Is Music Really Soul Food?

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Story, Writing,, ...

Music lovers here!

If there are people who don't like it (I don't think so:) I recommend you to read the reasons that will make you love music.

Every living thing needs food to survive. We all know this classic information.

We eat because the food we eat returns to us as energy.

This energy is consumed and therefore food is needed to draw energy on a regular basis.

Our body physiologically needs to eat and drink water as well as psychologically need nourishment.

Even if we try to saturate our psychology by socializing, music has a special place.

Music is also a kind of energy. It is a mixture of vibrations and sounds that combine to create rhythm and therefore an eclectic mix of energy. Just as our body needs food and energy to thrive in this world, music serves as food for the soul to regenerate, filling it with energy and vitality. Music is fun, relaxing, motivating and energizing.

For centuries, human beings find peace by listening to music produced with both primitive and modern instruments. Not only the melodies created with a musical instrument, but even a melodious whistle from the lips can be enough to make you happy.

While music is sometimes our partner in trouble, sometimes it adds joy to our joy and increases our motivation.

How many times have you been fascinated by the sound of hearing a foreign piece of music in another language? I think we all know the answer. Because music is universal. Regardless of the language, a good piece of music will lift your mood even if you don't understand the meaning of its words. Similarly, instrumental pieces are often considered more inspiring. Our brains are said to be wired to understand music, regardless of age, language or culture.

When you find yourself tapping your feet and shaking your head to the rhythm of the music without even realizing it, the subconscious mind has stepped in. Music is embedded in one's personality, and few people can claim to dislike music. This is also a major reason why music is often used as part of guided meditations, as our bodies automatically respond to music through the subconscious.

Music helps you sleep better. Many people these days suffer from unhealthy sleep patterns and also insomnia. Increased stress in varied and hectic lifestyles is known to cause irregular sleep, which is detrimental to one's health. It is stated that listening to music before going to sleep, especially classical, soft music, helps to sleep better.

According to researches, listening to music can change the signals going to the brain and the messages going from the brain to the body. Thus, just as chocolate activates the hormones that give happiness and makes you happy, music, which is the food of the soul, can give you peace.

We know from time immemorial that babies fall into a deep sleep when they hear a lullaby. Although they can barely understand the words or sound, the soothing tone of the lullaby calms them and they fall asleep. Children learn faster with nursery rhymes and poems set with catchy tunes. Even the alphabet is taught with the help of the famous Alphabet Song. Children learn better through music, art and dance. If a child is so deeply affected by music, we can easily say that music is food for the soul that affects us all.

Music is not only associated with love, joy, happiness, but also with sadness and loss. A fast hip hop number can gleefully spin us around and dance to victory, while a peaceful jazz number can put us in a melancholy state. We often associate our mood with a certain song or a certain type of music. A dance music number can fill you with energy and slow music can put us in a relaxed mood. Because music directly affects our emotions, certain pieces of music put us in a certain mood.

We can barely find anyone who claims they don't like music. Not only is music a good way to connect and socialize with people, it also puts people in a positive mood and keeps them happy and motivated. It is a universal phenomenon and music is always associated with joyful moments. It has been scientifically proven that when you listen to music, your brain releases dopamine, which makes you feel happy, excited and joyful. It is said that listening to your favorite music for only fifteen minutes will make you happy!

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Avatar for polux
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Story, Writing,, ...


Music is soul, music is life, brings back life to people who are dead inside people without conscience, my love for music is way out of this world and listening to music makes everything about me real and I can't even explain it now ooh

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, it's nice that you love music so much :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great talk my friend. I love music too. It has lots of benefits.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

first of all I'm sorry for writing the answer so late, music is good for all of us :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Music can be said to be food for the soul, because by listening to music our soul will be calmer than other people

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes, most people think this way, but there are still people who look at music differently, I don't understand. sorry for replying late

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can't go a day without listening to music, my day will be so gloomy and I will be restless. Then for music being used to sleep, I do that a lot and this days I can't fall asleep without my headset

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can't sleep without headphones since I was a kid :) sorry for the late reply

$ 0.00
2 years ago