Question for the Nobel Prize: How to wean a child from video games?

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Avatar for lukalaban1981
4 years ago

I noticed this quite by accident, it's my brother's son, because when I was a child you couldn't drive me into the house. Today's children are completely different, you can't separate them from the computer and take them to the children's playground, for example. In that name, you have to wean the child from playing games on the phone or computer in time, because the addiction comes to school, by socializing aggression ...

Addiction to games can be fatal for a child, experts warn. The most common theme of games is violence, and those via social networks are also popular - where predators lurk.

For starters my little advice, don’t try by force. Be curious and ask what kind of game it is, and then suggest to the child to stop and do something together.

the girls like to play younger than 10 the most and then they get addicted the fastest. This is especially true for boys. First they watch others play, and then they get involved themselves. Games raise the stress hormone and children quickly become victims of adrenaline.

Nothing can compare to the adrenaline that children feel while playing "shooters" and that is the end.

That is the end, because nothing can be measured by this excitement. So, before you feel high adrenaline, you have to react, because the only substitute can be going to an amusement park, a sport like ping-pong or paintball. Unfortunately, I’ve already told you, kids who play games aren’t good at motor sports and won’t enjoy them.

I’ve noticed that a kid who plays games doesn’t have company because he doesn’t need it. So, offer a different kind of fun .... Kids who play games don't need drugs. Children who play games do it because they do not have company, so if it is for justified reasons, give him more attention and time. Offer him more interesting facilities such as football, fishing, kayaking, horseback riding, archery ...

One very important thing that you must pay attention to and be sure to take into account the success of your child in school, and a serious alarm is bad grades and night play.

When a child who plays games starts getting bad grades, don't blame him, because it's already late. These children go to bed later, and many wake up during the night and play games so that their parents do not know it. Video games encourage aggression and these children do not make a clear line between reality and imagination. Kids who play games usually don't have many friends and you have to work on that. Find friends who have children of the same age and encourage socializing. Of course, in nature.

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$ 1.09 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @tatatatira
Avatar for lukalaban1981
4 years ago


Odgovor na pitanje je nikako. Svi to rade je samo izgovor, ne rade svi, ali radi vecina. E sad, da li cemo dozvoliti da vecina diktira ono sto radimo, to je vec druga stvar. Ja sam svojoj deci uvek govorila da ako nesto radi vecina to ne znaci automatski da su u pravu. Poslusala sam u nedelju Ruzu i pogledala film o kome je pisala u ovom postu i od tada ne mogu da prestanem da razmisljam o tome.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Vrlo rado cu pogledati post i ja, hvala na odgovoru.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Haha i am also a addictive gamer and i will try to follow the tips

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sve je to istina, ali je mnogo tesko da se na to utice. Sva deca pricaju o igricama, pa ono koje ih ne igra obicno bude odbaceno

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ima istine, polazim od sebe, doduse u moje vreme igrce nisu bile toliko popularne.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nismo ni svesni kakva se opasnost krije iza celodnevne izloženosti sadržajima interneta koji su 99% bez cenzure servirani deci i omladini. Roditelji dobijaju bez po muke vreme za sebe koje takođe provode gledajući u ekrane svojih mobilnih telefona. Svi mirni. Horor.... ma užas...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hvala na odgovoru, potpuno se slazem sa tobom, sve je gore i gore

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Vise nas je pisalo o opasnostima koje sa sobom nosi predugo izlaganje sadrzajima sa interneta, pogotovo kod dece. I treba. To je nesto na sta stalno treba da upozoravamo. Sinoc sam napisala clanak o dokumentaru koji sam pogledala juce po podne i sad se jezim od pomisli na ono sto sam videla, iako sam dosta upucena u temu. Ono bih stvarno svakom preporucila da pogleda.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Dobio sam vec preporuku za tvoj post, rado cu pogledati.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Juce i danas sam u skoli pustala ucenicima taj dokumentarni film. Bili su zaprepasceni kada su shvatili na koje nacine se putem drustvenih mreza manipulise svima nama.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is the reason why we bought our son a bike! Now instead of playing with phones he goes to the park and meets new friends! And it's far better that way. That's a good article. Cheers!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is an increasingly common topic in society to which more and more attention will be paid.

$ 0.00
4 years ago