For example: mother earth


@quantum888 (user)
Crypto Fan!
@quantum.tyrant (user)
@Chaotica (user)
Quantum Scientist | Author
@rohantalwadia (user)
I'm an Entrepreneur, Tech Enthusiast experienced in diverse fields of Technology like Crispr, Quantum Tech, AI, Blockchain, and NLP.No bio yet... (user)
Intressted Bitcoin, Cyber Security, AI, Block chain and Quantum Computing
@Joke (user)
I won't stop with cooking, i will quantum your foam, Theorize about your relatives and overtake your light on the left side!
@CryptoKingXavier (user)
Alias KingXavier. Am specialized in Blockchain Research, Quantum Security Analyst, Physics Researcher, Blockchain Educator, Crypto Enthusiast Et Al.
@Vvell (user)
A blog about many interesting topics, from single-cell organisms to galaxy clusters and everything in between. Vvell wants to show you there's no limit to the wonders of science. From quantum physics to micro organisms, Vvell's blog focuses on a variety of topics and several different viewpoints, co...
@VipMars24 (user)
I love programming, Blockchain Technology, Robotics, AI, and Quantum Physics