Used Remains Used
Scratches of a wounded heart leave a deep mark, not easily forgotten even though time has passed.
The change of time from year to year will remind you when scars are still felt in the engraving of life's problems.
Never feel betrayed, let down even make my heart hot like the sun in the desert.
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The consequences of the conflict have made themselves stronger but memories can return in unknown ways. The return of problems when looking at the place and the person who did it, is a sign that the scars never go away.
Used Remains Used
Have you ever felt such a heavy disappointment? thus destroying harmony and friendship, although apologies have been received and have been sincere with all that has happened, it cannot be denied that past problems have never disappeared and will continue to be remembered.
This happens because we as humans often remember moments of hard slap compared to the kindness that has been received. one pain destroys a thousand happiness.
I took an illustration that can illustrate why humans often remember the bitterness that has been experienced throughout life.
I picked a living leaf that was in a vase (this flower is very popular with people when they visit my house) the beautiful leaves symbolize a happy self and the colors tell about the uniqueness of life that has been lived from time to time. time.
But when the beauty of this flower is torn by someone and becomes several pieces, then the beauty of happiness that has been achieved for many years is destroyed and destruction covers the whole body and soul.
What to do when this flower has been shattered into pieces? I'm trying to put it back together and put these pieces together to put them back together.
But what happened? although this flower has been put back together in various ways, maybe we can use adhesive glue to shape it back into a whole but still "the torn marks from these flower pieces won't go away"
That's how we live from the problems we experience, even though someone who has hurt us has made up for it with something of value or sincerely apologized. true happiness will never return to perfect as before. used is still frozen.
Article and image sources are mine!!!
...and you will also help the author collect more tips.
What a great example. I am reminded of not celebrating your wins so that your losses don't feel worse.