Bivši i bivše /Ex and ex

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Avatar for tatatatira
3 years ago

Pošto kroz život nikada nisam imala predrasude i družila sam se sa ljudima od 7 do 107, tako sam nailazila na interesantne priče. Tako naletim na post moje prijateljice koja se kako ona kaže našla u „neobranom grožđu“. Osim nje i njen suprug ima Fb profil i naravno većina prijatelja im je zajednička.

Since I have never had prejudices in my life and I hung out with people from 7 to 107, I came across interesting stories. That's how I came across a post of my friend who, as she says, found herself in "unpicked grapes". Besides her, her husband also has a Fb profile and of course most of their friends have in common.


Primetila je da se na njihove uspomene sa odmora i izleta ispod fotografija pojavila nepoznata ženska osoba koja je sve svoje simpatije uglavnom upućivala njenom suprugu. Kroz neformalne razgovore sa njim, saznala je da je to njegova velika ljubav iz mladosti.

She noticed that an unknown female person appeared on their memories from vacation and excursions under the photos, who mostly directed all her sympathies to her husband. Through informal conversations with him, she learned that it was his great love from his youth.

Foto: google.image

Bili zajedno godinu dana i svako je otišao na svoju stranu kroz život kada su shvatili da nisu kompatibilne ličnosti. Ona je volela izlaske, on mir sopstvenog doma, ona hevi muziku, on romanse, ona nije bila tradicionalna devojka a on je želeo baš da bude u skladu sa tradicijom i svojom porodicom.

They were together for a year and everyone went their separate ways through life when they realized they were not compatible personalities. She loved going out, he loved the peace of his own home, she loved music, he loved romance, she was not a traditional girl and he wanted to be in harmony with tradition and his family.

Foto: Google.image

„Sada se pojavila i leluja kao avet iz prošlosti na našim prelepim fotografijama sa decom… ne može da se smiri, tako matora žena i nije je sramota. Kako bi ona reagovala da ja njenog muža proganjam po Fb ?!?!?! …. „

Žali mi se prijateljica a meni smešno. Kao prvo, njih dvoje su pa jedno pola veka zajedno i ne verujem da bi jedna bivša ljubav rasturila takvu instituciju.

Možda su dosadili jedno drugome? Ušli u kolotečinu… sve im je postalo u braku ritual po već znanom scenariju.

"Now the swing has appeared as a ghost from the past in our beautiful photos with children" she can't calm down, she is such an old woman and she is not ashamed. How would she react if I chased her husband on Fb?!?!?! …. "

My friend complains and it's funny to me. First of all, the two of them have been together for half a century, and I don't believe that one former love would break up such an institution.

Maybe they bored each other? They got into a rut… everything became a marriage ritual for them according to an already known scenario.

Foto: facebook

Pa ne bih rekla. Deca dobila krila i odletela iz gnjezda. Kuća samo za njih dvoje. Počinju ponovo da upoznaju jedno drugo i shvataju zašto su zajedno svo to vreme. Bivše ljubavi mogu samo da im se pridruže kao dobri prijatelji iz daleke prošlosti, kažem ja njoj. Ona me gleda pronicljivo, žmirka, trepće, šmrknu jednom u maramicu da bi pojačala dramatiku i na sreću se složi sa mnom ali na kratko jer joj pade na um da ona se baš lepo seća njenog Dragana sa fakulteta, i senf žutog fiće koji je vozio pa je zbog nje promenio u crnog. Bio je tako visok da ga je videla na kraju ulice kada joj žurio na sastanak. Uh, reče još je steže u grudima, ali onu Violetu nije mogla da mu oprosti i sve se srušilo za minut.

Joj što bi im deca bila slatkaaaa …

Ja, tog momenta sam ustala i rekla da nije sve preljuba u životu. I da častan čovek kao što je njen suprug nije mu ni na kraj pameti ono što ona pomišlja. Prija mu pažnja bivše devojke, ali BIVŠE i to je to… eto da vide njegovi ortaci da još nije kanta za bacanje …

Well, I wouldn't say. The children got wings and flew out of the nest. A house just for the two of them.

They begin to get to know each other again and understand why they have been together all this time. Former loves can only join them as good friends from the distant past, I tell her. She looks at me shrewdly, blinks, blinks, sniffs once into a handkerchief to amplify the drama and happily agrees with me but briefly because it occurs to her that she remembers very well her Dragan from college, and the mustard yellow fiche he drove so he changed it to black because of her. He was so tall that she saw him at the end of the street when he hurried to meet her. Uh, he said, still squeezing her chest, but she couldn't forgive Violet for him and everything collapsed in a minute.

Oh, how cute their children would be…

I, at that moment, got up and said that not everything is adultery in life. And that an ordinary man like her husband doesn't even remember what she thinks. He likes the attention of his ex-girlfriend, but the EX and that's it… his friends will see that he is not yet a bucket to throw…

Foto: kurir

Da li vi u prijateljima na društvenim mrežama imate bivše partnere u prijateljima? Da li im ulazite u albume da procenite da li je srećan bez vas ili je ta svraka pored njega baš žalosnog izgleda i da vi ipak izgledate zgodnije hiljadu puta :D

Volela bih da čujem vaše mišljenje ;)

Do you have ex-partners in friends on social media? Do you enter their albums to assess whether he is happy without you or is that magpie next to him really sad looking and that you still look prettier a thousand times: D

I would love to hear your opinion;)

$ 1.17
$ 1.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Velimirveki97
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Avatar for tatatatira
3 years ago


Imam bivse kao prijatelje na fb. Bude samo lepa secanjai nista vise. Tamo su gde i treba da su-bivsi.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I will survive my whole life loving my ex-girlfriend

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Every person in this world have her/his own story.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

O yes

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The former should remain the former. But everyone has their own story.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't have them on my profile. I don't need them.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The safest variant

$ 0.00
3 years ago

my friend, his husband and her ex-husband ... are a big happy family

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ma kakve bivse, ne pominji mi ih, posebno ne kad sam pijan :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Znači dobre su samo za cirkulaciju ko komova rakija hahahah

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Potpuno se slazem, mada moze i rakija od dunje, jos bolje :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

S razlogom su bivsi. :) Meni je moja porodica bitna, da smo mi zdravi i srecni,a oni, kako im volja :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

every cast for the text, just keep looking at your posts

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you vladimire

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have ex-boyfriends among friends on social media and I have a fair relationship with them

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have ex-boyfriends among friends on social media and I have a fair relationship with them

I have it too hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

story I had a very bad experience with čura, I plan to write about it soon.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ljiva, story I had a very bad experience with čura, I plan to write about it soon.

I'm waiting to read your experience. I hope for a good story.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't have ex-partners in my friends, but it's definitely an interesting topic!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's all up to the man. I have a former love between friends, but we have a correct and normal friendly relationship because that was at the time when we were children. They matured together.

$ 0.00
3 years ago