Disability abuse: fictional stories to collect likes
Occasionally I see posts on my Facebook profile of some pages that some of my Facebook friends have shared or liked. The post contains a picture and a short description, with a request to be liked, commented on or shared. The revelations are made in such a way as to evoke strong emotions in people. Some of the descriptions that go with the photo are: Today is her birthday, she is 30 years old… She is a very good and brave girl and she deserves all our congratulations! ” Please don’t ignore this, Facebook is willing to pay € 1 for each like, € 2 for each comment and € 5 for each Share God help her and them to endure it. give them strength God! Who can and wants to wish us a "happy marriage" and toast with us for "our happiness" We know that no one will congratulate us and share on our wall, because we have Down syndrome. Natalija and Mario .. I simply ignore most of such posts because I am very aware that most of them, if not all, are either completely or partially incorrect and serve exclusively to raise the page's rating. Such revelations that provoke the strongest emotions in people, and I am enraged by the revelations that someone's serious illness or disability is used in all of these. So I decided to do a little research into the origins of the images in such posts, but also to find out what the people whose job it is to research found out about it.
One of such classic posts is a post in the description of which it is written that there is a girl in the picture who is fighting cancer and is asking for support. The truth is actually completely different. The picture shows a completely healthy girl who donated her hair to make wigs for children with cancer.
The description of this post says that the woman is in a wheelchair, that her husband left her because she became disabled after a car accident, and that she is asking for support because of that. A simple search leads to the truth. The woman in the picture is called Dzema and her disability did not arise as a result of a car accident, but she is in pain. She is a model by profession and performs in wheelchairs at fashion shows. It was reported by the BBC in 2015.
The authors of this post claim that the picture shows a woman who is on the last day of chemotherapy and who is asking readers to write an amen in the comment to help her heal faster. In fact, the picture shows Jessica Vaughn, who in 1914. survived a shark attack as reported by NBC News.
Readers of this post "Met Jelena whom no one wanted to wish happy birthday". "Jelena" is in fact Helen Golsworthy from Eastleigh, England, who survived a suicide attempt as a teenager. In fact, in an interview with the Daily Star, she talks about how the role of the mother has changed the way we think.
For the end of this presentation of my fake posts, in this picture there is really a couple who had a car accident. Pictured is Tamara Mena, a motivational speaker and model. The problem with this post is that her boyfriend died in that same car accident and did not leave her as claimed in the post. Such a manipulative narration infuriated the readers and they felt the need to support the girl in the picture, and say the worst about her (dead) boyfriend.
At first glance, all of this, while ugly, may seem harmless. However, this is not the case. Images of people have been misused here to spread a false story. Readers reacted emotionally, left comments, liked and shared, and thus had the illusion that they had done at least something. The question is, what will happen when they realize they have been deceived? Most likely, they will ignore and make posts and appeals when someone really needs help.
Zloupotreba invaliditeta: izmišljene priče za skupljanje lajkova
Povremeno na svom fejsbuk profilu vidim objave nekih stranica koje su neki od mojih fejsbuk prijatelja podelili lli lajkovali. Objava sadrzi sliku i kratak opis, sa molbom da se lajkuje, prokomentarise ili podeli. Objave su napravljene na taj nacin da u ljudima izazivaju jake emocije. Neki od opisa koj idu uz fotogradiju su:
Danas joj je rođendan, puni 30 godina … Jako je dobra i hrabra cura i zaslužuje sve naše čestitke!”
Molimo vas nemojte ovo ignorirati, Facebook je spreman platit za svaki lajk 1 €, za svaki komentar 2 € i za svaki Share 5 € Bože pomozi njoj i njima da izdrze to. daj im snage Bože!Ko nam može i želi od Vas poželjeti,,sretan brak,,i sa nama nazdraviti za ,,,našu sreću,,,
Znamo da niko neće nama čestitati i podijeliti na svoj zid, jer imamo Daunov sindrom. Natalija i Mario..
Vecinu takvih objava jednostavno ignorisem jer sam veoma svesna da je vecina njih, ako ne i sve ili potpuno ili delimicno netacna i sluze isklucivo za podizanje rejtinga stranice. Objave koje izazivaju najace emocije kod ljudi, a mene razbesne su objave kojima se necija teska bolest ili invaliditet koristi u te svehe. Zbog toga sam resila da malo istrazim poreklo slika u takvim objavama, ali i da nadjem sta su ljudi kojima je posao da to istrazuju pronasli o tome.
Jedan od takvih klasicnih postova je post u cijem je opisu napisano da je na slici devojcica koja se bori protiv raka i traži podršku. Istina je zapravo potpuno drugačija. Na slici je prikazana potpuno zdrava devojcica koja je kosu donirala za izradu perika za decu obolelu od raka.
U opisu ovog posta se kaze da za zenu u invalidskim kolicima da ju je muz ostavio jer je postala invalid posle saobracajne nesrece i da zbog toga trazi podrsku. Jednostavnim pretrazivanjem dolazi se do istine. Zena na slici se zove Dzema i njen invaliditet nije nastao kao posledica saibracajne nesrece vec boleti. Po profesiji je manekenka i na revijama nastupa u kolicima. O njoj je 2015. godine izvesravao BBC.
Autori ovog posta tvrde da je na slici zena kojoj je to poslednji dan hemoterapije i koja moli citaoce da napisu u komentaru amin da bi joj pomogli da brze ozdravi. Zapravo, na slici je Dzesika Von koja je 1914. god. prezivela napad ajkule o cemu je izvestavao NBC News.
Citaoci ovog posta su "Upoznali Jelenu kojoj niko nije hteo da cestita rodjendan". "Jelena" je u stvari Helen Golsvordi iz Istlija u Engleskoj koja je kao tinejdzerka prezivela pokusaj samoubistva. Ona zapravo u intervjuu za Dejli star govori o tome kako joj je uloga majke promenila naci razmisljanja.
Za kraj ovog mog predstavljanja laznih postova, na ovoj slici je stvarno dvojka koja je dozivela saobracajnu nesrecu. Na slici je Tamara Mena, motivacioni govornik i model. Problem sa ovim postom je u tome sto je njen momak poginuo u toj istoj saobracajnoj nesreci, a nije je ostavio kao sto se tvrdi u postu. Takva manipulativna naracija je razbesnela citaoce i oni su osetili potrebu da devojci sa slike daju podrsku, a o njenom ( mrtvom) momku kazu sve najgore.
Na prvi pogled sve ovo, iako je ruzno, moze delovati bezazleno. Ipak, to nije tako. Ovde su zluopotrebljene slike ljudi da bi se plasirala lazna prica. Citaoci su emotivno reagovali, ostavljali komentare, lajkovali i delili i time imali privid da su bar nesto uradili. Postavlja se pitanje, sta ce se desiti kada shvate da su prevareni? Najverovatnije ce tada ignoristi i prave postove i apele kada je nekome stvarno potrebna pomoc.
Thats why i ve left seeing these kinda posts. Fake news are everywhere in the world just to get some views but no quality, no reality. sucks