I am employed again

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Avatar for nomadghada
2 years ago

Firstly thank you everyone you have supported and wished me

Including my awesome sponsors

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Today was the first day of my new job

Sometime ago I had posted that I had quit my job that I had fed up with, at that time I didn't had a backup or any other job lined up.

And I was worried about what will happen next but I was also happy to be finally free that that job.

At the same time I was applying to different companies and going through different interviews.

And after a couple of disappointments I finally managed to get selected in one of them.

Uphill battle

It has been quite challenging for me to get into a different role because I wasn't sure about what kind of job I want to pursue next.

In my desperation I was applying to any job that even remotely match my educational profile. Therefore, also on weekly basis I was getting rejection mails. I had even stopped reading the mail from top to bottom and was just looking for phrases like "Unfortunately" or "Not moving forward" and if I found them I would just close the mail.

My resume

One thing that I did (and feel was helpful) was I took professional help in redrafting my resume.

At first I was reluctant to go forward with it as I thought my resume is already good looking and they would just make it graphical.

But what I got was actually an improved version of my resume, not only was it graphical but the text has been updated (with my consultation of course) to better reflect my skills, experience and background.

Getting interviews

While the new resume did improve the number of call I was getting I was still having a hard time deciding on what I wanted to do in life.

A bit of background: My previous job was something in consultation and I hated that not just because of the insane and toxic environment plus the crazy hours. I didn't find any value in that job, not towards myself or to society at large and I always felt misaligned.

Therefore I wanted something that I can align myself to and contribute value to, so I focused on my skills; which haven't grown much over the years.

There was one interview that I had which I felt positive about and not just about the job but also with the person that was taking my interview and we had a long discussion on various things.

I somehow felt positive about the outcome and luckily that interview was followed by subsequent rounds with person above the earlier interviewer taking the next round.

It took a while and by the grace of Gods I got the news that I have been moved to final HR round which generally is almost done deal.

I was given the good news and was informed that I'll be getting my letter soon, but it took a while as it has to go through different approvals.

Still even through at this point I was in the safe zone I wouldn't consider it done until I get the letter.

My letter came finally

While it took some time (longer than I would have liked) but I finally got my letter.

Crisis Averted

One of the good things is that they have given me the salary hike that I asked from them. I was prepared to negotiate on the salary and would have come down to a smaller amount but they just approved me with what I had asked for.

Next thing was joining

Some procedures were there that I had to go through, again took some time and got stretched a bit. Still I got it done from my side and awaited the next instruction and today I finally got the credentials and had my first meeting call today.

Employed again

Hopefully for the better this time.

I am just glad I have chosen a good company and profile this time and starting a new job on a positive note.

How will it go?

While I am happy and positive right now, I have just began this job and can't surely as how will it go, hopefully it will be better this time and I have done my research this time before joining the company.

And I pray for the best.

Thank you all

My friends here on Read.Cash & Noise.Cash have been so supportive and have giving good advise to be and I would like to say Thank you all for all your wishes and blessing thank you all of you.

$ 4.12
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2 years ago


congratulations on landing the job!

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Thank you friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is very good news for all of us. Your positive outcome will inspire others. I hope you will love the new role and learn new skills.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Thank you friend, I hope so too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am happy that you finally landed a job. Everything is worth it! I do hope that job will help you in life. Have a nice one!

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Thank you friend, I hope so too for now I am just enjoying.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congrats for your new job. Yeah we kinda should not lose hope at any case. Sometimes we are not comfortable at a place for a job, so we should leave it as same did you. Because other opportunities are also waiting for just we need confidence and skills.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Thank you friend, it was a risk and luckily it all worked out soon for me. At one point I was panicking after putting in my resignation but all well that ends well.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We should take risk for better opportunity. Adapt your new place with new passion.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes no gain with no risk

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations on your new job my friend. I hope this new role will turn out to be better suited for you. I have also started applying for the jobs. 1st interview tomorrow!

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Thank yo friend, hope your interview goes well, best of luck. So far it seems to be a good profile hopefully I can fit here well.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Congratulations. That was fast! All the best in your new position. May it be all that you have wanted.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Thank you friend, I was already giving interviews and luckily this one worked out.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Am happy for you buddy, hoping this job would be a good one which would be profitable to you.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Thank you friend hopefully it will be, so far it seems to be going good.

$ 0.00
2 years ago