Productive morning with enjoying morning coffee

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2 years ago
Topics: Coffee, Productive
Enjoying morning coffee and traditional snack.

Activity enjoying coffee in morning is one of rituals of many people before starting their day and carrying out their full day activities. Many people rely on coffee intake after breakfast because of distinctive character of coffee such as warm and caffeinated, so it will be an encouragement to start work.

These two things make coffee widely chosen as a drink in morning. The 'kick' of energy and focus that is obtained after drinking coffee makes many people unable to spend their precious morning without sipping coffee. I'm one of those people who can't get rid of morning coffee, but once in a while I don't enjoy morning coffee when my body isn't fit and I have to replace it with another warm drink in the morning.

There are many ways you can do while drinking coffee in morning. What do I usually do while enjoying coffee in the morning before starting my activities? Maybe you can also imitate what I do so you can enjoy coffee while preparing or doing other work.

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Read articles on this platform

Activity that I usually do while drinking coffee in morning is reading articles that have been published on this platform as well as giving upvotes or replying to comments. I think reading in morning is the best time for brain, because it will work optimally to absorb information from articles or news that you read in morning. Moreover, reading while enjoying coffee in morning, is very good for increasing brain concentration.

So, morning is right time to learn things that are quite important to your life. This is because brain works optimally in morning, so it will be easier for you to absorb material you are reading and studying.

Helped by caffeine contained in coffee, reading activities can become more focused. Because caffeine can quickly stimulate brain cells to be more active and as a result we can be more focused in thinking. Therefore, reading while drinking coffee in morning is an activity that you need to try.

Preparing for Work

The encouragement and desire to maximize daily activities caused by coffee in morning can also be used to prepare for work. Having previously mentioned above that coffee can help optimize brain performance, so that you become more focused on preparing for work. Use this opportunity as preparation for your work activities. Preparing work while enjoying coffee in morning will minimize negligence, because brain will be more focused so as to prevent you from forgetting.

Enjoy coffee while chatting with family.

Chatting with Family

Last thing I usually do while drinking coffee in morning is chatting with your family. Pleasure produced by a cup of coffee, distinctive aroma contained in a cup of coffee, accompanied by people who are very precious to you will make your morning a moment that, although simple but feels very valuable.

So the best time spent in the morning is time spent with family. Coffee while having breakfast and enjoying morning with family is one of activities that you need to try. But it should be done on weekends because don't forget your work obligations.

Well, that's what I usually do while enjoying coffee in morning. There are many benefits of coffee that can help you maximize your activities in morning. Maybe you can try it so that your morning is fresher because you enjoy your morning coffee and also more productive because you do good things while enjoying your morning coffee.

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Coffee, Productive


Wow i love coffee to

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Enjoy the leisure gaps during the day with the choicest music, maybe a song called "It's okay" by Nightbride, that I wrote in my current article.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I don't drink coffee but I drink hot Milo or milk instead. Maybe a hot drink really warms us up in the morning to get us going, plus a little chitchat with family. 🫰🫰

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Coffee is very good just as you mentioned. Is the weather over there cold?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah here is very cold cause dry season.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

it will be even better if we drink coffee accompanied by some fried bananas and various fried foods. udude sebungkus. Wkwk

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Awan ngombe kopi bar iku nyambut. Bengi ngombe kopi bar iku turu nek aku wkwkwk.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

nothing beats drinking coffee in the morning and have a chat with our family before going to work or school.

$ 0.02
2 years ago