Of coins and chess - gamble and game

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1 year ago

It's supposed to be my third day with a friend but because duty calls, she has to cut short her stay and had to travel early today.

Yesterday, we spent the rest of the afternoon in one of the parks here in the city, a place that she has not visited in a long time.

We had fun taking photos.

There were lots of "wishing wells" in the park. We were joking that this could be a lucrative business. Set up a wishing well anywhere and watch as people toss coins into it then you can collect later on.

In one of the wells, there is a small well (I'm not sure if it was). You can see in the photo above at the right corner. A lot of coins are already around it. I tried shooting a coin in that well with no wish at all. I myself was surprised that the coin found its mark into the well.

We were laughing about it especially that I didn't make any wish. We were asking ourselves if it is valid if you make a wish after you shoot the coin.

Anyway, she then tried her luck but after three tries, she gave up.

I have shared before that I have been here when the park opened after the renovations were done. There were actually new improvements being done in the park. Right now, the fee is minimal but the city is planning to raise that by as much as 400% and that's just for residents of the city and nearby places. Tourists will be charged higher.

What I was eager to revisit was the greenhouse for succulents and cacti. It was the last stop that we went to.

I like what they did with this - a chessboard of cactus complete with pieces. Would you dare make a move?

That is a succulent/cacti heaven - filled with different kinds.

In life we have to aim and fire or fire and aim and see what works for us. Life is a game of taking chances and opportunities. Of course we have take calculated risks.

Then again we can't foresee the future so our move may either be bad one. However, we should not be disheartened. We have to make sacrifices. Because of the uncertainties in life, we can only learn from our mistakes, our losses, our failures.

I am in search for a job right now and this is how I feel, firing and aiming, aiming and firing, gambling and taking chances.

It's not easy especially when my financial resources are dwindling by the second but I know eventually I will get there.

Just like what @HerBAE posted here, we have to keep going. We have to endure.

$ 2.87
$ 2.08 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.25 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @rezoanulvibes
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1 year ago


Life never goes smoothly. But it is being able to solve problems and get ahead of them that leads to progress.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I use to see a lot of wishing wells in the States. I don't what happened I haven't seen too many of them except in some malls.

Cactus chess pieces? I'll watch two play, haha

Best of luck looking for a new job I hope your search ends soon friend :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

First time Iam hearing of this wishing well. Interesting indeed . More interesting is the arrangement of succulents in chess board form

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Do you believe in such things, toss a coin or through a coin and make a wish it will comes true. Sorry my friend but to me it's just nonsense and nothing else, again sorry if you are a believer I don't mean any hurting

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That chess piece is truly a masterpiece I want one now ❤️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That chess table can symbolize sometimes some life's events right? I understand well... also in a doubtful period about looking for a job, it seems I see many cactus on my way. Hope you will be very lucky!!!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hope you get a job as early as possible till then hold on and survive.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I wouldn't mind having a wishing well too—that's jackpot. 'Firing and aiming or aiming and firing' I like how you explained this. It is better for us to do what works for us.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes naman, ang buhay ay sugal. Wala lang mangyayari kapag di gumalaw kaya dapat kasabay ng pag sugal ay ang pag galaw. Okay lang madapa, basta babangon ulit para magsimula. Time! Charrr, haha. Ang cool talaga ng mga cactus na yaan Uwu

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Unemployment is a difficult process to go through. It can lead to a loss of hope for the future, but at some point things get better and life surprises you at unexpected moments.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

In life we have to aim and fire or fire and aim and see what works for us. Life is a game of taking chances and opportunities.

Life is all about calculated gambling

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That was a relaxing park ey

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The level of detailing in maintining this is a real work :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ganda naman dyan, and the cacti are simply beautiful. I wish you the best on your job hunting. Sana mahanap mo na perfect match mo :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You're right lods, just keep taking chances and aim to that dream job of yours and before you'll know it, it already happens.

$ 0.00
1 year ago