Fulfilling a promise, a fun promise.

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2 years ago

A promise is a promise, and when we make one, we commit until that promise is fulfilled.

The only way to get out of a promise once it's made, is when that promise risks your well-being, then it's ok to get out of it, or well, that's how I see it.

How are you, folks? Two days and the year is finally over!

A new year, new goals, new blessings, new achievements, a new chance of a better life for everyone.

Me? I used to write my new year's longings in an envelope and burned it upon 12 pm on New Year's. That never did anything good for me, until I learned that me, myself, and I are the only ones responsible for my progress and future, I learned to keep up at my own pace, not the one others wanted or expected of me, and my life is better for it, even if sometimes I feel its sucks.

I'm rambling, but I have a good reason so try to keep up with me.

Between the Covid Pandemic, the economic situation, the illusion that is the recovery of my country, my asphyxiating job, the lack of social life, and some other things, my 2021 was boring as flat, and I thought that maybe I would collapse before the end of it.

But I attempt blogging and found a place worthwhile, where I can be myself, warts and all, and I really like it, I get a sense of security, emotionally speaking, and besides, I make money from it, and I'm my own boss which is cool.

Don't worry, this isn't one of my Thank you Read. Cash and BCH articles, 
at least not today. 
This article is with another purpose, can you guess what it is?

At the beginning of December, my beloved friend @CoquiCoin threw a wonderful Christmas Challenge, in which all participants could give virtual gifts to whomsoever they choose. I entered the challenge and gave some gifts to her, to my dear friend @Belozoriana and to the wonderful Sawnta Ed, who we know as @TengoLoTodo

I maxed out my share of imagination of that week, but I wanted to give something that I really believed they'd enjoy and cherish.

For Coqui it was a Venetian Carnival Mask, one I have to deliver to her hands personally; for Belozoriana it was a Venezuelan Cookbook, I have to translate it and scan the images to send it to her.

Oops! I wasn't supposed to say that! Well, what the hell. I'll continue.

For Ed it was a video of me doing a Pizza Toss. This came out from an article I wrote about pizza, and he and I had a laugh just thinking of me throwing the pizza dough in the air and I said that probably would land on the floor or in my face. Since it was a hilarious idea and he seemed to enjoy just the thought of that I decided to give him that.

But I got in trouble, many also liked the idea of seeing me doing that so, I was asked to post the video for all to see, instead of sending it to Ed personally and I agreed.

Since I'm a woman of my word, and despite I hate seeing myself in the video because I look awful most of the time, today I made that video and now I'm sharing it with you all.

You have no idea how funny this was and how hard it was taking a good shot before ruining the dough completely. I made simple pizza dough, nothing fancy, and the toppings, also simple, pepperoni, and veggies for the other one.

Last night I saw a video of a guy, I don't remember the name, explaining the technique of the toss. So I tried to memorize it and rose up to the challenge once the dough was ready but as expected, I had several fails...

I was failing at catching it...

Then it broke...

But finally, I got it!

It was fun! After that practice my sister and I shoot the video, well, she recorded, I made a mess which ended with a little burned yet delicious pizza.

I'll leave the video link here for you, sorry, it's in Spanish, my brain wasn't up for making a pizza toss and speaking English at the same time.

Ed, I hope you like this!

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This is 100% Original Content.

The images, gifs and videos are my property, taken with a Techno Spark 6Go.

See you next time.



December 30th, 2021.

$ 5.19
$ 3.86 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.00 from @CoquiCoin
$ 0.10 from @ARTicLEE
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Avatar for rebeysa85
2 years ago


Wow. You really know how to flip your dough. All I would get is one big mess. lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Finally I catch it :) gracias and Happy New Year now I owe you Rebeca! and yes I love it :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahaha yes! My job is done, you know what the next one will be haha. And hey, you don't owe me anything!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha... your sister is so expressive, Na.... haha, that video was great, I had so much fun, haha. Happy new year, may it be a lot of satisfaction, blessings.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahaha she's mortified with that 😁😁 Happy New Year to you too Frank!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'll probably break a million before getting to do that one right lol! Good for you for you did it :D

That pizza looks delicious. I love some burnt food :D

Happy new year!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Happy New Year for you too Lee❤️🥂!

Hahaha it was quite the challenge! But I had fun doing it, now I have to wait for Ed to find out what he thinks of it 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ha ha😅 you made my day!!! Mastery comes with the years, but I like the start! The pizza looks divine! Break off a piece for me too. You've seduced me so much I'm going to order it right now!!!!! You're doing great, honey, and life will get better, you'll see... ❄

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahaha I knew you'd also enjoyed this!. A gift for Ed turned out to be a gift for all. I'm so happy that never landed nor in the floor or in my head, or face, that was the true challenge haha. How was your pizza order? This one was tasty yum yum, we have delivery here, but with the price of one pizza I can make four so, no delivery for me 😅 Happy New Year Belo! Big warm hugs for you from Venezuela ❤️❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Jaja, esto no tiene precio. No importa si el regalo era para Ed, yo igual lo disfruté y no sabes cuanto. Tu video es imperdible incluidos los comentarios de tu hermana 😂😂 Gracias Rebe! Te deseo a ti y a tu familia un 2022 próspero, con mucha salud y mucha dicha para todos ustedes. Un gran abrazo! Y en el 2022 tengo el presentimiento de que nos veremos amiga!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Jajajaja fue todo un reto hacer esto Eli y sabía que te iba a gustar siendo tu una de las promotoras de todo esto 😂😂

Mi hermana y yo lo pensamos bien antes de subirlo por los "Comentarios" jaja pero al final bah, así se va, es reacción genuina xD

Yo también creo que 2022 será el año en el que por fín nos conoceremos Eli, así sea para un café rapidito, por lo pronto recibe un cálido abrazo llanero de mi parte y de mi familia, que no te conocen, pero saben que has sido importante para mi en este viaje así que afecto ya está ganado. Dios te Bendiga siempre amiga, y que tus deseos para mi en este 2022 venidero, se te multipliquen a granel! ❤️❤️

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Besos amiga! que la pasen bien y reciban un año lleno de bendiciones 😘🤗🥂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Pizza looks so delicious 🤗

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you dear it was really tasty haha. Happy New Year for you ❤️❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I must congratulate you for creating a beautiful "mess" out of your pizza preparation! Your GIFs are becoming fantastic! I could almost touch the pizza on making! I watched and liked the entire video on YT. Kudos to you.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahaha yes, it was a beautiful and tasty mess. I enjoyed doing it as much as I enjoyed sharing it here. Wow my first You Tube like, thank you! Happy New Year dear friend! ❤️❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is amazing. This is the pizza I never tasted that I can see being thrown up and learning 😅 some catching skills. I feel like having one. Thanks

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Glad you liked it! I thought I ruined the dough practicing but at the end turned out tasty and yummy. Happy New Year to you dear!❤️❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago