Philippines became a stressor country

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2 years ago
Topics: Stress, Filipinos, OFW, Men, Women, ...

Filipinos are known to be hospitable, hardworking, generous, loving and caring people. And because of these traits other nationalities wants to have a Filipino to be their "kasambahay", who helps them to their errands including taking care of their child/children and doing the household chores and many stuffs.

Most of the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) works in other countries because there are no jobs to offer from the Philippines. At the present time, the Philippines is said to be still a developing country because many Filipinos are suffering from poverty and the country itself cannot cope up with the other countries. The result, Filipinos have no other choice but to take the risk and go to the other country, hoping that they could earn more money to support their families.

There are two types of OFW, fortunate and unfortunate. They are fortunate if they could work in a rich country with a wealthy and kind employer who respects Filipino cultures and them as a person. Adversely, they are unfortunate if they could find a bad employer who can do all kinds of abuse. In some news, here in the Philippines, the headline could possibly be, "OFW was sexually assaulted by his employer" or "Chained and Starved : OFW cries". That is why we, Filipinos, considered our OFWs as heroes.

Other OFWs do not tell their families how hard their job can be because they do not want their families to get worried and so, OFWs were restraining what they feel for themselves therefore stress do arise. They do not have someone to talk to and just suppressing it to themselves.

Moreover, stress do increase when the OFW's families would request a lot of things t9hey need and want. And worse, even their extended family including their grandparents, aunts, uncles and other relatives who all live nearby or in one household would ask their needs and wants such as sneakers, shirts, dress, or even a brand new phone. Because all of them have this thinking that when you are working abroad you are rich.

Next, Filipinos have a tradition that men should be the one who needs to earn money, a responsibility that he should make a living for his family to eat three times a day, for his child/children to study and to give them shelter. It could be tiresome for the father as he is the one who is working, imagine paying electricity and water bills, their food expense, vehicle expense and many more fees to pay.

Men might be more stress than women because they are more likely to hide their feelings. Men do not like to cry because it is a means of being weak for them. And other people may discriminate them if they saw a man cries. They will not tell their problems and just go straight to the bar and drink alcohol, that is why we have this mindset that "if you have problem drink alcohol then you would forget everything on the next day", which is not true. Because alcohol can just make you dehydrated and have head aches afterwards and your problem will not be solved you just wasted your money which can be added to your problems more.

On the other hand, women gets their stressors mostly by doing household chores and taking care of their child/children and as well as taking care of her husband. It is a woman's responsibility to make their home balance. Women are more likely to be organized, responsible and cleaned. They make their house to be called a home. Without them no one will cook, clean, wash the dishes and dirty clothes and no one will give a calm voice to appease the fight between their children.

But in this new generation, the Filipinos mindset changed for greater good as a husband and wife do help each other even in household chores or in seeking for job to earn salary and they both pays for bills and expenses for their family.

Thereafter, Filipinos loves to be dependent to their families as we are family-oriented. At the age of eighteen, we are still in our family's care compared to Western countries who lives by themselves independently. We, Filipinos, did not noticed that we are being dependent by our parents because they used to take care of everything for us. We got spoiled and when we finally think that we need to be independent we are already an adults. It is not too late, I know, but the time that we waste watching kdrama, spending our allowance in computer shops instead of saving and partying with people whom will leave us eventually, that all sucks. We could do better than that.

Stress is self-limiting which means you can manage it by yourself. Whether you distract yourself to read books, write stories, get some fresh air outside, talk random stuffs with your friends, clean your house, gardening, or wash the dishes and many other things to release your stress.

Next article: We will talk about why Filipinos could not get rid of these stressors and on how to deal with these.

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2 years ago
Topics: Stress, Filipinos, OFW, Men, Women, ...


But some filipinos bring others down that why somtimes im discouraged being a filipino😢 Sorry for commenting like this😩

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Somehow, I truly relate to these ideas. I think the collective culture and mindset of the Filipino people became the primary reason why the Philippines or should I say the culture that encompasses us became toxic. In such way, triggers stress in different aspect of human health, most especially emotionally. Nonetheless, as you have recommended, we shouldn't let ourselves be limited. Instead of thinking about these issues, we can still opt to see the good of life — a mindset of positivity which Filipinos surely has the innate capability to do so.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I love your comment💓Yes, our culture is really a big part of it. But like what you said, I hope so too that all Filipinos will have a mindset of positivity. Stay safe and Godbless😇

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Indeed, I just wish it too. Sorry for some typos in my comment earlier tho. May you keep yourself safe and healthy!

$ 0.00
2 years ago