Be selective and careful when taking from this big basket

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2 years ago
Topics: Internet, Online


Greetings great people. It's yet another new day for great and outstanding things to happen in our lives. With every strength you've got within you, try to make this day a memorable one. Not for evil but for good, for yourself and others. It rained this morning in my place, last night before i slept, i had a topic for todays article, but waking up this morning and behold it was raining, everything was gone. I was left with nothing to lean on for an article today. I did not stress myself to come up with a topic, what i did was to reply to few comments and read about four articles then squeeze myself back into my blanket, another round of sleep continued until 7:47 am. I woked up refreshed, with two great topics, it could be my guardian angel dropped them in my mind while i was sleeping. Since the beginning if this week, i have focused more on technology related stuffs, i don't know why. But for whatsoever reason, i hope it help gives someone here ideas to come up with good and better article than mine.

Today is quite different, but still related to tech stuffs. You might be wondering, What's this girl gonna write today? What big basket is she talking about?......

I will say you keep calm and read along. The basket in question is not just an ordinary basket. What i am going to talk today about is a big thing, which i feel the basket was the perfect thing to use in describing it.

The INTERNET!! That's the basket in this article. Friends, the internet is so big that i can't explain, the suprising part of it is that it keeps growing as each day passes. Whatever you have in your mind to describe how big the internet is, is just a grain of sand to it, you just won't believe how mind-bogglingly huge the internet is.

Like you are being offered a big basket filled with fruits, both the good ones, bad ones, the ones you dislike, the unripe, and the ripe ones. It is your responsibility to take your time and select the ones that you like. I believe you won't go for the spoilt, or rotten ones, instaed you will go for the ones that are good. Same thing with the internet, we have diverse contents in it, the good and the bad. In today's article i will talk on few things you need to do to avoid making mistakes when surfing the internet.

The internet can never offer you everything that is right. It is not all the contents you see on the internet you should consider as safe for consumption. Some of this contents may appear to be true, but behind it are so many lies that if you do not really understand the things happening on the internet, you will see those contents as legit. Since the internet is a large place already, and it accomodates hundreds of thousands of people daily, some people now take it upon themselves to make another person look bad by dropping some fake contents on the internet about them. It is not only limited to people alone, companies, countries, products, etc. And the people consuming this content without proper findings will begin to have hatred towards the companies, products, people, countries, that have been talked badly about. So next time you are going through any content on the internet make sure that the source is a trusted one.

Sometimes i do get notifications that i have won an iphone 13, gift box, and other beautiful stuffs. When i wasn't aware of the tricks involved, i use to click on those links and mails and before a snap-of-a-finger i am being redirected to a page that will ask for my personal details, immediately i will get another notification from a bot to send it to 10 of my friends. Imagine!! They are now asking me to spread their scam. Since things have really changed, this internet fraudsters might come up with more captivating offer like, you have just won yourself a lottery that amounts to so many dollars. It is a big lie. Even in freetown, nothing is free. So don't make a mistake of giving in to such temptation, cos no one will ever give you anything huge for free in today's world.

Nowadays, people are now paid to make good reviews about a product, site, etc on the internet. Nobody introduced me to this platform. I was searching for some information on the internet when i stumbled on the platform. I was interested in earning some Bitcoin Cash, and also making friends from other race of humans. I went ahead to do my own research about the platform, trustpilot is my best spot, i wasn't satisfied with the reviews so i had to see what the site looks like and if what people are saying about it is true. After few days of ghosting here, i finally became a member, it's a long story.......... This paid influencers now try to force people to register on a particular app so they can start earning money after performing some tasks. Don't let anyone fool you, making money by just staying on a site or app is not that easy. If you can't do a research like i did, it will be safe you walk away from such content.

And if you're the type that buys from the internet, you should be careful. Don't say i have been buying things before without having any problem. You might not be lucky the next time you place an order for something online. Maybe the things you are used to buying online at just clothes, but incase you opt to buying things like mobile phones, laptops, etc. Most people believe that when a particular product has a 5 star rating, it means that the product is perfect. Not all 5 star products are fake, but some, the seller pays people to give good rating and comments about the product. So next time you want to order something online, read carefully through the review, and rating before buying the product. If you want to be really sure of what you are buying, you can check the price of the same product on other shopping platforms, or do some search on the internet. If the price of what you had is far more cheaper than what you get from the searches. Do not be greedy and go for the cheap price, you might be buying an inferior or or a faulty products.

Final Thoughts

When next you want to take anything from the internet, be careful and selective on what you take out. Don't get lost in this vasy huge world called the internet.

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2 years ago
Topics: Internet, Online


Yeah, a lot is happening in the social and tech world, lots of fake information are being disseminated by people(both fake and real source). The rating/comments of apps to get good remarks is what I'm aware of, these people buy users to say good about them...

When E-naira app came out, I'm sure our government wanted to do this but hot headed users didn't allowed it to pass. The rating was said it's supposed to be and phew! The app was kicked out🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I read from somewhere that the e-naira stuff will be implemented soon. Not too sure of the information though.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If it's from playstore, it won't ooo! Playstore works more with ratings and comments. Once the government implement it and naija users get the info on Twitter, e dn finish be that. It will trend and number one Twitter and angry Nigerians will go and rate it down on playstore. I'll be number one🏊🏊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha.... I can't wait for that day sha. Just the reviews alone from nigerians will make you laugh and forgot whatever was bothering you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For sure, that's 100% cruise

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This part of the world and cruise is like 5&6..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is really true, one has to be very careful when taking from the basket. I think that is the same thing I told a friend that wanted buy a piano from the internet, I told him that I am not really use to buying of things on net, that I prefer physical stores than the internet.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are good and working electronic gadgets on the internet. Buying direct friend the companies online store is the best. But if the other way round, you need to carefully make some findings before you settle for whatever you wanted to buy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's okay friend..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We have fraudster all over and we should just be careful to select anything from the internet. The things you do or where you should chose from must go with carefulness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Security of the site matters, and the source of the content. Not every product, content, opportunity on the internet is safe for the public. So for safety, one needs to trust the site first before thinking of accessing the contents in it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago