Be a better version of yourself.

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1 year ago

Most people don't realize the struggle that goes on inside of us. That which is experienced as resistance or rejection, as attachment and need, as fear, lack or pain. To be the best version of oneself, one must first know or realize one's true nature, one's true identity. To do this, he must transcend every idea, definition, opinion, belief, principle, etc. that he holds in his mind as a false idea of himself.

"To live a complete life, one must find inner fulfillment first. There is no other way" ~ Maghavat.

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Throughout the lessons that life gives us, we will discover that the more conscious we are, the greater our well-being in all areas, both emotionally and mentally, bringing in turn positive results at work, relationships, health, etc.. That is why we must learn to reveal in our own experience this struggle, this limitation, in order to transcend it. The Ego is our true prison and it is up to us to find and apply the key to True Freedom.

The Mind, with its cognitive capacity and memory, is what allows us to know, discern, learn and interpret reality, life. It stores information from experiences in the form of ideas, beliefs and concepts. This accumulation of fixed information about life and ourselves is what forms the ego or personality. It is also where the notion of self is drawn from.

Consciousness is the knowledge of the existence of oneself. Depending on the degree of this self-knowledge, a greater or lesser capacity to realize the state of oneself and its action is derived. The greater the awareness, the greater the ability to choose where to fix one's attention. In the purest sense, consciousness is simply alert attention. The habit of constantly identifying ourselves with our conditioning (ideas, beliefs, concepts) has reduced our capacity to become aware, our consciousness has been limited and engulfed by mental schemes and structures.

Consciousness guarantees a continuous process of information and adaptation between our subjective self, our nervous system and our perceptual environment. Furthermore, a distinction is usually made between sensory or primary consciousness (probably common in the animal world) and higher level consciousness or metacognition (being aware of our consciousness), which is believed to be unique to the human race. A certain level of consciousness is necessary to be able to experience feelings.

So the degree to which our consciousness identifies with the internal programming stored in the mind will determine how we perceive and experience ourselves and our environment. By quieting our mind, that is, by dis-identifying ourselves from mental chatter and becoming more aware, our perception of life changes. An unsuspected inner tranquility sets in and the decisions made from this clear place are wise and correct. By not subjecting the body to stress, physical and mental health improves.

It is important to know clearly the learned belief system and to recognize how limited our consciousness is at present. Regardless of the type of belief or fixed idea that the consciousness has identified with, or in other words, made real, it will limit its expansive nature, it will limit its self-recognition. One of the things that prevent you from being the best version of yourself is the fear of failure. Maybe you want something badly but you don't dare to take the plunge because you are afraid of making a mistake. So you choose to avoid the risk and spend your time feeling like something is wrong with your life.

If you spend your whole life running away from failure you are likely to end up doing things you don't really want to do. From studying something you're not even interested in to marrying someone who doesn't make you happy. As you can see, the road to being yourself won't be the easiest in the world. But what will make the difference between achieving success or not is your attitude. You'll know you're ready to find yourself when you're willing to overcome challenges without pretext. Before that you will fail hopelessly.

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1 year ago
