Is It Good To Be Generous ??

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Avatar for leyifunmi
3 years ago

Generosity can be defined as an act of showing readiness to give more of something especially money or some sort of help to people in need. It might be helping someone come out of some difficulty he is passing through.

Being generous to people around us is a great virtue to possess. Not everyone is financially okay. Some may be passing through some deep financial problems and be looking for help from you. A generous heart will always like to give. You don't have to be a billionaire before you can be generous, being generous comes from the heart. That's why you see a child sharing from the little food he has to his fellow mates so that they can eat together. Generous acts can comes in different ways. Generosity is seen in someone trying to give a beggar money on the road, it is also seen in assisting people with money to start or develop their business. The beauty of being generous to people around us is unexplainable.

Sometimes you think that do generosity pays? You wondered why people should be generous to others. Some of the reasons why you have to be generous are listed with some advantages too.

1. Life turns unexpectedly:

We all know that we are living in the type of world that unforseen occurrences can happen to us at anytime and here is a case, a rich person today might not be rich tomorrow, riches especially if not managed well fly away easily. When you cultivate the habit of being generous to people around you and in the neighborhood, you are planning for your future because some of those people you helped will return the favor to you back sooner or later. I have heard stories of people who helped their friends back in school when they were still young and fortunately those who were helped later rose to great positions and helped their helper back then in school. That's karma for you. Don't think you are spending your money into the winds if you are helping people. Trust me it's like an investment, you will see the full returns later even more than the help you have rendered.

2. It's a command from God

Our creator show us in his words why we have to be generous to people around us, to show love to them and to help one another in our capacity. A giver never lacks. Make it a compulsion to always be generous and give to people around you. Nothing is too big and nothing is too small. You can start from somewhere, infact it doesn't have to be money all the time, you might also give out something of value someone urgently needs. Don't take life too hard. No matter how rich you are, you won't take money to heaven. Just try to help as much as possible. Remember God ask us to give to the poor and to be generous. God said he is going to reward givers and helpers of the needy abundantly.

3. A generous man is a happy man.

Have you felt some kind of inner happiness and joy because you helped someone. That's how a generous heart feel everytime they help others in need. People always want to be associated with a happy person. A generous man never stay poor. He keeps increasing both in wealth and in happiness. He is not bothered by anytime. Being generous will make you to be loved because you are kind and also empathic towards them and their situations. A generous man is not always lonely. He gets approval of people and is often appreciated and respected by many.

4. A generous man will always be served.

People who always want to do the bidding of their helper, they can go extra miles for such people to express their gratefulness. Being generous brings you close to people who loves you for who you are and are ready to serve you so that you can be happy too.

Always be kind and generous to people around you. If half of the world is being kind and empathic towards the others, our world will be changed positively. Poor people won't have to be worried about going to going to sleep on an empty stomach because they know someone will provide for them. No one will have to commit suicide because they are in debt. The world will live blissfully and in perfect harmony. Be kind to one, it's not possible to be kind to the whole world at the same time. Make someone smile besides you and that's how it keeps going till we make the world a better place. Thanks

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Avatar for leyifunmi
3 years ago


You Post very Usefull artical

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice pist

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is good to be generous

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Such a well articulated article,keep bringing in more of this

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Generosity is good, but being too good is another thing

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3 years ago

Being generous to me is not a thing of choice, it should come naturally. Blessed I'd he who gives than he who takes

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3 years ago

To be generous is good, there's always a reward for every act be it positive or negative, so a man that plants a generous seed reaps same towards him or his children

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3 years ago

Being generous is one of the sure ways to receive more blessing..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A happy man is a generous man sure

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is great Do you speak the pure language?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's good to help and be generous to others around us. Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago