Economy and The-One-Law

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Avatar for sanctuary.the-one-law
2 years ago

Boots on the ground, now.

Arriving Belgrade to develop the concept of Escorts,
I hope to spend a few days in Serbia
to contact people globally to collaborate with.

Replacing economies erased over the past year
is an opportunity for anyone.

Economy and The-One-Law

Economies define communities and the lives of those who participate.

Everyone participates in some kind of economy.

Your economy may be of any kind,
including such as a solo economy of a hunter-gatherer nomad,
but your economy exists regardless of how you name it.

Any economy relies upon trust established by reputation.

Finding ways to build reputations can build economies.

People need to be able to wake up in the morning trusting
that aside from whatever else may be occurring in the world
the economy of their community continues to exist.

Their trust is based upon the reputation of their economy.

The reputation of an economy improves or deteriorates
based upon the behavior of the participants.

Participants allowed or "authorized" to violate others
degrade the reputation of an economy.

When the portion of participants
violating other participants exceeds tolerance
then the economy collapses.

This we witness today, globally.

You can avoid getting caught in a failed economy
by supporting economies that do not perpetuate violence.

One way to achieve this is to look to differences between

  • Beings who can be trusted to not violate


  • those entities who can not be trusted.

Entities who can not be trusted
can be recognized, quantified, and shunned.

We can learn how to recognize those by their behavior.

More on that later, elsewhere.

While building an economy,
hardening it against threats is important.

An economy that serves and cultivates
those 'Beings who shall not violate'
has a foundation empowering all participants.

To participate in such an economy
is to be someone who does not violate others.

To begin,
we need to find a community of Beings who "do not violate".

To harden this community is to find those Beings who can help defend individuals within the community.

Enabling the population this way
creates an economy hardened to survive.


Backstory: Police and Politicians

Until now,
'protectors and defenders' of populations
have almost always been provided by 'elites'
who claim to care about "the people".

The 'elites' cultivate, groom, and eventually appoint
political bureaucrats to provide
'protectors and defenders' to govern the populace.

The problem with this model is that 'protectors and defenders'
answer first to their own rules and interests
then subsequently to those who pay them.
Often, their employers are motivated by lust and greed.

Police are pawns of Politicians bought and traded by 'elites'.

They are not paid to 'protect and defend',
instead they are paid to "enforce" the whims
of elites and their bureaucrats.

The absence of Consent by the people
reveals the whole structure of the politics of "police"
to be an abomination.

The instructive story about

Politics and Politicians Were BANNED in this Mexican Town in 2011. They Haven’t Had a Major Crime Since.

was on my itinerary but The Dollar Vigilante is already there,
so now I wait to see what he finds.

What the people have done there speaks volumes about ending police politics.

Archived here:


Now: Replacing Police with Escorts

"Police" can be replaced by Beings who

  • answer only to the community they serve.

  • can be paid directly by the people they serve.

  • actively help their people avoid violence.

  • act exclusively within the scope of The-One-Law.

  • defy any efforts to violate the people they serve.

We need to find the people who need help.

Once we identify communities
and "States of The-One-Law" that seek the services
of Beings who can help them survive,
then we can find those who can help.

there already exist former (and soon-to-be 'former')
law-enforcement personnel who will recognize
the truth of The-One-Law.

They will already understand that
enforcing laws of whimsy and persecuting "victimless crimes"
is how politics ruin lives and communities.

They can be invited to find and join communities
to assist in as escorts of the community.

The aspects of their training and experience
that are not coercive or violent may be valuable.

there may be many details to work through.

How to deal with personalities which regard
coercion and compliance as virtues
may be a supreme challenge.

How to communicate and socialize
that violent physical censorship violates
The-One-Law may require more than just classroom education.

The reward will be an empire of locales
where people can live within the peace of The-One-Law
while centralized tyrannies collapse worldwide.

As we work through the methods necessary
to create communities we will accumulate
a library of experience and information
about the best ways to proceed.

There will probably be many mistakes to learn from,
such is what history teaches.


Outside The-One-Law

There will be tribal economies
based upon many kinds of differences between people.

Their key feature is a closed, circular economy.

How to recognize such ?

They can all be recognized by one specific behavior:
they violate Beings who violate no one else.

They legitimize such violence with
attributes based upon anything except physical effort.

