For today we have on the menu Her Majesty"dramaqueen"

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3 years ago

If a person about all the story exaggerated, with an excess of emotion, giving it too much importance, speak normally, she would have thought that no one would have heard even noticed, and that's because there is no good picture about himself or simply does not have enough arguments to convince his interlocutors of the truth of his statement. 

By raising panic and drawing attention to himself, he tries to gain the empathy of his neighbors and applies the same tactics to his work environment. With this kind of manipulation, they bring unrest, but very skillfully use that chaos for their own purposes. Unfortunately, such people do not have enough quality, so they often manipulate cunning actions such as raising panic in their favor. They wrap each of their hysteria in the explanation that it is that she panics because of everyone's benefit and how does she take care of you ?! Sounds familiar: D ??? Here is a more professional explanation, pay attention to the following text because we meet such people more and more often lately ;) 

There are people who experience everything dramatically and who communicate with others in the same way. When we say that a situation is dramatic, it means that it is full of emotion, reversal, that some great accident is threatening, that it is uncertain whether that accident will be avoided, etc. The person who dramatizes overemphasizes his experiences, and when he talks about something, he does so by choosing emotionally charged words, making grimaces in accordance with the accompanying emotion that he emphasizes with movements. It’s all drama: whether something happened, whether it could have happened, whether something that should have happened didn’t happen.

The problem that others who communicate with the person who dramatizes has is that she presents everything to them as very important, the most important. In normal communication, the interlocutor can determine whether the speaker is talking about content that is not so important or about those that are important, moderately important or most important. People experience emotions when they judge that something significant is happening and when they communicate emotionally. They, regardless of the content of the communication, use the emotion they show to tell others that it is very important to them. However, when someone speaks very emotionally about everything and everything, as if everything is of the highest priority, the interlocutor begins to doubt his credibility and to perceive that communication as difficult.

Disputed psychic "gain"

It is impossible to ignore people who dramatize during communication. Avoiding ignoring is their main psychological "benefit" from this pattern of behavior. They perceive other people's ignoring as a message that they themselves have no human value or that they do not exist. And that is why, with their dramatic performance, they simply make the environment notice them, deal with them, look at them and listen to them. If someone tries to ignore the person who is drama, he is ready to immediately increase the level of theatricality until the drama "for life or death" occurs.

Because of all this, people avoid communicating with the person they rated as the “queen or king of drama”. However, sometimes this is not possible. For example, when it comes to one of the parents or an associate in the company. In these situations, people simply have to endure part of the drama and dose the communication. What helps them deal more easily with people who play drama is to better understand why they do it.

What is hidden in the pattern of communication dramatization? If these dramatizing people spoke normally, without emphasizing and overemphasizing, without excessive emotions, they themselves would think that no one would hear or notice them. This is because they do not have a good image of themselves and their qualities. Although it seems to others that they are constantly making themselves important, they actually think of themselves as not important enough. They are convinced that in normal communication, their "signal" would be too weak and unimportant to others, and that they must maximize it in order for others to register and respect it. It is this "signal amplification" that underlies the dramatization.

Attracting attention

The second point in this pattern of behavior is attracting attention. It is the logic of a small child who mistakenly thinks that it is important to the mother only if the mother looks at him, and that it does not matter if the mother looks at his brother or sister. He then thinks: "The other is important, and I am unimportant", he becomes jealous and starts the action of attracting his mother's attention. If she fails to attract attention with positive behavior, he will attract it with negative. And if it is punished for that, it is satisfied, because negative attention is better than none. During development, children learn to separate love from attention, and begin to realize that their mother loves them even if she does not look at them or if she is absent. However, if a person does not outgrow the identification of love and attention, then even in adulthood he continues to behave like that from that part of himself that we call the "inner child". This is how an adult who dramatizes is born.

While drama and theatricality are one of the irritating communication styles, it is possible that it is so pronounced that the person and the people around him suffer because of it, so then we are talking about a disturbed personality. It is a histrionic personality disorder, which got its name from the Latin word histrion, which means actor. Such people behave as if life is a theater, other people are an audience that should be impressed, without the awareness that they are bad actors.

