haha, pero most of the time ang copping mechanism ko ay magalit hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'll be saving this prompt for my next article.

Indeed this platform and Noise contributed alot with housewives like us.Aside from.the earnings are the learnings from reading others article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

haha same here, indeed a hot tempered too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I haven't done anything productive today. I still have a long list of things to do. Hmm.. might work on them now. Your question saved me hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bad temper and laziness - two of my downfalls too lol!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kung pwede lang talaga na mawala in pagiging mainitin na ulo natin madam noh, pero malabo yan malabo yan kaag may asawa kang pasaway hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Woww. Time na ngayon sa mga nag bbakasyon kasi mahaba haba ang panahon at walang trbho. Ingat kau sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is awesome to know you are going on a vacation, I haven't gone for one in a long time. About taking anger out on Adrielle is something that you need to completely stop, it could be giving her the wrong orientation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ingat kayo sis. Ang tagal na nong time na nakauwi kayo. Sana makauwi kayo ng maayos.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What kind of day I have? I am so disapointed of what happend last night ,hindi pa ako naka move on ,makaka move on lang ako kapav nakuha na namin yung pera.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

this period is to remember the journey of the Lord Jesus before He was crucified and tomorrow is Good Friday for his death. I often reflect on all my actions in the world because of all the sins I have committed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, uuwi pala kayo sa inyo sis? Matagal ka na din palang hindi nakauwi ano? Goodluck at ingat kayo sa byahe niyo sis

$ 0.00
2 years ago