Homecooked Meal with Love

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Avatar for pinkjadeite
2 years ago
Topics: Food, Love, Blog

We had superb lunch at Aunt's. It was once a week activity for us, to visit her, at the same time to eat lunch with her. She always looked forward to cook for us yummy sumptuous meal.

Sumptuous Lunch

Just look at this spread of food. So healthy and definitely cooked from love. She usually would wake up early and started cooking early.

Let's zoom in...

One special thing about her meal was she used her own homecooked chicken stock which she boiled the night before for hours. So definitely healthy and nutritious.

Veggies goodness

This was steamed broccolis and tomatoes, which she topped with her chicken broth and added some oyster sauce as well as drizzled some garlic oil. Super flavourful. Natural sweetness from the tomatoes and broccolis.

Baked Chicken

She pan fried the chicken first till brown and then she transferred to baking tray, added her signature sauce made from oyster sauce, soy sauce, sautéed onions and garlic, salt, pepper and sugar. Then she baked the chicken. Juicy, tender and super delicious.

Stir Fry Pork Slices

This was her Hakka dish, stir fry pork slices with salted spicy vegetables. A simple stir fry but super umami kick due to the salted spicy vegetables.

We had our stomach full and satisfied. Burp! Hehe. After that, usually we spent some time chit-chatting about anything under the sun. She also loved to tell me story about her younger days. Sometimes even some war story.

The boys would enjoy playing or just laze around in the room she prepared for them. She already had a corner full of baskets of toys for them to play.

We were very blessed! ❤️

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Avatar for pinkjadeite
2 years ago
Topics: Food, Love, Blog


Yes, I just came back to restart read.cash journey. Thank you @JenThoughts for words of encouragement. May Rusty keep welcome me and you very well. High-5!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome. I noticed that you are replying in the comments section. You can directly reply someone's comment by clicking reply under the comment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, I didn't notice that until you mention. I think I need to get a pair of sunglasses. Thank you so much for letting me know. 🤗🌻

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am happy to tell it. Its a way of improvement being here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much 🥰🤩

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It seems that you just came back... welcome back and look Rusty welcomes you very well.

That was a delicious meal prepared with love. Sarap nung broccoli,..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes. This one definitely cook with love. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

food that we cook with love, it will get an extraordinarily delicious taste. But if the cooking does not use love, then the result is not delicious and delicious.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha. Yeah, homecooked meals are the best. =)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for starving me HAHAHAHAHAA. Homecooked meals are the best!

$ 0.00
2 years ago