Boiled and steamed, which one is best?

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1 year ago
Topics: Healthy, Health, Food, Tips
Steamed sweet potato

How to cook turns out to play a role in determining the nutritional quality of food. When processing food, we usually only focus on paying attention to only raw materials. Make sure you also pay attention to process or how to process it. If all this time we thought that boiling and steaming were same way of processing, both were equally good compared to frying and roasting, it turns out that this is not quite right. There are advantages and disadvantages of method of processing food by boiling and steaming.


Boiling process involves contact between water and food ingredients, so that there is a withdrawal of active compounds (extraction). As a result of this withdrawal, some of nutritional content of boiled material is lost. It is even able to eliminate content of vitamin C and some B vitamins which are water soluble. Boiling is also believed to release more antioxidants because some of disease-fighting compounds are soluble in hot water. When you boil food for too long, vitamin and mineral compounds may also dissolve in hot water.

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Compounds in foodstuffs such as vitamins will be preserved and not easily damaged when steamed, because it only involves hot steam which does not attract vitamin compounds found in foodstuffs which actually makes toxic compounds such as cyanide or pesticide contaminants out of vegetables.

Cooking vegetables by steaming will be better than boiling, especially vegetables that contain water-soluble vitamins. The goal is that vitamins are retained during steaming process. Important thing is not to steam too long.

Well, so you should often eat steamed food because nutritional content is still better than boiled food. We must do a healthy lifestyle to maintain health when weather is uncertain like today.

Stay healthy!

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1 year ago
Topics: Healthy, Health, Food, Tips


Kukus kang. Soale nek dikukus koyok gedhang ubi ngunu legine ora babar kang.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Actually most of the time when I boil veggies I have a feeling about losing all the nutrients jn water. So, few times, I had taken the boiled vegetable water and added in curries.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Dua2 suka tapi lebih suka kukus lebih kering teksturnya

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Boiling and steaming are both important,for me maybe it will depend on what food I will cook,there are foods that needs to boil but not suitable for steaming,and there are foods that need to steam but are not good for boiling.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Great information thanks for letting me know the difference between boiling and steaming

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Apa saja baik , asalkan uis matang. Haha. Kadang esih wutuh be uis enak. Haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you for this sir. Now I learned that it's better to steamed the food than boiling it. I always learned with your articles sir.

$ 0.00
1 year ago