To the conquest of good bread. | A great story at Read.Cash.

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2 years ago

My name is Ramón Oropeza, a baker by profession. Crypto enthusiast and entrepreneur. My story at Read.Cash has been rewarding. Never in my life did I think I would receive the support that the Read.Cash community and the bitcoin cash community have provided for the integral improvement of the lives of other human beings.

More than a year ago I received the support of a great person whom I respect and admire and to whom I hope to repay everything he did for me at some point to start this dream. And until very recently we managed to advance to what today becomes the first Anticafe in Venezuela, which we intend to become a center for cryptocurrency education and therefore for adoption, being our standard Bitcoin Cash.

Currently, we have a production center that is my little bakery from my apartment and a store in which the cafeteria is located. I produce the items for sale from the production center and then they are sold in the store. A scheme simple to speak but complex to apply. We take care of every detail so that everything is up and running.

Going forward, we seek to increase sales through advertising and also increase our variety of products. For this we need to inject capital. We are looking for it on our own at first, however we would like to see all those who have believed in me from the beginning and also those who believe in the massive adoption of BCH and cryptocurrencies join this beautiful project.

We are really very excited to move forward with this great project, which has a lot of potential to be the epicenter of cryptocurrencies of ours. Thank you very much to everyone who has supported us, eternally grateful.

n this path and I will fight for it. To the person behind RC @Read.Cash for wanting to bring digital money to everyone, to @MarcDeMesel for his support of RC, to @Telesfor for always supporting me. And to everyone who supported me! Thanks and blessings!

@Joewest24  @phavvy  @Azadkhan  @Monskins @Rubaya @Koush  @Fexodine1  @tula_s  @Jaabir1994  @unitedstatian  @Alther @emergent_reasons @majamalu @MobTwo  @ErdoganTalk @Cain  @SatoshisAngels  @F.B.  @Keith_Patrick @scottcbusiness @RogerVer

$ 23.58
$ 20.44 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.11 from @Telesfor
$ 1.00 from @Bon
+ 7
Sponsors of ramonoropeza
Avatar for ramonoropeza
2 years ago


Hello Ramón, it's nice to hear from you again. Good that you are healthy and your dreams are coming true. Pass on the support to other people according to your possibilities, just as you have received it. As always, I wish you all the best.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember how it all started. I hope crypto will have a future. What happened with your neighbour who helped you with baking first? Acryoto store/cafe has more future than a bakery?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The innovators and sponsor of read cash deserves an award for providing a great opportunity as this

$ 0.00
2 years ago