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3 years ago

It is Sunday. Warm day in August. It 's early morning. I decided to have my morning coffee on the terrace, while the morning coolness still reigns and the heat does not subside. I sit comfortably in a chair, alone, and yet I am not alone. The peace in my soul and the silence around me keep me company. I feel relaxed and at ease. I look at the sky, light blue, without any clouds through it.

I do not think much. I drink my coffee and enjoy. You have to enjoy the little things. I decided that day to leave the worries behind, and to fill it with love and relaxation

And so it was. I spent the rest of the day at home, surrounded by loved ones to whom I gave myself and my love for them.

Such days should be frequent. We need to open the way to joy, happiness.

Let us do this for ourselves and our loved ones. Let's be happy.

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Avatar for pandepop
3 years ago


Svi mi se dosta umorimo tokom radne nedelje tako da je veoma vazno da odvojimo makar vikendom neko vreme koje cemo lepo provesti.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tako je, odmor je veoma vazan.

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3 years ago

We all owe to ourselves a day in the week, which is going ot be only ours. We all deserve pampering, and we all deserve attention.

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3 years ago

Šta se desilo s nedeljom? Juče sam je celog dana tražio i nigde nisam mogao da je nađem. Nekad je, sećam se, svaka nedelja bila praznik, oblačila se bela košulja i prale se uši i vrat. Nedeljom se išlo na porodične ručkove posle kojih su svi dremali, razbacani po stanu kao nasukani kitovi. I tek bi nas miris crne kafe budio iz te omamljenosti.Ustajali smo polako, pažljivo, ništa nije smelo da bude brzo i naglo. Nedelja je bila dan sporosti, dan lenjosti, dan koji se provodio tako kao da mu ništa nije prethodilo ili kao da se ništa neće desiti posle njega.David Albahari.Priča je divna.Hvala Vam!

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3 years ago

Nedelja je bila dan sporosti, dan lenjosti, dan koji se provodio tako kao da mu ništa nije prethodilo ili kao da se ništa neće desiti posle njega......Preubavo kazano, duri malku i emotivno

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3 years ago

Bas lepo si provela dan. Svi treba da nadjemo bar jedan dan u nedelji za takvo opustanje

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3 years ago

Da, tako je, hvala ti.

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3 years ago

evo meni je upravo stigla nova solja kafe, dan ce morati jos malo da priceka pre nego sto postane juce i okrene se ka sutra

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3 years ago

Na zdravje kafence.

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3 years ago

hvala, ajd ako hoces naidji na jednu domacinsku sto nas je vise to je veselije

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3 years ago

A stiže nam jesen, kafa će još bolje prijati nepcu. Noći duže, dani kratki.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for sharing your article

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3 years ago