Why YouTube Really Removed Dislikes

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2 years ago

YouTube has been rolling out an update to hide dislikes on videos. This may seem harmless but let me explain why it’s a problem and what the solution is.


Removing the dislikes is a threat to free speech because it’s a way to censor sentiment and public consensus, trust, etc. While on other platforms you could start a conversation easily, on YouTube, the majority of conversation on any video is typically in the comments and the consensus is formed by the likes vs dislikes. Since it would take many reactions videos to clearly show a trend of negative sentiment for just one piece of content and the amount of content being produced that may generate negative reactions, it’s impossible to keep up with now.


The hiding or removal of dislikes is simply to create a perceived positive perception of all content and then YouTube will simply remove the content that is doesn’t want to be seen positively. This effectively makes everything on the platform propaganda by design.


To continue exercising your free speech, I suggest using alternative platforms like Hive or Odysee. I also suggest opening uncensorable comment and like/dislike pages using Gab’s Dissenter application or website. It effectively lets you create a secondary comment section with likes and dislikes to give your opinion on any URL. Dissenter is now called https://trends.gab.com/.


Has your YouTube updated yet? Did you notice this change? What are your thoughts on hiding the dislikes and censorship? Let me know what you think about this in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe!


*Disclaimer: This is not financial advice and is purely for entertainment purposes. What you see, hear, or read is my personal opinion, and any statements made are based on my views and should not be misconstrued as fact. My crypto portfolio may or may not be simulated*


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2 years ago


Youtube claims to be fighting with disinformation but at the same time it removed dislikes. There's a lot of scam artists out there, and seeing a massive dislike to like ratio on their videos is usually a first red flag people would see.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I saw before update of YouTube there is like and deislike. Any one can see the number of like and dislike. I think dislike is needed. If anyone do not like that content he will decided to press any option but not now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's very nice to know about the facts which are hidden. I am really thankful to you that you give us knowledge about such a secret fact of YouTube....

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There's no reason to disparage someone just for the sake of making a statement. If dislikes were deleted from YouTube, it would only serve to marginalize terrible reviewers and idea killers. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights creator. Personally, I was not aware of it.☺️ By the way Im Newbie here ☺️☺️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Bro youtube also given a feature to hide subscribers right? ... I am not a youtuber bit i was thinking to be.... So i hope your posts will hlp me out..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Scott, Are you getting more views in your Odysee channel after YouTube removed "dislikes?"

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's really hard to tell but I will track it

$ 0.00
User's avatar scottcbusiness
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2 years ago

Scott, YT is doing a blunder by deciding to remove "dislikes." It is nothing less than censoring the viewers. Removing "dislikes" is equivalent to eliminating viewers' opinions. Many top creators are leaving YT for Odysee and other platforms. YT will miss a large number of viewers and creators soon.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I also have a youtube channel called AZE & YONA. Its of my videos of my children in their everyday activities and it hurts me when someone dislike some videos. After al these content are kids what could have been wrong with that.

And true to what you said that youtube imports positivism on the videos and its up to them to filter what videos are really exploiting and doesn't follow rules.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

There's no basis to put down others just in the name of comments. If You Tube had removed dislikes it is just to sideline bad critics and killer of ideas, so to say ,. Thanks for your observations and expression. I didn't notice it personally. Keep it up

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I agree that it will impact directly on freedom of expression. I know people use dislikes for various reasons but if one can not handle that they should leave YT. I like 'dislike'.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

As I understood it's because Biden receives too many dislikes.

We could say it's a threat of freedom of speech but is it? We know people aren't honest and dislike for different reasons not because they think it's bad but just to bully or...

I don't use YouTube, the account that is so no idea if the option is still there. I would say: remove all that nonsense of like and dislike and let people leave a comment.

To those switching that option off: is this a way of fighting freedom of speech too?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah lots of comment removal and many who just turn off comments entirely now

$ 0.00
User's avatar scottcbusiness
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2 years ago

This is not a problem for me, because when you do not use the like option, it turns out that you do not like the video anyway.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well I think it is okay because it is disadvantageous to people who use it as a medium to promote their business. This should also be applied to other platforms for people who use Social media to promote their business because negative comments degrade brands and businesses.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

We don't want to incentivize blatant promotion and ads as "content"

$ 0.00
User's avatar scottcbusiness
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2 years ago

Exactly the point

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Removing the dislikes is also good for the small YouTubers who get started and being bash and dislikes of all his/her videos, it can affect too mentally because reading negative comments can cause depression and anxiety for the YouTubers who can't bear the comments of the people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'd argue that you can already remove negative comments with keyword filters and removing dislikes encourages people to negatively comment instead.

