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1 year ago

If you have read @Duvinca's This is a random post, then you'll know what the word "batiburrillo"  means. Go ahead and check her post if you haven't.

I commented in that post how I like how the word rolls in your mouth when you say it especially the Rs. It's interesting how different cultures have their own way of saying things or a word for things we usually don't have a word for.

Have you found out what the word means?

Earlier today I was able to go for a morning walk which I enjoyed. I didn't feel as physically tired when I did. Maybe because my mind was set to it. Mindset really works.

I even went more than my usual 10k steps. I have no problem going beyond 10k. I think the most I had was 30k steps. I'm not sure when will I do that again or if I will be able to top that. Whenever I reach 10k steps, I would then walk towards our jeepney terminal and then go home so that gives me around 1k more steps. However, today, I reached 13k steps. I haven't done that in a while.

I guess one motivation is that I have something for my reels in my fb.

I posted this link to my noise post earlier. You can check it out and feel free to follow me.

This then takes me to fb. If we all follow each other, support each other, then we will all earn eventually. Just set your accounts to professional mode and activate earning from your posts. Read this post by @itravelRox Are you a Digital Creator on Facebook?

We do support celebrities or other personalities by following them. Why can't we do the same to others? Those celebrities are already earning a lot through their fb so why don't we do it too? It's funny that they are already rich as compared to the most of us yet we continually support them but we don't support those starters in this platform.

We have this certain attitude that we don't support the beginners. Instead, we only support them once they are famous. We would rather support others than our own. Then once these beginners make it big, don't have that attitude of entitlement that they should notice you. You weren't there when they were beginning and struggling.

Talking about struggles.

Still I'm not able to land a job. I had an interview the other day. It was from an American company so I had to adjust to their time. I thought my email will be ignored because it has been five days or more since I sent them an application. Most of the ones I have applied took them a day or two to reply. However, it is understandable that it took this long because they do have lots of applicants and not only that there are other things to be done as well.

When I received their response regarding my application, I was asked if I will be available for an interview to which I replied I am of course and a schedule was set. I was already logged in to the Zoom link they sent through my email 15 minutes before the said time. It wasn't until past 10 minutes of the scheduled time was I interviewed and it was pretty quick. I wasn't expecting that.

I wanted to think that I wasn't qualified which is most probably so but it's part of the game. We can't have it all. Learn from those rejections instead.

If you haven't checked the post of Duvinca, do you have a clue already as what the title means?

Here's another.

We picked up my partner's Christmas bag from their office yesterday. It was full of assorted things like chocolates, wine, pasta, things for macaroni salad and a can of Pringles. The Pringles was consumed already. We are not much into chocolates these days. Care to trade?

The lead image was taken a year ago and I posted that in my fb page as well.

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1 year ago


For those starting from the beginning, we were once like them and we need to give them the support they needed so they can also build quickly.

I hope you are given a job, sir.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That is very much interesting and wonderful idea, why don't we support each other instead supporting celebrities.

Good luck for the job and great life

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am not as successful content writer on other blogging sites as I am here. Anyway, I have also good experience about Facebook also.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

haha ang busy na nga sa FB reels, anyone from Readers na pwede ma follow sa FB? hehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Batiburrillo is parang samu't- sari based sa pagkakaintindi ko sa article mo sir😀

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Jajaja oh so surprised you have felt inspired by that funny word I like to use!!! It's good you have also walked a lot it's healthy and good for the mind too, specially if we are thinking in job interviews (I had also an interview and a test, but I feel I won't have many chances as well...) but we keep going and enjoying now this Christmas days, surrounded of many things, like your bag which obviously must be a batiburrillo of sweet things!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Each time I read about your walk progress, I just feel lazy on myself. Hahaha😂.

It's been a very long while that I opened my sweatcoin app🙈

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Gusto ko yung Macaroni Salad sir lee. Sarap niyan. Favorite ko yan sir. Search ko yang Batuburillo sir.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Let us all support each other, i knew some of us here had already made their yt and fb pages and channel, so i followed them there.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

one thing for sure there are still many blessing during the time of christmas just like what tey did of your husband, i try to see in the google of the batiburillo it is kind of meat and looks sa delicious

$ 0.01
1 year ago

No it's a mix of many things with no much sense, here or here too: But I think it's also that you say, maybe in SouthAmerica, yes I checked it's also a meat dish but only in Paraguay.

$ 0.00
1 year ago