Whatever You Do Under the Shade, Carri-on

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2 years ago

I am really enjoying this week's Splinterlands Share Your Battle Theme. This week's theme is something that I am accustomed to using. The featured monster is from the Death Splinters squad and it is the Carrion Shade. Alright, pardon my bad pun for the title, nothing to see in, let's carri-on. Again, sorry about that. :)

Rarity: COMMON
Element: DEATH
Attack: MELEE
Abilities: Flying

The Battle

The battle was randomly picked and it was a fight to the death with a 23-mana restriction. There were no other restrictions imposed because yeah, you guessed it I'm just on the bronze 1 league.

Anyhow, I think that 23 is a pretty decent number and a lot could be done with that much wiggle room.

I chose Thaddius Brood to summon my monsters.

I'd like to take advantage of his debuffs applied to the enemy. Minus points from both magic attack and HP. Most of the good cards in the death splinters are vulnerable to magic attacks and this debuff could really save you from a pinch.

As usual, I went with the Cursed Windeku for the tank or the first position.

This is a really good tank from the Death Splinters. Not only does it have 9 health points, but it also has an ability of thorn which counterattacks the monster that attacked it. Not too shabby of ability, right?

It has 2 melee attack points and a zooming speed of 3. All those come with 6 mana points. Not too bad.

I placed the Carrion Shade behind my tank because, in that way, I'd like to think that I have a double tank kind of thing going on. It is like I am extending the 9 HP of the Cursed Windeku by 2.

The Skeleton Assasin follows the Carrion Shade immediately.

The Skeleton Assasin is being covered by the Carrion Shade while it attempts to assassinate the enemy's backline. With a blinding speed of 4, it can do the damage in the blink of an eye. It also comes with just 3 mana points requirement. Pretty nifty to use with low mana limit battles.

On the fourth position, I placed the Silent Sha-VI.

I thought that a double sneak attack from this and the Skeleton Assasin would do a lot of back damage. All that while they are being kept hidden under the Carrion Shade's shadow.

For the fifth position, I placed the Chaos Agent.

He serves as an additional shield from the back. My attackers are sandwiched between this guy and Carrion Shade.

The last position was filled by a magic attacker.

This is also a pretty sneaky monster in another sense. The Life Sapper has the ability to use Life Leech which increases its HP with each attack on the enemy's monster.

The summoners stood above the hills facing each other while smelling the stinky smell of rage and animosity. With a gesture of the hand and a waving of the wand, the monsters from each side appeared and they all were eager to bite each other's heads off.

All cards are on the table and the battle starts with a fierce growl from each other. The attackers from the opposing side were faster and stronger than expected. The first round ended with my side at an unbelievable disadvantage.

The second round started with two monsters on my side annihilated. The Life Sapper wasn't able to leech enough life points to stay alive and my Chaos Agent was tagged as KIA, killed-in-action.

My Skeleton Assasin and the Silent-Sha VI tagged team the backline of the enemy and they were able to take it out. My Cursed Windeku blew the opponent's tank away from the vicinity.

The third round started with an obvious advantage on my side. I was able to take out the biggest threats and attackers from the enemy's lineup. The only attacker he's got left is a magic attacker and a melee with a sneak ability.

But it sucks for him because his attackers were all placed in the back and my Skeleton Assasin and Silent-Sha VI feasted on them one after the other.

After a few more rounds, all of his attackers are wiped out. The only one remaining in front of the summoner is the monster who kept on increasing its HP. But no matter how much HP it took in, it wasn't enough and its wings were torn off it and its head rolled down the hill with the summoner on its knees awaiting for the final blow of victory.

If you didn't like my commentary, you can see the whole battle with sounds here:

My strategy worked this time and that's a big thanks to the opponent's strategy. He focused on prolonging the battle when he decided to use that scavenger monster. I was focused on the offensive. And as we all know, the better defense is a good offense. I can see myself doing the same thing. Always, attack fast and hit hard.

We didn't get to see the Carrion Shade to its trick here but I still do like it. I think that its got so much potential as a back up shield or extra attacker with just 1 mana point requirement.


Thanks for visiting again. It's my second entry to this week's Splinterlands Share Your Battle Challenge. Decided to do another one and I'm glad that I did. I now have a new monster to use for my lineups. Nice.

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Series    : All About Crypto
Title     : Whatever You Do Under the Shade, Carri-on
Published : 11-Mar-2022
Author :  © RB

$ 6.48
$ 6.39 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Talecharm
$ 0.02 from @kushina
+ 2
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2 years ago


i played this game for a while. i won some, i lost some fights too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

haha I lost many fights :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't know that this game exist heheehe. It's like Mobile Legend but there are differences in how to play

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yeah.. this is easier to play, but harder to win. hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago