Importance of spending quality time with your child

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2 years ago

Busyness and daily routines often make it difficult for parents to spend time with their children. Usually for parents who are busy working in office, leaving for work when children are still sleeping and coming home when children are asleep. So, time to meet, play, or talk with children is very limited, it can even be counted as a few hours.

But even though time is not much, you can still spend quality time with your children. Because in my opinion quality time is not only seen from amount of time together, but how that time is spent.

I often take my wife and children to accompany me while driving

Having quality time with children can provide many benefits for your child's development. When spending quality time with children, parents not only create beautiful memories in their lives, but also support children's development for their future. I try to classify into some benefits of quality time with children.

  • Parents can get to know their children better

Maybe you feel that you know your children, but in fact it's only part of it. Spend more time with your child and believe me there are many surprising things you didn't know before.

When you spend time with your child, he will feel very happy, not even hesitate to share everything in his life. He will feel that he has someone he can trust and a place to pour out all his happiness to his daily worries.

Vacationing with children is one of my ways to get quality time
  • Show to children that you are a caring parent

When you take time out of your busy life to do and enjoy moments with your child, he will notice and remember it. This makes your child also feel that he is the most important thing in this world for you. Positive emotions like these can help your child feel more secure and confident.

  • Help increase children's self-confidence

Not all children are willing and have courage to speak openly or feel confident. Children's relationship with their parents and siblings can help build their personality.

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When parents set aside time and spend it quality time with their children, they can get a chance to find out what things might be troubling them. Then, parents can also help children to overcome their anxieties or fears, and build their self-confidence.

  • Making sure your child gets enough attention

Sometimes, when parents not spend much time with their children, it can trigger children to do a lot of things to get their parents' attention. Situations like this can affect child's behavior in the future.

Enjoying food with children can provide enough attention

However, if parents spend time with their children, it can make them feel cared for, loved, and wanted, so they will not exhibit attention seeking behavior.

  • Strengthen bond between parents and children

To build a better relationship with children, parents should spend more time with them. When spending time together, parents and children can discover many different things about each other. Spending time and knowing important details of each other's lives will build a stronger bond between child and parent.

For children, their parents are their life, so spending a lot of time together can make them very happy. As a parent, of course you do not want to miss many important moments of your child. Remember, sometimes you don't have much time with your kids. As they grow older and older, they may be more busy with themselves or with their circle of friends. So, as much as possible always set aside time on sidelines of busyness and enjoy time with your child before it's too late.

Give your child some quality time before it's too late!

Thank you for reading to the end, hopefully it can add to your insight! Remember, when you become a parent, it means you already have a responsibility to educate your children. Always make time for your children so that they grow into people you can be proud of.

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2 years ago


Having quality time with children is one among the sad reality nowadays because parents were so busy finding for financial needs and sometimes forget the so called moral support in giving time for children. I thank you for these reminder, I am full time mom and actually this is what I wanted from my husband to give some quality time with us.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You can discuss with your husband to spend more time for your child, my wife and I prefer to give a lot of time to educate our children rather than thinking about work, we always believe that God will provide many ways of sustenance for us who are taking care of God's deposit ( my daughter). And now I and my wife work together at this platform.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow I would like to congratulate you and your wife for that... Yes, we are trying to give quality time to our son.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The majority of parents out there are so busy that they forget that there are children we need to play with.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah, they more concerned with work than their children.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am making $92 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $ninety five however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I'm my non-public boss.

That is what I do.....

$ 0.00
2 years ago

even a day that I can't see my daughter because I was busy, made me sad and misses her, that is why when I have a lot of time, I really gave it to her..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Just a suggestion, accompany your daughter more often. I think their mental growth will be very good if they spend more time with their parents.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our busyness at work often makes children sad because they can't play with their parents, even though if we can be fair, children really need a parent figure who always pays attention and takes care of them, so that their growth and development period can run well, therefore children need more support from parents.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You right bro, but now more parents are concerned with their careers than their children.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Making out time for kids is very important in their upbringing but unfortunately some parent has lost that role in the life of their kids.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are right, but most parents now don't want to be bothered, they leave their children then parents are busy with their work.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

wish I could spend more time with my kids but I needed to work I can provide their needs

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Work is important but accompanying children's growth is also very important, children are an investment in future if you are educated well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right, children's growth and development is influenced by their parents, so there is an assumption in society that parents who can always accompany their children are extraordinary parents, because children can be said to be family assets, where we must take good care of them. , so that later the child can replace the position of his parents, or can turn around to do good to his parents, because the child remembers that as a child his parents always supported and accompanied him.

$ 0.00
2 years ago