The photos used in this article are taken from the site

Source: Zoran Milivojević:  Формуле живљења, Beograd ,2020;

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3 years ago


Nowadays, many people draw attention to themselves in this way. Wrong way of course, but people don’t choose the means.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nowadays, many people draw attention to themselves in this way. Wrong way of course, but people don’t choose the means.

There is too much bad around us. Virtues and honesty are less and less respected. There is more and more aggressive manipulation of good people. Such times have come ... horror.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Unfortunately, there are a lot of such people, some of them can get fat. A couple of years ago, I had some events that this person forged a plan, some words, unimportant events, turned everything upside down. I didn't hang out for a long time afterwards, but she was aware that she was wrong, she blamed that third person for saying that, and she blamed that third person on me. You need to open your eyes a lot and be careful what and where to say. Various actors everywhere.She is aware that she was wrong, but she will not admit it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Unfortunately, there are a lot of such people, some of them can get fat. A couple of years ago, I had some events that this person forged a plan, some words, unimportant events, turned everything upside down. I didn't hang out for a long time afterwards, but she was aware that she was wrong, she blamed that third person for saying that, and she blamed that third person on me. You need to open your eyes a lot and be careful what and where to say. Various actors everywhere.She is aware that she was wrong, but she will not admit it.

I have negative experiences. False accusations, gossip and nonsense. As long as you help them, everything is fine. I never needed support or anyone else’s big help every day. And to such people, as soon as one day you can't help them, it's as if you haven't helped them in your life. As I get older, I choose associates and company differently. Calm head.Today, honest friends who are useless with you are hard to find. They should be kept like a diamond.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The most important thing for them is to always focus all their attention on themselves and they must be right every time, otherwise they will create real chaos.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think that those people want just attention. There are also a dramakings, and they are everywhere. In my opinion, those people are not happy and they need help.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think that those people want just attention. There are also a dramakings, and they are everywhere. In my opinion, those people are not happy and they need help.

The problem is that they have no insight into other people around them. As soon as the attention of the environment is focused on something more important, then they enter the stage and a drama starts that will take your time back and they will suck out all the energy that you definitely need for some important things. Such people do not feel that they need help and you can never refer them to the right address to get adequate help. Her environment ignores them or there are people who are carried away by their dramas and support them with all their might. These situations are delicate where they take the stage

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Drama and histerion are not my way of communication.But I know many people who communicate with partners on this way.Many such relationships ends tragical.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This time is the time of manipulators who do not choose the means to get some benefit. I am in favor of earning money with my own hands and skills, and not on theatrical and hysterical attempts to get the benefit or the attention of my partner. It’s a relationship horror if I have to scream for my partner to see me or help me. Can't it be done in a more normal way?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In my opinion, such people are too irritating, and I don't like people acting. It is a kind of treatment of their complexes.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In my opinion, such people are too irritating, and I don't like people acting. It is a kind of treatment of their complexes.

To be honest, since I have them in my environment, I am indifferent to their theatrical manipulations but when I am exhausted and tired I simply explode. I burst like a firecracker even though I know how to suffer a lot. I started running away from such people, retreating and trying to regain my peace

$ 0.00
3 years ago

When a person has arguments, he speaks normally, whoever does not have them, he makes drama and makes noise.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

When a person has arguments, he speaks normally, whoever does not have them, he makes drama and makes noise.

The importance of the balance between the emotional and the intellectual in communications is confirmed by the following story. Namely, Cicero was instructed on how to give a speech and be as convincing as possible. The speech contained 3 pages. The first note said: "Speak slowly and quietly, you have all the arguments!". On the other, it is mentioned: "Increase the intonation, there are less and less arguments!" And on the third it said: "You have no arguments, so shout as much as your throat carries you, gesture as much as you can and beat your hands and feet to exhaustion!".

$ 0.00
3 years ago