Random Photographs

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2 years ago

Hello, to mey all read-friends. Happy Saturday. Tomorrow is جو and i am feeling little bit relaxed. Yesterday i was absent from being online here, the reason i was so much busy in completing my final year report, and thank God!, i completed it, before 16 days of its submission. Now the burden on me decreasing gradually. I have final semester exams from 15,February. I'm not worried about the exams. Because i already completed my preparations. I am sorry, that i couldn't make visits to your articles yesterday. But i will try not to skip any article today, i will reach to every notification of your articles.

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Affiliate Payment.

I am very happy today, i saw a new kind of notification in my notification bar, i was amazed to see, thay i received my first payment from affiliate-earning. Actually i made a new affiliate yesterday, she is really a hardworking girl and she proved this thing. And she, after receiving the first-tip, she replenished her earing for boosting her article(She is Clever).

Here, you can see the two notifications, one after other. The latest notification shows a a word boosting. Her boosting effort to her article, really boosted my-confidence, for making new affiliates.

Now let me come to my today's topic, but before that i want to say thanks to my beloved sponsors, and subscribers, who really are a source of motivation. And from now on whenever i see a red icon of notification, i open it and refresh the without getting late. You know better how it feels when we see positive news about reward.

Let me share some of my photography pieces to my beloved readers.

Photo #1

Captured by @rashid2.0

The above photo, you can see, i captured it on February 9. At 06:35 PM. It was dusk time. When birds were getting back to their nests. And darkness was covering herself-at night like a sheet. Orange-light was getting dim in every passing minute. Trees were showing their shadow and was catching my eyes towards them, the moon, it was shining like, nothing is more graceful than 8th day moon. Well i enjoyed the view and wanted to share with you, what i was watching that time. I took my cell phone out of my pocket, and decided to take a photo, i captured at least 10 photos. Then selected only one of them to share with you because the other 9 photos was not able to be appreciated, so i selected only one and deleted rest of all.

OMG i want to share a great news
To you, i just received a
 notification, that random 
Visited my article after 
15 days of my hard work, 
i'm feeling really happy today. 
I will try my best to make him
 visit my every article
 on daily basis. 
Screen Shot of my profile notification.

I know sharing about my happiness about reward is out of topic but i can't stand myself from sharing it with you.

Photo #2

Antique Door

Antique door, Photo #2

The photos above are, that i captured, when we went to Bazar 4 days ago. I went to the mill with my younger brother to grind wheat flour. The worker of a flour mil asked us to wait, it will take some time to grind the grains of wheat. As you already know me, I'm fond of taking photographs everywhere, when i see something unusual, that captures my heart,I capture these things in my camera and store them forever in form of memories. This is an antique door, which we never see these days. I love it

Photo #3

Filling Station

Actually this picture is taken by my brother instead of me, when we went to refill our bike's tanki with petrol. This is how pakistani petrol filling Stations look like. I have to admit that my brother is also a good photographer kikikiki!

Filling Station #2

Here you can see a complete perfect view, of our nearby filling station. The machine on left side is for Diesel Fuel, and on the right hand it is for petrol.

Photo #4

Coaster, Photo by my younger brother.

And here is a last photo of a mini coaster. Coasters: Here ere are a kind vehicles for short range traveling. They sometimes called as mini bus, i traveled only two times in my life on a mini bus. Actually it is not much comfortable to sit and to travel in these vehicles.

(Photo is taken on a place called our local bus-stop.)

Photo #5

Road to paradise

Capturing photos while riding a bike is a hard task. This beautiful road is going to our home, i was when getting back to my home from my college, i captured this beautiful piece. I daily use this road for morning-walk everyday. Consider the view, frame, and saturation of the picture. Really touching my heart ♥. Green field on right side in the picture is crop of sugar-cane. Clean and clear atmosphere.



Copyright protected (rashid2.0)

If you really like my writing up 👆.

➡ Press ➡ 👍


If you want to read more articles by me. Links are provided as under.

➡️ Day Of Reckoning

➡️Red-Black Ants: [Nature Photography]

➡️5 Things You Must Keep in Mind When You Are Buying a Crypto Coin


Thank You For Reading Till End 

- - - - - - -T H A N K S - - - - - - -🕃

$ 0.58
$ 0.46 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Jeansapphire39
$ 0.03 from @Jelena
+ 4
Sponsors of rashid2.0
Avatar for rashid2.0
2 years ago


what beautiful pictures you should put your personal signature so you give the personalized aspect of your work would stand out even more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your photo are very nice ..your editing work is also great my dear ..i m new one here..great dear .. appreciate you.happy earning time Dear 🌸

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is why I love read.cash, you get to meet and wee new people and places from your room. I love those pictures.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your thoughts

$ 0.00
2 years ago

These are awesome pictures, why don't you have watermark on it, so it won't be stolen. What camera did you use? Nice to meet you my photography friend

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah i have decided from. Now, i will place a watermark of my name. Thank you for sharing your suggestions

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, you have an amazing photography skills. I love those. Congratulations for being visited by the green baby. Your hardwork are now paid off. More earnings for you.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I always adore your photos and I don't know how to do it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Wow I love your photography my friend. ❤️ The Photo #1 is perfectly amazing. It's like a professional one. I love seeing photos my friend. ❤️

Wow! Congratulations my friend! I'm really happy for you. Your patience and hardwork are now paid off. More blessings to come. 🙏😇

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I love your pictures!! How did you edit them please? Was it photoshop or something else?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

They are edited in light room app for Android

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh that's awesome, thank you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I didn't know that the affilliates could give us that kind of sum. Wow.

$ 0.01
2 years ago