Smartphones And Children: Is It Really Good?

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2 years ago

Things have really changed in this present age, technology has affected almost every living human on earth including children. In todays article, i will be deliberating more on smartphones and children, the topic looks confusing right? But as you read along, you will come to full knowledge of what i really mean. I could remember when i was still a kid, it took me some efforts before my hands could touch a phone, then there were no smartphones like what we have today, but the kind of joy i will get can never be explained for just touching a button phone. My parents never thought of buying us a phone until we got to a certain age, and we were not bothered about that because we did not really see the need to own one.

But today it's no more like that in some families, at the age of 8, a child is already asking the parents to get them a smartphone, and at 10 they have gotten one. Who were you to ask for phone back then, dad will look at you with an angry face and the next thing you will do is disappear into nowhere. Technology has really changed a lot, and sometimes parents even see the need to buy smartphones for their children, and they forget to ask themselves this question. Is it really healthy to expose this kids to smartphones at this early stage of their life?

If you give a child a smartphone today, they will want to hold on to it forever, and they don't know that what they are holding is harmful to them in some ways. It is not a strange thing, even we adults know how this mobiles are dangerous to this children. Every rich kid owns a tab, and this gadget becomes more important to them. I noticed something few days ago when i visited one of my relatives who newly gave birth to a baby boy four months ago.

I noticed something about the baby, each time his mom picks up her smartphone to make a call, he will leave whatever he was doing and focus on the phone, then brings out his tiny hands to collect the phone. And i asked myself, did anybody tell this little guy anything about smartphone. After a while, i asked the mom about it, and she told me that, that is exactly how the little guy behaves when he sees a mobile phone, even when he hears it ringing, he will look everywhere to know where the sound is coming from.


If this boy grows to a certain age, maybe 2-3, and you give him a smartphone, trust me he will never want to let go of it. And if everytime you allow him to use the phone always at his age, it might become an habit and also you are exposing him to lots of harm. Aside the little guy, we have parents here, about to be parents, help your child health-wise by keeping them away from mobile phones.

Mobile phones has so much become a part of our daily life as adults, the same way we cannot stay away from our phones is the same way it is difficult to keep children away from mobile phones. Children are so smart now that the first and second time they use a mobile phone, the next time they will have less difficulty in navigating the different sections of the phone.

Parents needs to educate their children on the use of mobile phones. It is not only sex education that you should talk to them about, the usage of mobile phones should be taught to them also. Teach them about the health hazards they are exposed to if the continue using mobile phones everytime. There are a lot of videos on youtube you can show to them so they see the side effects of spending a longer period of time infront of a mobile phone.

I am not preaching against allowing your children to either own or use a mobile phone, but my emphasises are that you put a limit to their activities with mobile phones. Smartphones has its own positive sides, but the negative part of it should not be sidelined, most especially when it has everything to do with children. The use of smartphone is healthy for children if the daily usage of it is being put under steady monitoring and control. Outside this, it poses a great treat to their health which is harmful.

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2 years ago


This you just said is reality. My younger brother does this. He loves holding a phone so tight but when anyone collects the phone from him, he will begins to cry.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Children of nowadays are so different. The moment you put a mobile phone in their hands, they will hold on to it as though their life is tied to it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remembered when a friend saved her money in my hands, I went to use it to buy a Visaphone. I was almost dead the day my dad knew about it. Since then, the thought of owning a phone varnished ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

The way we were trained and disciplined then is very different from this generation and I hope parents and would-be parents would learn to understand when itยดs the right time for their kids to own a phone. Instead, they should occupy their minds with things to help them learn and develop.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Getting kids busy with academic works, or some recreational activities will help lessen their desire to own a mobile phone. I got my first phone when i turned 21, at that age it was now a choice for me to make whether to use the device in a harmful way or not.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The world has changed and we can't compare it to when we were growing. I'm not against the use of it too but they should be guided on the use of it. Parental control should be placed on it to restrict them on certain sites and they can only use it for a number of hours daily else they will get addicted and kick what's important to the curb.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are very right Ola. The kind of contents we have on the internet now is not safe for kids.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

At all. They see a lot on the TV already...we should control the ones we can and then teach them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I totally got your point here. I like how you argue that kids should have limits using smartphone. However, we're the in the same year as before. We are recognizing change and that change is also happening to children and technology.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is so important that parents put a limit to how their children use mobile phone. Some of the contents on the internet is not healthy for them to view.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would say that they are lucky to born into this technology age, but phones is not really good to our children for some certain purpose, smart phones has really open our children to a lot of so many things.. they can even get to some dangerous site that wouldn't help them in anywhere.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But with good parental discipline, they can be cautious enough not to visit those bad sites.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah you're right friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When I was little I never dared to ask for a phone. Cos i'd be given a look that'll scare me away afterwards. Haha This is a well written Article, my friend. Keep it up. :D

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you Vince, i really appreciate

$ 0.00
2 years ago