Examples of such attributes might be

  • linguistic

  • place of birth

  • age

  • skin color

  • family relations

  • and an infinite list of more reasons "plucked out of thin air"

which are used to define a core group of which
some few are 'greater' and many more are 'lesser' participants.

A spectrum of participation defines such economies.

The participation spectrum may classify participants as

  • nobility

  • bureaucrats

  • slaves

  • criminals by default or non-compliance

  • corporations authorized by bureaucracy to shield owners from responsibility for their actions

Exploited flaws of economies outside The-One-Law are that

  • nobility is earned by violence.

  • criminals can defined by associating attributes to behaviors.

  • there are no 'citizens' - all are slaves to bureaucrats.

  • bureaucrats eventually destroy everything
    by criminalizing the economy to death.

  • Freedom is replaced with 'rights' granted and denied by bureaucrats.

  • Liberty is sacrificed as obligation to bureaucrats.


An Economy within The-One-Law

A participation spectrum might specify

  • 'citizens' who do not violate others

  • bureaucrats - citizens who work for and are directly and voluntarily paid by 'citizens' to address social needs

  • outcasts shunned for violence they have committed

Exploitable flaws of economies within The-One-Law may be

  • the only claim to 'nobility' is by personal effort to help 'citizens'.

  • criminals are exiled only for their unrestituted violence.

  • there are no slaves - bureaucrats have no authority to violate anyone.

  • no corporations can be authorized by anyone

    to shield their participants from personal responsibility for their actions

  • There is no elected or representative 'political' "authority":
    All power remains inherent within the free will of the Beings.

There will be more and a lot of thought must be raised to address specifics.

One key point (of an endless list more) to consider is that
any community economy needs a currency that
is not governed by political entities.

Using a purely p2p currency is the only basis for an economy to remain free.


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is set up as a place to chat.

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2 years ago
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I think part of your goal of segragating between those who do and those who don't is unrealistic and will never happen: "They can all be recognized by one specific behavior: they violate Beings who violate no one else."

You make it sound as if it was black and white. Either you violate or you don't... That's too simplistic I think and just unrealistic. I think reality is much more complex than just saying you'll build an economy of just "good people" who "violate no one else".

For example, how will you define what violating is? How will you verify if someone is a "violator". This seems like a really bad society where everyone will live under the fear of becoming a "violator".

It's a nice article, but I am absolutely not convinced. The way you're describing it I would never join because it seems more like a nightmare than we have today. And today's economy is far from perfect but humanity had trials and errors to get here.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you for your observation.

  • "Violate" is the use of physical force against someone without their consent.

Someone either consents, or does not consent,
to what someone is physically doing to them.
Yes , that is insufferably binary.
Latin (which is/was a language which gave us many of the words we use)
also gave similar roots for the word "Violence"
which also describes what a "Violation" is.

That said, we all make mistakes.
With which recognition and apology
enables concepts of restitution, compensation, and forgiveness
to maintain the cohesiveness of a society.
Just because violence is a 'binary' event
does not require there must be a binary outcome.
This is the stuff any real society thrives upon.

  • Although there is no such thing as utopia
    there is no reason to live in a dystopia
    where the neighbors decide whose children to eat for breakfast.
    It is not that we should "do something" to 'fix' such neighbors
    (somewhat like convincing sharks to be vegetarian)
    but by simply ending our own participation in their economy.

And, in closing,
you are already participating in one such economy
that does not (yet) support violence: BCH
Using USD or most other fiat currencies does support violence.
Specifically the violence of Fake Laws

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Buenos días amigo, que tengas un buen día. Allah los bendiga y los mejores deseos para ustedes. Espero que algún día estés en la cima, vive feliz.

Lo económico es lo mejor para todos los países y comerciantes, si un país depende totalmente de esta forma para sobrevivir, entonces lo haría si estuviera completo y brindara todas las cosas necesarias para los comerciantes. Si todo está por debajo de lo bajo, entonces nunca se terminará y nunca será destruido. Una cosa más, realmente te agradezco por este tema específico y nos transmites sobre este contenido poco común.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Firstly Good Morning Dear Friend have a Good Day. Allah bless you and give you a Sweet day and best wishes for you. I hope you will be on top one day live happy.

Economic are best for every country and traders , if one country totally depends on this way to survive then he would to make if complete and give every necessary things for traders. If everything with in under low then never be ended and never be destroyed . One thing more I really appreciate you for this specific topic and convey us about this rare content

$ 0.01
2 years ago