2020: The Great Disruptor

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Avatar for rapsantos
3 years ago

2020 will go down in history as the greatest disruptor of all. Shutting all forms from our daily jobs, modes of transportation, leisure activities, our plans for this year, and most of all, billions of lives perished. Our cities, towns, and provinces turned into ghost towns, checkpoints were placed for those who'll enter or exit on the premises, patrols were roaming around to implement curfew hours, and our medical frontliners working around the clock to treat their patients. For me, as a former call center agent and to my colleagues, they're also working whether day or night to make our economy stable. Everybody is fighting on the same line to survive.

As I look back on everything that happened this year, it is very hard for me, and there were times that I'm about to give up. But that didn't stop me to continue my desk job for the past 8 months, I took the opportunity to document what happened in our city starting from the Enhanced Community Quarantine/Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine, to the General Community Quarantine. Then I decided to leave last month after the account I working for (Microsoft Office under Teleperformance) previously was moved to Jaipur, India. Our local football league resumed after 7 months, even our local basketball league came back and both sports are protected in a bubble-environment. I have visited 4 cities in the capital region to take a look at their current situation.

Now, things are gradually coming back and we call it the New Normal which leads me to after numerous reflections, thoughts and served as the biggest lesson for me, and everyone else around. Even you who's reading this article right now. Be thankful for what you have, appreciate what you have right now, and be grateful that you're still alive today.

As a new variant of the coronavirus emerges, people are starting to panic, but remember the safety protocols. If our government doesn't learn from their mistakes and make a final decision, then it will be their loss, not ours. It will be the same thing as what happened on the 15th of March 2020. I am looking forward to 2021, that it will be a better year, and hopefully, everything will be back to normal.

Happy Holidays! Wishing everyone in advance, a prosperous New Year!

Lead Image from https://www.counterpointresearch.com/coronavirus-weekly-update/

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$ 0.07 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for rapsantos
3 years ago


Let's hope we will be able to see the good side it is bringing us into realisation of what is really important in life, and what the DEEP STATE around the world doing; then look up, and know that we are running out of time for the Redeemer is coming.

$ 0.00
3 years ago