$ 0.00
User's avatar scottcbusiness
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2 years ago

this is a new way to improve YouTube in the future because there are often conflicts with video posts. small thing from a problem

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The video is really good.

Yes, the effects makes everything propaganda in design

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Well... if there is no more dislike, there is always another way to see the truth. Here is an example... A video got two thousand views and a hundred likes. Let's just assume the difference is the number of dissatisfied viewers.

The thing is, no matter how they try to manipulate things, the ugly truth will come out and soon the content creators will move to a platform that stands for truth and they will be left with nothing but garbage.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Youtube's removal of the dislike button has kind of been a violation to users on YouTube especially the viewers. And also the fact that using the dislike button to pass a simple message of disagreement will now have to turn to a COMMENT to pass your message of disagreement which is normally more depressing.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

There's a valid point you brought up about people wanting automatic recognition. "I posted this thing and it should automatically be liked. What the hell?" Those individuals are obviously missing the lessons from the responses that should be telling them what content to continue, what content to tweak, and what content to forget about altogether. But it is what it is, I suppose.

On the broader point, which was the main focus of the topic of course, I actually think we are headed entirely down the wrong path. And just like you said, it doesn't matter what YOUR political leanings are. But it is clear that most media is leveraged heavily toward to the liberal viewpoint, and the social media outlets are also leveraged heavily in that direction.

What I am seeing is CONSERVATIVE speech being rooted out more than anything. I think this is dangerous, and begins to put us into a place not unlike China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and other places where free speech are not as appreciated, and where a centralized, and frankly GOVERNED, message is preferred.

The bottom line for me is that I WANT to hear the opposing viewpoint if it is out there. I am not a robot, right? I mean, I may be a conservative republican, but that doesn't mean I am a shill for the republican party or the conservative agenda. It does not mean I am not open to what the other side has to say.

Nothing bothered me more than when I offered an opinion favoring Trump, only to be told my opinion was ONLY my opinion because Trump was my guy and I'd go along with anything he had to say.


For the same reason I don't like it when I have an opinion that is negative toward Biden and am told my opinion is ONLY because it's Biden.

Again. WRONG.

At the end of the day I think it is extremely important that we uphold the right of anyone to say whatever they want, and let individuals have the right to say whether or not they agree with it. I think the only way we CAN be a productive and functioning society is if we can share our ideas and discuss them, find some common ground, and form a system, solution, or idea that is the product of a sum of all parts.

SOME of the removal of dislikes may also stem from a decades old problem we have had where too many people have been coddled too much, and everyone is too easily offended, and we award trophies just for being present for things, and we just want to make sure no one's feelings get hurt.

I don't think that's the larger reason. But it is a factor. If it's not, it might be their excuse.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I think using alternatives is our first line of defense

$ 0.01
User's avatar scottcbusiness
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2 years ago

So long as the alternatives don't follow suit. Many will. Eventually. It's kind of like a dog chasing its tail, you know.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Luckily they don't have to. Like Hive is decentralized. This platform could very well change based on the anonymous owner

$ 0.01
User's avatar scottcbusiness
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2 years ago

I have no YouTube account actually and that's maybe the reason why I have no idea about the changes mentioned above. But with regards to removing disliked on videos, it would be a NONONO for me because it means as well that they neglected one opinion towards the content.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I disagree with one aspect of this.
Aside from copying whatever is of value there and
archiving it somewhere safe from the memory-hole censorship,
using YouTube for anything is simply feeding the problem.
YouTube still has a lot of sheeple
but the alternatives are what we must now empower.
My Point:
Dislikes are a waste of effort and are a coward's badge of honor.
If I don't like something I ignore it and move on.
A dislike says far more about who clicks it than what the dislike is about.
Original, erudite, 'Anonymous Coward' comments carry far more credibility
than a mouse-click which can be gamed out of the ballpark of sanity.
That YouTube is removing dislikes is irrelevant
in the context of the sucking abyss of censorship
Youtube is now inexorably embracing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I completely disagree. There are too many videos to watch them all, it's much easier to find consensus on YouTube with likes to dislikes. YouTube is bad, but this concept is bad too, I would never want to say decentralized platforms following suit.

$ 0.00
User's avatar scottcbusiness
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2 years ago

I actually watched and saw your YouTube video first because I am subscribed to your channel. Haha.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I can't relate this article because I don't have YouTube channel hahaha but i watched YouTube videos. But yeahh it gives to the readers a lot of information. Thank you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago