Pursue And Leave

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Life will not always have to be static but must have change that is dynamic thinking. I feel depressed when I see that my friends in real life have had a change in their life status regarding their spouse. Maybe the collection of calendar changes has become the topic of conversation for my extended family when they keep asking, When is the time? Remember, calendar changes are getting more and more. This is how it is when living in a village, most young people are constantly encouraged to get married immediately because most of the young people do not continue their studies and only become farmers for men and become a housewife for a woman while I am trying to continue my studies until I have a bachelor's degree and am currently working but I realize because they do not know about things like this, how to struggle in the world of education and try hard to get a job.

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For some villagers their only goal is to work in agriculture and get results when everything is achieved they will always tell their children or relatives to get married because one perception is when you are married you will work harder and try even though you are young For me this statement is a little ridiculous because they do not understand about the future, not that I look down on their lives but understanding of their lives is only based on one point, namely getting married and working.

This is the paradigm of village people who are very lacking in insight but my awareness of this existence has given positive things too because my life has a purpose to form a family. Since I was born until now, it has given rise to one hope to immediately think and act because in truth a young man has a time when he will not always be the next generation because someone will replace him. life needs change otherwise you will become the subject of people's conversation because that's the reality of living in a village that is much different from in a city that doesn't want to interfere in someone's personal affairs whoever they are is their own business, whatever action I do is my way of expression that's the advantage when I was in town.

Living in a village, there are so many advices about the journey of life, indeed the goal is right, but it is often misdirected and not in the right situation and conditions. That's why I'm often depressed when I have to attend family events, my thoughts are that I will be an easy target with sharp words that become their lethal weapon but I often think of 1001 reasons to protect myself from gunfire that will hurt my heart. Mentally must also be prepared because the villagers are like killer lecturers when they face each other.

Image source from pixabay

I also have to understand that as a man you have to think about the future because there are things to pursue and things to leave behind in the drama of life. I continue to hold the principle that when I get married I will not bother my parents because of that I try to work and get results for the next life because I often think about my parents' fatigue when they work hard for my college fees, what's the point of continuing my studies with a bachelor's degree if I don't work and I'm grateful that until now my degree was not in vain because the diploma was properly dedicated when I entered the work zone of a state institution.

Many plans in my mind but I realized only God's plan will happen in my life. I always pray that He will always give His light for me to pursue and fight for my ribs which may not be seen with my eyes right now. Many loves come and go but true love will last forever, so many women are scattered on this earth but only one will be with me because a real man will only love a woman.

$ 3.17
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At least you know what you want and I believe you will get them as you work hard. Don't mind what other people say, just nod and do what you really want to do.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

same as my thoughts, that's what i'm after now everything has grown in my mind my mind has all grown when i realized since i was in college.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Go for itπŸ’ͺ

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Friend, let me tell you that we will never be completely fine, there will always be moments that will make you doubt your stability, but don't worry, they are just cycles that we will overcome

$ 0.00
2 years ago

strongly agree, when the process of life begins with the passage of time, many stories will be passed with many obstacles and obstacles. We really have to go through everything because it will teach us to be stronger and able to overcome when life gets into trouble. The struggle of life never stops with one problem but effort and hard work will pay off with dreams and hopes achieved in time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm proud of you coz you finish your studies and it's true, we don't need to bother our parents when we want a family in a future. Work hard so that can provide the needs of the family you have.

A real man will love only love a woman love this one coz we know the world of marriage have a lots of obstacles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When a person is full of insight and understanding about life, of course he will think about the path to a good and right future that will encourage him about how great his parents struggle about him with this then he will understand to be able to repay their kindness by not making life difficult and old age of his parents. The identity of a man who has a chivalrous identity is that by prioritizing love and sincerity, it means that he will not be double-minded.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am glad you pursue to finish your education and look at you now. This is also the same scenario in the province where I grew up. They chose to have a family at a young age and don't pursue their education. Hopefully they couldn't pass it on their next generation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Organizing the future is a solution for the next life so that when the time comes as a family bond, life in problems in various aspects of social life can be resolved. Preparation is the main thing because being a parent is not easy, you have to leave all forms of selfish behavior and actions so that in the future their image will not continue in the next generation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Only time can tell, don't rush things life isn't that easy along the way. We must to trust the process. Agree with this, that a real man will only love a woman

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The journey of life is the process of character building to become a person who is able to assess everything that must be fought for to live a more useful life and it takes time to get it with integrity and mental strength. A sincere person will never hurt someone even though he has been hurt that's why he loves only one woman.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Wow.... I love your decision. Please stick to it. Marriage is nothing to be rushed into. God created us and He is the only one that can supply our missing ribs. God will help you πŸ’–

$ 0.00
2 years ago

true, being in a relationship is not someone else's business as an advisor but about the goals and feelings you have when love leaves rest assured that it is not what God wants and He will give you more than we think. The love relationship in the process is not just a game because the bond of togetherness towards marriage is a unity of the heart, not because of coercion.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're right friend. I was when my hubby and I got married. We never gave both side parents a problem. My hubby and I save it ourselves. Til now, we stand on our own especially as a family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Forming a family is a calculation that must be considered carefully because all the stories of life as a child will be different when you have formed a life partner and separated from your parents. preparation to welcome a new life is not only to look forward to inner pleasures but to prioritize the prospects of present and future life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thats true friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago