Angry mom

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3 years ago

No school today. If you talk about something bad it will happen. My mother became angry with me and she kept scolding, yelling, and beating me with a whip. The housekeeper left and will not come back. My mother says it is because of me. I make everybody angry and scare them away. I should have never been born.
Can't the neighbors hear what she is yelling? I can hear it if they talk too loud and I can hear the neighbor if he's drumming. He plays in the Dutch Jazz Swinging Band.

Perhaps no one cares. They do not feel what I feel and do not have the marks of a whip or dog leashes, no bumps, no blue spots, no bruises. My mother will tell people about the crinkle in my head and how clumsy I am.

She always tells the same story, repeat it time after time. She cannot talk in a normal way. Says everything three times, followed by "repeat what I said" and next repeats herself again. I do not listen to her, I don't want to hear her voice but even if she keeps her mouth shut I still hear her saying these words, hear her repeating herself. I can not repeat her. I know she always says the same but I can not repeat those stupid sentences of hers. It makes her angry but I cannot help it. Francoise is not the only one who thinks she is weird.

September 19, 2020

A kid's diary

Gymnastic rings



#kittywu #diary #childhood

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$ 1.25 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for wakeupkitty
3 years ago


Awwwnnn. This act isn't too enough.. I guess something I wrong so where. The first question is what of the boy's dad?🤔maybe she might be outpouring the hatred she had on the father to the boy...

I wrote an article sometimes ago on there is no bad Child. You can check dear. Now back to the story, gosh....this is a tough one. I do say this a mother have a defined role which is very important in the life of a child. Ok? How she defines her role, makes it real to the child helps the child alot.

For the story, I conclude that this is a bad parenting because her mission has been blinded by her finding faults in the child all time. If she continues like this 🤔🤔 🤔, the boy will have a low self esteem and who knows what the boy will do one day, he might even yell at her back, hide things from her mother which is too bad....

I just hope this woman get senses before it's too late. Mind you, children shouldn't be corrected by yelling or flogging.... They are humans too but with little brain, we parents should be the one to put them through by talking to them softly anytime they are wrong.

Thanks....this is my own view about this story

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Something sound fishy here, the misunderstanding is completely out of hand, you didn't have to think that you are the cause , the problem is , something is wrong somewhere and you have to know where the problem lies first. No matter hot she is , she will have someone she do listen to you can confide in that person it may be of help. For the time being do careful and watch every of your steps.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's complete misunderstanding with are not responsible for any reason.they have to understand you and your thinking.You also have to do anything very carefully.Otherwise they always misunderstood you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, you are right. I need to be very careful. Watch my steps. Everything I do or say, or don't do makes my mother angry. I think she likes to be angry and hit me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There's always a misunderstanding in the family I hope you find the courage and ask your mom why is she like that. She might have a reason why she is always angry. Always respect your mother even if she's the one who is wrong. You could also tell her how you feel if she calm down or write a letter and through that express how you feel towards her. And also monitor your actions and words. Keep safe wake up kitty.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My mother is always angry. If she is angry with patients she scolds at me, drags me out of bed in the middle of the night. She is never calm. I can not talk to her. She says I am a sick person.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Aw too bad :(( i hope she wil change.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A wonderful read. Seems like a child that just wants to be understood. If only mom could be a little bit nicer and not flare up in anger.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The mother will not be nicer. It is not a part of her. She hates children and hates people who do not agree with her. She's the queen, always right. She will cut your head off out of fun. Just like the one in Alice in Wonderland. 🤔

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Mom is our best teacher. Because she teach us in our childhood.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

So you mean to say my mother teaches me how to scare people and molest them in a great way? You sound like a sick person to me. No respect.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Maybe you have a misunderstanding with your mother so she can do that for you. try to ask why she is like that to you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My mother hates children, never wanted children and loves to molest and is a psychopath!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There's something wrong with your home.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There is indeed but no one dares to say it. The housekeepers leave one by one. The family is afraid to visit it, so are teachers. No one will protect me or safe me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hum I lost my word

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I frequently lose them too. It's saver without words although she says she can read my eyes and face....

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What can i say, she doesnt deserve to be a mother.😏

$ 0.00
3 years ago

She doesn't and she doesn't want or like to be one either. She told me she wish I was dead. She tried to kill me several times but I think it's hard to kill me. 🤔

$ 0.00
3 years ago