My friends

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3 years ago

July 8, 2020

It is Wednesday. My mother drove me to my friends William and Addy. I felt afraid because it is the first time. What if she leaves me here, what if I do something wrong? I played the whole afternoon with them. They are in my class and nice boys not so stupid and mean like the girls. Now I know they are neighbors too. Both live in a cute little house and the mother takes care of them. Addy's mom played with us and she gave us something to drink and candies. It was on the table. I wasn't sure if I could take it. Can I just take something? Later she asked if I don't like it. I think I do although we never drink lemonade. I can not tell her I can't just take a glass from the table. What if I spill something or the glass breaks? My mother says I am clumsy and break everything. I don't want this mom to be mad at me too. Addy gave me a glass and some candies too. We played the game with his mom and after that, we went outside to the wood factory. All wood is piled up. My friends climb. They like to climb and so do I. I can as fast as they can even with a dress. This one is not for school but for playing outside.

I like my friends and where they live. People greet and aren't angry, not that angry than the ones in my street.

If my mother picks me up I say "thank you" to Addy's mom and give her a hand. She smiles and says I can come and play again. My mother waits in the car. She doesn't talk to her. I hope she will not think my mother is rude. I didn't watch television but I don't care. I liked being at my friend's home.

July 9, 2020

Gymnastics again. It's Thursday afternoon. School was okay I guess. In the afternoon we have crafts. I went to modeling. I like clay. I made a vase and it will be baked. Next week we go paint it and after it's painted it goes into the oven again to make it shiny.

I have no idea why my parents want me to go be at gymnastics because it's no fun. The mean girls from my class are there too. Petra is one of them. She is a bad person. Her hair looks like hay. I wonder why people have hair like hay. Perhaps because white people living on farms need it? She looks strange but says I am.

Gymnastics is in the new gym next to school. I watched how they drilled holes in the ground. I saw the clay too. It is the same as at school. The gym is built on pillars. They are in the ground. Large machines hammering it inside. My dad told me and we watched the men doing it. You can hear the sound for many hours. Our house is built on pillars too. It can not just stay on the ground.

The gymnastic teacher gave me a paper. It's about a contest in two weeks on a Saturday. Why she wants me to join? I am not good at gym and I don't like to do stupid tricks while old people watch me. The teacher will only look like a fool if her group doesn't win. They will say she isn't good enough, that's what they say if soccer players can not play. They blame their leader although he is not even in the field. My dad told me. He watches sport on Sundays. Soccer is boring, so is Sunday. Perhaps he only watches because people will leave him alone. He isn't sportive. I don't think he can kick a ball, do gymnastics, can do those things with a hula hoop, or play badminton. He says he can swim but I never saw him do it but he has a fishing rod and so have I. Only if he watches boxing I stay even if it's already late at night. I sit on the floor at his feet, we both like boxing and perhaps he likes if he doesn't need to watch it alone.

July 10, 2020

My mother isn't home just the housekeeper is. She said I can play outside till it's 4:30 pm. It's for one hour. I don't know what with whom I can play. I get nervous if I forget the time and people will not understand why I need to be home in time. One minute too late and I will be punished. I went to the playground at the end of our street. It's small but nice. There's a big tree in which you can climb. It isn't real but for children to play. The real trees are very tiny and still babies. There were no trees only grass. The children playing are not so mean. I never saw them at my school. Some of them show me where they live. I think it's at the end of the houses. They see grass and no cars can drive in front of it. You can only walk. One of the children tells me how I can go home faster. We have to walk between some houses and there is my front door. The child waves at me and I wave back. The garage door is open and I quickly walked through it to get into the garden which leads to the backdoor. The housekeeper sits on the sofa with her eyes closed. I am on time, she didn't leave and my mother isn't home yet.

Light in the dark


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Avatar for wakeupkitty
3 years ago



$ 0.00
3 years ago

Fantastic story, I love your narrative style of writing. Keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for reading dear friend. I appreciate it. 💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

On point

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your writing style is unique and i love your diaries. Keep it up.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Keep it up :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Not each part of the diary is told. Till that moment arrived I keep posting.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes n i'm going to wait for the next part of it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ohh great!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for reading and commenting. Let me know what the great part is.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I also love my friends. They are very helpful. 💗

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is nice to have friends who understand you without asking questions that make you feel uncomfortable. 💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

You made it more detailed. It was nice reading through

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you. 💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Writing journals on a daily basis keeps the mind relaxed and helps to achieve your goals in an organised manner.Sharing your thoughts is the best way to keep your mind at peace. Written very well. Appreciated....

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It can be therapeutic too and there are diaries world famous and best sellers. 💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago